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Posts posted by clarity

  1. Competition for new UEF store ships The current UEF ships are, to be frank, quite bad. They were made a while ago, but now that we are all a bit more accostumed to ship building and to what a ship can do, it is time for new ones. I suggest a new competition in different categories to decide on new ships. These ships are not for us, they are for the new players who may not have found their way to other ways to purchase a ship yet but really want one, why not give them something more useful? The game needs a lot of things, but the CM and community holding a competition for new UEF store ships does not stop any coders or designers from doing the other stuff.

  2. love to see custom robots and mechs based off your ship building mechanics with different rolls like farming mining repairing fixing refueling building market defense security combat something like mechwarrior meets robot wars & if u can pull off the animations for moving lags and arms just use like tractor beams lasers and hovers and stuff. but it be nice to see lots off different lags and arms like spider lags/ tank tracks /wheels /robot lags then arm like fighting arms /mining / fixing /refueling /building & with maybe even tweakable AI.. ;) so like everything frome like super small matematicas & security drones to like super large construction and fighting mechs. :)

  3. just nuke the markets moahah ;) & let the players figure it out .......(& or) make it so players can craft 2 tips of market venders at their bases 1 is a global vander that's linked to all markets ...& 2 is a local market vander that's linked to their shops storage boxes and shows a list off all the stuff they r selling and can buy .....so u dont got to look around for days in peoples massiv shops ....& i feel bad for the shop owners that got to setup all the veders  for like each type of thing that thay got to sell witch can take weeks or more to set up + thay got to price fluctuations all the time in the markets thay got to update all the time seem pretty annoying to me

  4. hay don't hate the player hate the game..i'm just stating a (( fact )) .. and this is a pay2win because paying real money for something that's locked behind a paywall that givs a unfair advantage or power in eneyway is pay2win and the problem is not alts its the power increase that  can't be unlock ingame for free. and that its incentives by the devs.. & don't get me wrong i'm loving this game thats why im here ...but this games getting a pay2win reputation & thats a death sentence..... seen it b4 many times... and say tooned i got more topics that needs debating.. ;)

  5. so i was trying to get my streamer friends to come play this game but they all called it pay2win with disgust and won't play till its not pay2win..so im here to ask if u r planning on dealing with this major problem because its important for the long term success of this game & must be dealt with b4 lunch. & heers a list of reasons why coming form your own community. (1) multiboxing memory macros in pvp totally unfair (2) richy rich wales buying up every plot of land and not reily using it sept to sell it to homeless newbs (3) fast tracking talent tees on multiple characters defeating the point of your long term growth and making em capable of doing everything which is unfair to people without 20+toons (4) basic daily income for etch extra toon angan unfair :(5) incentivising paying for extra  characters look desperate and scamy & people i want to support u.. i want to support u but not in a way that's immoral cheety or feels bad:( ..like waers the cash shop with skins booster and basic parts and materials  and time savers i can buy?. :) just don't do loot crates or paywalls on stuff that can be seen as giving a unfair advantage.. or all be forced to right a new wall of text 

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