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MYDU Server Configs Please

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Hello all.

I was excited to give it a try any setup the MYDU Server via Docker.

All went fine and good, but I'm struggeling with the configs.


What I'm looking for is one BIG THING,
I'd like to feel the digging again, scanning &digging for ore - good old days


[quote]With the above mentioned old pre-mining unit planets, there should indeed be underground meganodes.[/quote]


Does someone know how to set this up ? My Scanner shows nothing - partout - when playing out of the box-settings.


@Novaquark, thanks for the Server-goodie - is there a way to make some old miners happy ?

.. there some guides explaining the backend maybe ?





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what I know meantime:

- there is no planetary mining - the old diggout game only happens on asteorids (it was fun to find some rare-ores without the risk of loosing the ship)

- messing with the docker: only use up.bat/down.bat (this handles some dependencies - if you instead use docker to stop/start you wont be able to log in game any longer)

- find somne csv files on github, having all DUItems by name - fill your market-files e.g. 1.csv with this data - try to seed the market in the Backend and if 1.csv throws no error, then simply copy this over all other csv's, seed again and you can buy all you need everywhere

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