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So I think something we could use is an industry machine that will create packages based on a pre-defined selection. It would effectively a dispenser and a Transfer Unit. It would have 7 inputs and one output which only connects to a Parcel Container.


You can set a name for the package it creates.

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  • Gerdieman changed the title to Packaging Unit

Would be very nice and interesting if such packaging units could also be used to produce "blueprint packages" or "token blueprints", basically combine a blueprint of an item with the elements and honeycomb necessary for it in a single package that the buyer could then place down.

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An interesting idea, and I could certainly see use for a link allowing a transfer unit to drain a parcel-container, but as the game currently requires each package created by a given player to have a unique name from all other packages that player currently owns (to prevent exploits/shenanigans), an element that puts things in to a package would need some method of generating unique package names without nessicarily having immediate access to the element-owners list of currently existing packages...

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