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Posts posted by CMHWoody

  1. So I received a backer beta invite, however, when I attempt to use it, it FORCES me to sign up a new account.  I'm unable to do this because my email is in use by the account I setup in preparation for the beta invite. There does not appear to be any way to assign the game time code to an existing account, or any way for me to delete the existing account so I can sign up new again.


    I have no desire to go setup some fake email address just for this (or for any reason really). 


    Does that simply mean I'm unable to participate?  

  2. Thank your for the reply. The fact that things will not be wiped is a key item as that shifts the beta to more like a release.  It's still a little difficult for me to overcome paying for a beta, just solely based on principle, but that's something I'd obviously have to get over if I am interested in checking it out.     


    And I understand funding issues.. Infrastructure and hardware isn't cheap. 


    The anti-griefing take is a little concerning as that suggests the game systems themselves aren't great at preventing griefing, but pvp will always be pvp and you'll have your bad apples.  Gaming (and it's accompanying largely anonymous presence by players) has long been a hot bed for the absolute worst type of folks for no reason that I can glean. 

  3. So I have a questions about the subscription.


    First of all, let me state that I have NO issue at all with subscription games and your subscription price is on the lower end, so eminently affordable.  I nearly always pay the subscription for the sub benefits even in games where it is technically optional.


    So, to my questions:


    If I subscribe and get access to the beta, does my game time start only once the game is officially released?  If not, exactly why should I pay you to test the game for you?  This just doesn't make much sense to me from a consumer point of view. Beta is, by definition, NOT a fully functional release version and players should not have to pay you to test your game.  if you are arguing that the game is fully functionality and of release quality which justifies my subscription, then why not just have it in release status and continue to develop?  This makes zero sense to me.  If you see the beta subscription as more of a "backer" type player then why is it not like the prior backer players who are playing the beta for free?  Really, no matter how I look at it, it does not make sense for a consumer to pay for a beta quality release (which you are admitting to by calling it a beta).


    Of course, if my game time does not start until official release then all of the points above are moot and can be ignored.  



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