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Posts posted by Xuhybrid

  1. On 6/30/2021 at 10:41 PM, joaocordeiro said:

    You guys don't get it...
    For ppl like the OP, the word socialism is not what a definition says.
    It is an insult. It is 100% synonymous of the enemy, of hell, of everything that ppl should not be.

    A certain group of countries created this hate against this word to justify wars and commercial deals.
    Now that the Cold War is over, a certain group of political activists use that word to fulfill their agenda.

    Their agenda is simple, it is to discriminate everything associated with the word. To make any idea related to the word "undebatable" because it is evil. And everyone that does not agree that the word is evil is also evil.
    In summary, the end of constructive debate...



    But back to this topic.

    The op lives in this environment where "socialism" is evil.

    And tried to associate some DU mechanic with "evil" to make it "undebatable"

    I don't believe the OP knows what "socialism" is in any definition, and I don't think the OP actually thinks his complaint is about socialism.


    He just used the word to have an "impact" tittle and some "support" from similar players.

    Let's just forget about the millions killed through forcing socialism to work on a larger community scale like an entire country. Mao and Stalin definitely didn't kill millions of their own people doing this. Nothing to see here. Also, socialism is just a stepping stone to communism, since they're basically the same but one has more steps.


    That aside, it's pretty clearly a capitalist economy. You could join a socialist organisation if you want, since that kind of economic model works pretty well on a small scale.

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