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Posts posted by Trinax

  1. Greetings,


    I've been following the progress of Duel Universe for quite some time now, and so far I'm loving the idea and what they've made so far!

    I have one question, though, which has made me very curious. Why do they develop this game in UNIGINE and not in UE4 or Unity? I might lack some knowledge and information about the differences between these 3 game engines, but from my understanding, UNIGINE are great when it comes to rendering, but so is UE4 and the cost of using UNIGINE is so expensive that a lot of developers doesn't use it at all, as they can bring out a very similar result from using UE4 (Maybe Unity as well?).


    Keep in mind that the information that I've gathered, comes from reading and doing research, so correct me if I'm wrong! 

    This question will be irrelevant if they don't use UNIGINE anymore, as I gathered that info from wiki.


    The question in short is:

    Why choose UNIGINE when there are so many other engines out there who can bring a very similar result?

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