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Posts posted by Skimtet

  1. So, it's been two weeks now, and I'm done trying to create a ship with your voxel system. You can only create square ships in this game, or ships that look like they went through a very strong magnet, because the voxel system HATES triangles. 


    Good luck, I'm going back to Space Engineers. 

  2. The Deploy Voxel Tool has a built-in auto-smoothing system that attempts to "be smart" and "think" on my behalf, merging voxels to random voxels nearby (merging vectors to be precise), just because it can, even though I don't want it to. If it can't place voxels like that then just give me a warning saying I can't place voxels like that, don't try to blend my voxels together for me, because it only makes it look like someone trashed my space ship with a hammer. 


    Please give us a way to toggle it off. 

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