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Posts posted by Dhamon

  1. 13 hours ago, qwertyboom said:

    And i hope a lot of people leave because of this.  

    Amen to that! I'll give it 1-2 weeks to see if they wipe the universe and/or remove the schematic part from the game. If not, I'm cancelling my subscription until the moment where this is fixed. Thanks to the schematics part of the game, it doesn't feel like a game (or the game they promised/promoted) and I don't want to play a "game" that feels like a chore/job/endless grind. Add yesterday's nonsense and I've lost interest completely!

    Really curious to see what they'll do as I think the game has great potential and would love for it to succeed.

  2. Dear Devs (please read this!),


    I'm a fairly new player and would like to share my thoughts on this "rebalance" and some stuff about the game in general (and yes, I keep in mind it's a beta!).


    When I discovered this game, it basically promised me to play in any way I like. 

    What way did I want to play? Mostly solo in the start, slowly building up a basic mini-factory, then maybe automated mining (which I found to my frustration is still impossible), then grow the factory bigger and bigger and start building amazing structures and starships of various sizes thanks to the production of the growing factory. That this would be a valid way to play is what was portrayed in your promotional material and what attracted me to the game.

    On a side note: my compliments for the HUGE amount of different items available in game to build stuff with! I absolutely love(!) the sheer amount of different items in this game! Amazing in my opinion!

    Buttttt...... all this stuff is unreachable for a humongous amount of time! Which brings me to the next part:


    However, in order to play this game the way I set out to play it, thanks to your "rebalance", I need millions and millions of credits to get schematics to make even the must basic components. As a starting player, the only way I see me getting that money is by grinding, more grinding, even more grinding and tons more grinding on mining and then selling ore to bots.

    I don't mind sinking in a lot of time to get to a basic factory and way more time over the coming months to get a huge factory by chosing to play solo a lot, but thanks to schematics, for me as a new player the amount of time I need because I need to get a schematic for everything is is just beyond absurd!!


    The promise was "I can build anything I can imagine, from simple ships to massive space stations. You can create awe inspiring structures on your own or unite with other players to build flourishing cities".  Another quote from the promotional video: ""In out shared universe, players are given unprecedented freedom to shape their world.". 

    That was what attracted me to this game!  That freedom aspect!! Not being forced to play it in a certain way another person thinks would be fun for me. However, the schematic system forces me to play in a certain way and sink a bizarre amount of time in the game before I can actually play it the way that was promised and the way I intended to play. 


    Let me quote something from the dev blog: "It should come... It should not... You should...". 

    You are not being given unprecedented freedom with the current schematic system and telling people what they should do is not freedom to choose how to play!!


    I do get that you guys wanted to fix the market system and that that's why you implemented it. But you should not force people to use the market system if they don't want to!!! (which now seems to happen). Do not promise unprecedented freedom if it's not there!!


    Here's a new players perspective on how to fix this and what should have been done with the schematics if you want to stay true to the vision that people play "specialized roles" and or use the market place:  

    - Make the schematics of all tier 1 resources, components, structures etc free!! And if you want people to need time to spend time to unlock production of all those tier 1 components: easy, just set up a quest/tutorial like system where the player is rewarded certain of the tier 1 schematics after having delivered/fulfilled specific requirements. For example: you need to have mined x amount of tier 1 ore to unlock schematics for basic refinery/assembly stations. Once those are up, unlock another quest to be able to receive schematics (for free) of the parts needed to build those refineries, smelters etc etc. You can be creative with this.

    - Schematics of tier 2+ resources and associated components/structures: make it that you can obtain these in various ways:

    * Buy them for looaaaaddddssss of credits, scaling up exponantionally the higher tier resources/associated components etc you get.

    * Or unlock specific tier schematics automatically if you have specific tier talents unlocked. Also, make the unlocking of talents take way more time!!! For example, 2 hrs for tier 1 talents, 8 hrs/talent for tier 2,  12-24 for tier 3 talents or whatever amount etc. This way, early game, you are nudged into specialization roles more in my opinion as seemed to be intended when the game was build. Also, this does in my opinion encourage more to buy specific items from players if you're unable to craft them yourself. Yes, eventually people will be able to have every talent in the game and be able to fill every role. The game was about freedom to do as you wish so that should be no problem, right?


    I could keep going with suggestions but this post is already getting way long.

    Anyway, unrelated, as said I absolutely love the diverse amount of items you can build stuff with. Also the enormous talent tree is something I absolutely love (though maybe with option to unlock blueprints if you unlocked specific talents). Also please please please add auto-mining so we're not forced into tons and tons of hrs of manual labor. A game should be fun and not feel like a job/chore.


    I do get that this game is in beta and I think it has fantastic potential, but until this schematic part is fixed, I'm out and will cancel the subscription before it's renewed if it's not fixed before then.

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