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Message to the design team: Taxes are not the problem and my perfect solution for mining units


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A message for NQ's design team to take into consideration.


I don't think taxes are the problem, the 1M quanta is a good price since you can make 2M a week when you keep your MUs at 100% and are able to sell it.


I do run into a couple of other problems:


I need a "add 1M" button instead

I understand the choice but a "add 1.000.000 button" would make it much easier to add funds to the territories. I think the wallet per territory is good and I hope that other org members can add funds in the future as well.


I want to save more calibrations

Since I have LVL 4 I can save up to 9 calibrations (1 every 4 hours) so I need to come back to the game at least every 36 hours or I lose calibrations. I would like this pool to be bigger so I don't feel the need to come back every day just to use my calibrations. So I can at least save up to a week (or more) worth of calibrations that I can then use every weekend.


48 hours VS a week at 100%

I would like the MU's to keep at 100% for at least a week before they go under 100%, to balance this you can make the time to generate 1 calibration longer so you can save up 10 in a week or so?


The perfect solution:

The perfect solution for me would be that after the initial calibration the MU never goes under a 100% calibration so even if I go on a X week holyday the MU keeps producing (until the container is full).

This amount or ore should be enough that if you sell it to bots you would get a bit more then 1.000.000, just enough to cover the cost of the tile (and taxes and fuel).

When a MU is calibrated the amount goes up to 200% (or more?) so you can still increase your profit margin if you actively maintain your MU's


Even better would be if the whole MU is automated/passive mining and I just need to pickup the ore (or generate a missions for it) This also fulfills the promise that a MU is an automated/passive way to generate ore and income so i can focus on (losing money while trying for big prizes with) building, asteroid mining, PVP, missions or exploration (aka the fun parts of the game when the rist is big but the reward as well) and the territory mining is a nice passive income.


The territories as money sink

I get that you need a money sink in the game, but if people have resources to lose in PVP (elements that cannot be fixed anymore, voxels that are lost) then you don't need the territories to be one so much. So lowering or removing the tax



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