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Update to the hud so you see info boxes around planets when you look at them [Game Suggestion]


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I think it would be handy to have info boxes round planets when you look at them in game, far off they would just say the name and distance (to the closest side) but close up as the boxes get bigger because the planets are bigger it could have info like ores found on that planet, indicating mined or on surface and potentially the book mark points you have for the planet too or just territories since some people might have a lot of book marks - might have to limit to closest territory for those with a lot or territories.


Also the box for a particular planet should disappear for that specific planet once you get in the planets 'height from surface' indicator, or it would get confusing.

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Arch hud waypointer.json already does some of this, it does require an extra program board, but it does almost exactly what your asking about.... The extra data about the planets would take some effort to add but nobody would need it out side of having it for roleplaying since there would be more lag with that amount of stuff on the screen.

Edited by space_man
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