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Question About Planets


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If it took 10,000 years to find a habitable planet, that would be that earth like planets are very rare. That being said, one the main concepts of this game is exploration and colonization. If players are to colonize other planets, how many of those planets will be earth like? How many different planet types will there be? How far out will each planet be from each other for each solar system?

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If it took 10,000 years to find a habitable planet, that would be that earth like planets are very rare. That being said, one the main concepts of this game is exploration and colonization. If players are to colonize other planets, how many of those planets will be earth like? How many different planet types will there be? How far out will each planet be from each other for each solar system?


Well remember from the lore the Ark ship didnt have FTL. We dont know how that came about, many of us here suspect the Ark AI was doing experiments and research for the 10,000 year trip and developed it. So that will allow us to travel between system much faster. We dont know how far it traveled from earth, but at sub light speeds, having to enter a system to scan it accurately, It may not have been very far. It at least wouldnt be very many systems inspected.  


Furthermore the AI states 'minimum parameters met' i n the lore. We dont know what those are, there could have been planets that could support life, but not meet the parameters set by the Earth engineers. From some of the Dev responses, we also dont expect all planets we visit to be habitable. Some may be harsh environments requiring protection. 


As for types of planets, we dont know. They are procedurally generated, so there will be infinite variety in them. But as far as being say a gas giant, barren rock, frozen ice, earthlike, life baring but alien. We dont know. We also dont know the distances or the travel time by FTL between systems. 

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PLEEEEASE, let these devs be first to bring me a gas giant in which I can make a neutrally buoyant station that looks like Cloud City... :D 

As long as they make gas giant's I don't care if I have to fly halfway across the galaxy to find one and then have to rich to start building in one.  I'd still be the most amazing thing ever. 

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I have yet to read up on everything the devs have released about the game(my weekend will be filled with reading though). I imagine that it might be scaled down from actual distances, but not too much. I would expect that at least one planet in each system would be tolerable for some sort of habitat to be built on or in. I am personally hoping to find a forest type of planet to build on, but it depends on the scenery. I would take just about anything if it looks good.

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