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Posts posted by mkahmvet

  1. So here's the thing.  I quit and I don't plan on coming back because I don't trust your big vision is fun.  I think you're going to try to copy eve online and make it so that the solo/small group is just food to be chewed up and spit out by the big group; the join a big group or don't play at all mentality.  Yeah, no thanks.

    I would have kept going for a while regardless, except the fun:suck ratio just wasn't there on the small scale either... the tipping point was losing my main testbed ship to a disconnect, despite an AGG.  That's not fun.  Going through the effort of repairing it did not sound even remotely fun.  It's been a while since I unsubbed (I still follow the discord to get an idea of where things might be going) so my list of what was and was not fun is hazy by this point, but the only real fun thing was building and flying stuff, and even that was borderline because the tools for both just were not great at all (the suck on ship design should be creative challenges, not the tools themselves.)

    Promising it'll be easier for us to get jobs in a game where people say the problem is it feels like a job?  I, uh, I don't get that at all.

  2. On 1/11/2021 at 9:03 AM, Aaron Cain said:

    nooo, not another limitation

    limitations aren't inherently bad.  Soft limitations by adjusting existing variables would encourage the search for loopholes to do exactly what is already being done with no actual change in behavior happening.  Universal hard limitations are also bad.  Conditional limitations are my proposal, as you can do the exact thing you are already doing, but you'd have to do it places where you don't have to worry about being a dick to everyone else.

  3. 1 hour ago, Atmosph3rik said:

    If the intended purpose of AGG is only to allow you to hover at a specific altitude,  why not just make it so that's all they do?


    Turn it on and you stay at whatever altitude you are at.  Wouldn't even need the 1k height limit.  If you want to go up, you need thrust.


    Am i missing something here?


    If they create lift, of course people are going to use them to lift stuff.

    that's very  nearly what they do.  It's a little more complicated because it sets a "singularity" at a height that pulls you in towards it to deal with fluctuations, i.e. you don't fall out of it by shifting 1m up or down.  The issue becomes when you move that singularity.  The implementation is that it changes altitude very slowly so it's not supposed to be a good way to gain altitude, just park.


    even if agg could be used all the way to the ground, or worked as a hard altitude lock, there is still incentive to have 1km towers.  You want to never have to move your singularity height if you don't have to, and you want the singularity to be set as high as you can go and still be able to access your linked container (high enough to avoid low obstacles like terrain and random constructs around markets.)


    I really don't know what the solution is.  I don't think lowering the height will change tower density or height.  Raising the height might reduce density a little bit but I wouldn't count on it.  Maximum build height might be a potential route, but would you use height above terrain or above 0?  And what if you dig out some terrain, or build up some terrain? 


    My instinct is the solution would be limiting number of static cores on a tile the closer you get to the districts or a market, so if you want to build something big, it also has to be remote.

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