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Posts posted by DreaminCircle

  1. The change to construct limits will kill this game for majority of the content creators. Without content creators (base builders, ship builders, mini-game builders, etc...) this game will result in more people leaving than joining.  Only being able to have 17 max personal cores (that wont show up for alts or friends on their list) and 25 max org cores per player will cripple the community driven efforts.

    Few things I can see going bad.

    1. Having such a small core cap is going to result in players 'maxing out' after only a few months of game play. The hope for any longevity in a subscription will go out the window. There will be no insensitive to continue to build and play when u can not keep progressing in the game. Once i am no longer able to build in this game, the game is dead to me and i will likely tear down my constructs, delete the resources, and then unsub my accounts.

    2. I feel that this change was to target a select few offenders, but majority of the player base now gets impacted and has to "deal with it". Making the entire player base take the hit for a select few people maxing the limit is a sure way to alienate the masses.

    3. Orgs will now have to force players to donate core slots makes it so players can no longer progress on an org level AND personal level. We have to now chose one or the other. 


    4. Now, if an org member leaves and takes his construct allocation with him, the org will face the "Random loss of cores" due to this. There is no way to prioritize mining units to be lost over HQ base constructs, or dynamic cores over static cores, etc... having it "randomly" lost will result in someone losing a very important core instead of one easily replaced.

    5. With the addition of mining units, and the simple fact that a single core can not split more than 1 tile and requires at least 1 core of miners for each tile. Even if i wanted to, i could not produce enough ore on a single account to have miners, a factory, and a few ships required to "move ore, pvp, or simply have fun".

    Even with my 3 characters, i will be forced to cut my core limit in half. To simply put if, if i end up reaching max core limits and i can no longer build and progress in this game (even with 3 characters) then i will simply be unsubscribing my 3 accounts and will call it a "fun experience while it lasted".

    Not to mention the plenty of larger projects out there like IC spaceport, DU-racing, Unet/Utopia, Huge station, etc.. that will no longer be able to own enough cores to accommodate their communities.

    Also, this is not going to fix the issue with space towers on an inactive accounts HQ tile that was automatically assigned in the first place. Now, we will have "random" cores missing from the tower making it even harder to see, and still being a problem for the game and players.

    I understand the need for limiting cores... but 25 org slots is just simply too little. Its fine to keep the max core allocation, but only having such a small core count is going to drive more players away from the game than anything. Your subs number will drop and the only thing you will be left with are players that only stick around for 3-6 month subs and then quit, along with a ton of abandoned bases. (which by the way, still likely cause allocation on the server side, so if it has an owner or if it doesnt, wont change the costs much)


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