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Orgs 2.0


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The first question to ask ourselves is:

  1. How many cores does both a player and an Organization need?
  2. What is an org in DU to begin with?
  3. Why are we allowed to join multiple orgs or start pocket orgs for more cores in the first place?
  4. How much is enough?
  5. Last but not least, What function are orgs supposed to play in DU?


The things to consider here before even answering those questions is what in DU actually appeals to you in context to what you actually use Orgs for, the goals in a group you have, gaming psycology (Solo, Casual, Small Group Dynamics, Large Group Dynamics, PvP, Elite Orgs, as well) as they pertain to a game that is essentially an economy loop that lacks the need to group or do anything with others and completely optional PvP where it matters and a game that is a building game that now is a treadmill of taxes and a flood of ore you cant even sell in the economy loop without undercutting yourself and others to make taxes to keep the whole charade going or that if you stop you get pushed off the treadmill and lose everything without ever firing a shot in PvP since taxes abandon cores, not touching anything for a period of time abandons cores, or arbitrary changes like the new Core changes abandons cores wether you play religiously or casually eventually NQ will forcefully impose negative changes or knee cap you for no real reason.


Maybe its cost cutting, or maybe NQ thinks this needs to happen for whatever reason they have in their minds for people skirting the system as none of it really matters when it is completely detrimental to the game at large. We can postulate all we want but at the end of the day this is becoming less and less of a game that is creating a death vice of bailing players, abondoned cores/structures/cities when NQ asked the players to build the game for them before they came in trying to kick down all the voxel sand castles we created.



Orgs need purpose, function, specialization, practical core counts, and a reason to actually work with others that does not create division and end up with someone rage quitting and taking back the cores your org might be counting on or invested in due to disinterest, unsubbing for terrible game conditions, or just taking a break, getting sicks, breaking an arm, or going to the hospital amonst other life issues that will inevitable result in a player investing potentially years of their life to lose by arbitary means that are Player Vs Developer rather than Player vs Player in origin.


Sure NQ might have build a half baked game and set standards that this is a building game with no real PvP that is completely optional or that at some point you get bored of the meta and grind and just decide to retire to build something grand like old people retiring and moving to florida to ride out changes or that the time it takes to build is not worth the 5-30 mins it takes to destroy vs  the years of hard grind and effort it takes to build that is the core issue.



1: The nature of org needs to change:


Acknowledging the cores are an issue is a start and sine you can create pock orgs, shell orgs, sister orgs, you name it to skirt the limits of what NQ allows you to do is the first issue that needs to be addressed along with the ability to join an org and what orgs and their players offer each other and the limited nature of permissions, lack of contracts or paychecks, rent, penalties, or laws in game are the real problem with orgs as you cant charge rent for personal cores, stores, etc and unless they are dynamic or given by the org for static cores that anyone with access can steal everything from you it creates a distrust loop cycle and that you can do much more meaningful stuff as a solo, small group, large group as you can as an org.


Since the multiple orgs are a problem with cores and the new system only really allows for 16 members donating 100 cores each it drastically limits and actually compounds the problem with seemingly simple solutions that in reality do 10x the opposite and further develops the game into a corner like quick sand that the more NQ struggles for solutions the faster the game diesunless they figure a way out without struggling too much before its too late.


2: Changing the structure of Orgs


You should only be able to join 1 org and each org should have a number of sub orgs within the org you can join based on your actual talents you have and the talents being how much you get paid as a salary from the org by first the value you bring to the org but also by your activity. If org membership was 1 per player it turns orgs into more of a faction with sub orgs as the flow of the game and the roles of the game as what you can do by what you can actually do.


2: Sub Orgs would have different missions, group finders, etc in which speed up the flow of the game so that you have:

  • Mining Sub Org
  • Industry Sub Org
  • Logistics Sub Org
  • Building/Ship Building Sub Org
  • Infrastructure Sub Org
  • Defense Sub Org
  • Offense Sub Org


Each of these orgs including the main org should have enough Core slots for 10k/10k ships and buildings, as well as TU slots as well for max territory an org can constrol that orgs as basically a main faction but also sub orgs have real tangible growth potential, core reserves, capability, purpose, and a workflow to do what they need to with more people, make work orders, logistics, transports, can police themselves, or can assault other org like factions and target their sub orgs as well since if you have to choose between joining a faction of sub orgs or building your own it should be possible but you would be fully exposed to PvP from any org faction. But at the same time Sub orgs create a pipeline to mine, produce, move, build, defend, and assault at the same time with people and their actual talents.


3: Taxation with actual representation.


The real loop that needs to happen is that all taxes collected go directly to the org they are a part of as they can only join 1 org. so all those resources can actually be used by an org to fund themselves, fund missions, fund resource aquisition, sell, fight, or defend their territory while still progressing as a team.


The other half of this is that Orgs and Players within the org should need to use their personal cores and be charged rent by the amount of cores that are also baked into this system so that the more you bring into the game the more you pay in rent or taxes and it all goes to the main org to build more industry, build more ships/strucutes, markets, or defenses to keep their assets safe from PvP and being exposed by building actual defendable cities with safety in numbers or that things are constantly being taken out ofi the game by PvP and destructive elements if you dont defend or key other orgs at bay.


Taxes and rent would help to make that a possiblity if you could only join 1 org and it also acted as what was used for wages, degense, etc in return and make it more of a necessity that it mutually beneficial in building bases or cities, military instalations, fleets, or markets and to keep it funded properly. If players donate cores then it helps to keep the orgs effort in establishing lasting assets they cant get back unless they are sized or destroyed instead of a lease or taking them back if it is evenyones interest to protect and keep assets with opperating costs, losses etc being factored into the system and paid for by rent or taxes.


To where a player can use their personal cores as a quazi residential district zoning and to where Orgs can actually zone tiles for such things since they would own all the land and rent it out to the players to drop personal cores on, make personal ships/structures, or they can also buy their own tile if they wanted and still be subject to anyone or any other org coming along and destroying and taking your stuff if you want.


4: Transition periods. If NQ goes this route they need to slow roll things rather than just surprise updates.


For instance taxes are finebut they should have phasedit in 100k at a time and finding the sweet spot or that if they want to change cores they need to pre-load the talents in so that the transitions go more smoothly rather than abandoning multiple hundreds of cores and not either having enough exp to reclaim them all or throwing a wrench into a majority of players existing builds if randos claim their stuff and dismantle or hold them hostage. All of that needs to be done delicately.


So like if you want people to be in faction like mega orgs slowly reduce the number of orgs you can be part of so that people have time to consilidate or transitions cores as the faction orgs form since you dont need pocket orgs, shell orgs, sister orgs, etc if there is no real upward limits to a master org faction and each sub org type also has no upward core limit tojoin into as the number of orgs you join diminishes like once a month vs like GOTCHA, SURPRISE everything is in chaos so choose or die its a nice slow roll smooth transition of power and consolidation through chosen alliances.


5: Org Population


Orgs as factions should have org soft caps averaged by consolidating orgs or the largest master orgs so that you can only have so many more members than the other faction orgs until enough people join the other orgs to increase your population. And unless people unsub, quit, etc you are grandfathered into your pop cap as the standard so that it keeps a kind of checks and balances but also creates competition to occur to need safety in numbers if you are now PvPable by any other org or that if you only get so much rent and taxes to fund an opperation vs a faction like org.


NQ should have also have imposed a minimum number of players to even create an org like 10/25/50 and need a charter signed by the founding members who are all orgless to make an org after the orgs are changed.


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