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Posts posted by _Crow_

  1. Star Citizen has cleared that up. People will be spending real money on newer models of ships in-game. Same deal with people who buy iPhone 6, then the next year they buy iPhone 6S, next year they buy iPhone 6XXL and so on.


    Make what you wish out of it.


    Yes you can buy the ships in SC outright but almost all ships (rare alien ships you have to capture) will be obtainable in game if you don't want to use real moneys.


    If you hardcore game everyday then a Sub fee would be worth it. But as gamers get older, life and responsibilities get in the way. I maybe have about 5 hours in a week to do any gaming. And that depends if the weather outside sucks. Otherwise I'm outdoors or out and about. So a Sub fee to me is not worth it. I would be wasting my money.

  2. To clarify, I expect to be playing the game regardless of the inclusion of combat at launch. My biggest concern is getting lots of other people to play in the face of that potential absence. I would be happy with anything at launch, because like the Devs, I expect this to be a game that starts small and simple and progresses to something special. If all we get is 2 guns and a basic HP bar, that will still be better than nothing, because the point of DU seems to be very heavily focused on building amazing things, not on destroying things.


    I accept that premise. I welcome it even. But creations, be it a building, a ship, or a community, are made truly valuable by standing in the face of adversity. EVE taught me that. By removing adversity, even if only for "a while" as stated by the devs, you reduce the value of player accomplishments. That's why combat matters so much to me.



    This is exactly why a lot of games fail or flourish. Take GW2 for instance. Im so bored with that game its not even funny. Its a pure crafting and mining game with a separate shallow PvP section. On the other hand EvE is very meta combat but its still going strong. I'm not a fan of meta/spreadsheet combat. I look for rich and deep game play for combat that has influence in that universe. We need to help the devs and come up with PvP game play that actually gets peoples imaginations going.

  3. I saw the initial video on this kick starter about 2 months ago...? (around when NMS was in the news)  


    I'm not a backer yet. Mostly because I don't believe in subscription based games, so I do hope this will change in the future but also I have limited time. I currently have bought into 3 game that are in the works.




    Decent: Underground


    I currently play GW2 every so often.


    I am watching this game and Warhammer 40K Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. But like I said my time to game in the day is limited. But I am watching.

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