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Posts posted by Neptune

  1. I must admit he has an... unusual and very interesting profile ^^
    Their approach to firstly develop the technology before the game is also very interesting and probably linked to the J-C Baillie's career.

    To stay on topic, this DPU system would be so rewarding. You said emergent gameplay ?... Right on the mark sir ! :)
    One of the most important parts will obviously be the diversity of triggering events and conditional status we'll be able to detect, compare, and process. Can't wait to see it in action, even if, I guess it's remaining only ideas for the moment and won't be one of the first things they'll develop.

  2. I'm also surprised.

    Indeed, maybe there is little to no advertising/communication about it. And frankly I don't think it's a bad thing for the moment considering alpha will be in 2017, beta in 2018... I'm tired of all these greedy editors/devs that over communicate in pre-alpha stages about their "revolutionary" games, to end up selling unfinished/buggy games.

    A working game, with smooth and stable gameplay is surely the best advertising.
    Free open betas should be opportunities for honest devs to test their 99% finished multiplayer game on large scales, and to create real justified hypes.

    So imo here is the 2nd explanation : the ambient scepticism. Particularly for an ambitious project like this, it simply looks too good to be true.

    A good example of it : here this guy may over suspecting things, but I must admit he's quite funny, and I can understand him ^^
    Even Jean-Christophe Baillie said that it's perfectly normal to have doubts about their game in this interview (at 20:20, the whole interview is very interesting btw).

  3. I'm just discovering this game project.

    This is just... wow. All the concepts about this game are just crazy. It could be the dreaming space sim so many players are waiting for. And this DPU system is the cherry on the cake (possibly the cake under the cherry for me ^^).

    Now if I can be a bit sceptical (blame the so many promising independent projects which have been so disappointing in recent years), I'm wondering what kind of alien servers and programming skills will you have to use to keep the game from being a massive buggy lag fest : single-shard universe with thousands of players (if not more), real time combat, procedural universe (with no limit ?), all things voxel editable (I can't imagine the exponential amount of data the last 2 points will cause), custom LUA scripts running everywhere...
    I'll really believe it when I'll see it :lol:

    Ofc as a lover of space sim and sandbox games, I really wish you'll succeed ! That's for sure the most interesting game project I've ever heard of.
    I will follow this project very closely ^_^ Good luck !

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