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Posts posted by Kegstand

  1. Unless I missed something the game is in beta right now right? Why would they NOT wipe going forward to release. I don't think I have played a game yet where they left everything from beta intact to release. So you lost some work you knew you were signing into a beta right? Just like anyone who signs up for a greenlit alpha on Steam it's an alpha and not an intended release version yet everyone seems to expect a polished finished game from greenlit alphas. I think it's a travesty if they left the game in tact to move into release. Many folks who will actually play these game will at best test out mechanics in the beta, see how everything works maybe help testing bugs and finding exploits to fix but then shelve the game for release and go HAM then. The only game I know that never wiped in various stages of development was Eve and that wasn't advertised as a beta product either.

    I realize many of you folks have a lot of time put in but that is on you for getting to wrapped up in a beta access. Those true lovers of the game won't care they will burn their time in beta then take a break for release and go ham all over again. I don't get the thought process behind leaving it all most folks won't even join a beta they will watch it and if it is successful then put money down on release.

    Not intentionally trying to ignite angry nerd rage here but show me an mmo/survival that went from beta to release and didn't wipe because I honestly don't remember any and I have played about every major mmo/survival game on the market that is worth playing.

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