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Good to hear that the community is being heard and that your working on better two way communication!


The new updates look interesting for me personally and I love the idea of looking trough space for wrecks!


Good update guys!


Interesting interim update. I hope not too many players have dropped out during this time, so that the positive changes, if they come, will make for smiling and happy faces.

The space wrecks, will these be found directly in space and thus be considered a source of danger? So I like to travel through space, mostly with the 30,000km/h. 

Question: If such a wreck then comes towards me and I can't avoid it because of the distance, the speed or simply because I'm AFK on a 5 hour mission flight, will it therefore kill me and destroy my ship "somewhere in space"?  

Will space then be just as dangerous as all those hemlines of constructs or voxel libraries in the air?

Is it possible to make such constructs simply transparent to "fly through" from 1,000 km/h and only active when approaching slower?

Please take taxes out of the equation completely, thank you. Cleaning up" constructs so that they don't clutter up the game can also be tied to an active subscription without any problems. The taxes only make the game feel like a chore and not a relaxing game. It should be game-driven and the player free in his decisions, or has the approach been revised in the meantime?

I really hope that the new roadmap will be full to bursting, in the meantime there have been a lot of suggestions on how to design the game to make the different player interests happy. Also remember, happy players stay in the game, then investors will also be happy...

34 minutes ago, NQ-Wanderer said:

Hello Noveans,


We would like to hear your feedback on the addition of PANACEA to the roadmap!

now that space wrecks will be a thing, will we get better salvaging tools so that pirating and pvp is more profitable?


A lot of vague, much of the same, some interesting but mostly a lot of vague.

Good to read NQ, again, realizes they are not listening to their community which they once more find were not wrong on many counts after the fact. The repeat of the "we heard you" message in this post as well as yet another promise of doing better is all well and good, but it's really time now to actually show NQ can and will do so. That would be a great change of attitude and IMO a big leap ahead. So, here's hoping it's not just words this time.



Something I'd really like to have a better clarification on is this:



This will allow the Design team time to revisit the tax rate, which many community members said was too steep. The purpose and functions of the upkeep system go beyond limiting “landgrabbing” and are more complex than they may appear on the surface. Many factors and interdependencies need to be taken into consideration.


How is this more complex than it appears and give us a clue of what plays into this. I'm serious here, this is actually interesting and good insight in what goes on and into making these choices and would help the community to better understand.


What role do ATC or MC teams play at this point? hwo active are they in providing feedback before you go public. Or is NQ there no sounding board with a chance to adjust before going public which will only lead to a level of feedback NQ may well drown in it again and fall back to their previous ways.


NQ, you need help in getting these things out, there’s plenty here who are able and willing to do so.. Maybe you should actually start using your community as a resource before putting in the time and effort to then find a lot of it simply is not working.




There have been some signals of NQ getting better, I can only hope though that this "we heard you" edition finally and actually brings changes and is not just a paragraph of words without weight or meaning.




5 minutes ago, Zeddrick said:

Will there be a wipe on release?  I know it's slightly off topic but it is the big question we were hoping would be answered with the roadmap update ...

There have been so many replies to such requests in forums, Discord and Facebook: "I can't provide a link right now, but it's something like this: 


We still have no intention to reset everything at this time, and will avoid doing so if we can.

16 minutes ago, Zarcata said:


There have been so many replies to such requests in forums, Discord and Facebook: "I can't provide a link right now, but it's something like this: 

We still have no intention to reset everything at this time, and will avoid doing so if we can.

I'm pretty sure that's way out of date and at best misleading now.  Perhaps you can find the link ...

Posted (edited)

Pls Keep the Taxes as they are its good for economy and land claiming, don´t listen to whiners.

Make Taxes paying for longer time 1/2 a year would be good if someone wants to take a break.


And pls do automated Paying from Corp Wallets, and automated Corp Taxes if the corp wants money from members.

Edited by PotatoMart
Posted (edited)

Vertex Editor - mmm delicious
Element Stacking Disabling - Finally
UI Polish is always welcome (M Screen rework is needed though)

I hope the shipwrecks will include some goodies in them other than just the elements and voxels they are made from. Ideally they can have some random schematics inside so there's a way to get those other than quanta, with the more expensive ones being rarer of course. 

Lastly, lets hope that this update means NQ is gonna talk to us more, on Discord and Forums instead of just devblogs.


Edited by Koriandah

Space wrecks. You didn't even fully implement the salvage wrecks on the planets. Where did those go? Can wee get those to spawn more with this patch also? It's a whole gameplay loop you could be exploring that has been left to rot on the floor it would seem.


Let me guess XS core wrecks only spawn in the safe zone. All others worth a damn spawn in the pvp zone right? all on a weekly thunderdome timer that excludes everyone that has a life and can't alarm clock them. Bet I'm getting warm.


Inactive construct requisitioning should work almost anywhere to some extent, if they are truly abandoned by an unsubbed account. There are a lot of abandoned dynamic cores in space and on planets that have been around for a year or more.


Cautiously optimistic about NQ now listening to feedback and even more important having two-way communication with the community.

But then again, this is far from the first time NQ makes that promise..


@NQ you will be surprised how much a community is willing to accept, if you only communicate and actually listen to feedback and explain why/why not things are done a certain way. And it is no secret that you are struggling. So be open about what the problems actually are in detail (remember there is a lot of technical know-how in this community), and what you realistically can do with the game going forward.


The abandoned ships should be packaged up and hidden from view in case the person comes back but also put that ship into the pool for wreckages to be found that way its like ooo look I found wreckage of XYZ. Would give you some ships without having to make them and would add to the lore/rp value of the game world.


The tax rate should be adjusted but also we should add more bots to the market as now they need to buy things but also make the bots only buy what is located on that planet so you can't ship rare T5 to random moon where the bots haven't been driven into the ground from everyone selling to them.  I would also make the NPC bots raise prices over time if they aren't buying/filling their orders so you get more of a baseline so markets don't just crash out if someone fills all the orders because they been holding off selling like in the real world. But a lot of this would need a higher level overview of what is being mined vs what is being used for ship/part building.




Thanks for listening to our discussions and proposals. And also for the idea of automated abandonment of (I guess) dynamic constructs. 

could you please clarify:

1) does this happen to all constructs everywhere, just on aphelia‘s tiles or on not-owned hexes (I.e. not on Sanc or HQs)?


2) Does the RDMS on the abandoned constructs stay or will it reset, since the player/org holding it seems to be inactive?


Thanks for clarification :-)

2 hours ago, Zeddrick said:

Will there be a wipe on release?  I know it's slightly off topic but it is the big question we were hoping would be answered with the roadmap update ...

I certainly hope not.  I've spent years getting to where I am now with assets and ships and bank balance to enjoy the game I want to.  A wipe would be a crushing blow and leave the game empty.  If there were to be a wipe I don't think the steps being implemented for salvaging would have been needed so early to prepare a sustainable future when it comes to tiles and cores.

The whole idea of being part of the paid beta was to get that head start in talents and industry, I don't see the point at all.

1 hour ago, PotatoMart said:

Pls Keep the Taxes as they are its good for economy and land claiming, don´t listen to whiners.

Says a mission running whale with multiple accounts(I see you out there- with you, yourself and I!) hahahaha. I'm sorry, but your view is only slightly skewed due to the quanta you're making from alt-running missions. For most casual players it's too much- and too much of a grind for relatively low reward. 

Though it's not so bad if you run multiple accounts & missions to effectively print quanta. That's not a slight at you either, more of a commentary on the state of the game that the only real way to make any sort of quanta 'quickly' is literal P2W via multiple accounts. The game needs more readily avalible faucets that involve ACTIVE gameplay loops, because as it is the casual player is being hit hard with a "game mechanic" of taxation... *sighs* 

You either have alts to help make quanta, or you don't. This extends to people needing industry alts / talents. This extends to calibration charges/mining fields. For those poor souls that are true single account players, the grind is rough- the gameplay is thin- and the uphill crawl is too much for most.

But ya know- just buy a couple more accounts and the game becomes easy-mode ;) 

1 hour ago, Koriandah said:

Vertex Editor - mmm delicious
Element Stacking Disabling - Finally
UI Polish is always welcome (M Screen rework is needed though)

I hope the shipwrecks will include some goodies in them other than just the elements and voxels they are made from. Ideally they can have some random schematics inside so there's a way to get those other than quanta, with the more expensive ones being rarer of course. 

Lastly, lets hope that this update means NQ is gonna talk to us more, on Discord and Forums instead of just devblogs.


What would be even better would be to use stuff like this to make an actual proper player driven economy with actual diversity (as opposed to the current one where every item is made from the same 20 things which can all be collected in the same way with no bi-products).  How about making things like exotic weapons, engines, etc depend on specific components which can only be obtained by salvaging ships, and when salvaging a ship you don't know exactly which components you will get and in what quantity.  Then the manufacturers and salvagers have to actually use the market to trade with one another.


While I like the shipwreck idea (Provided it's in pvp space) I'm concerned over how we find these. We have a pretty shit radar system. And being given the exact way points takes out possible "exploration" side of finding them. Guess we will see.


Limiting the number of constructs an org can have is a bit scary, depending on how limiting it is.   As a ship builder it is important to have the ship out where people can see it.  Most people dont want to buy a ship they have never seen.  This can also reduce market use.   if i am limited on how many ships i can have on display then instead of buying elements for a new ship i will just have to demolish an older build and reuse those elements. I understand that limiting constructs for performance but please just not toooo limiting. 


Also, please have some wrecks in pve areas as i dont pvp.  You can never force people to pvp, but you can force them to leave the game. 

5 hours ago, NQ-Wanderer said:

Hello Noveans,


We would like to hear your feedback on the addition of PANACEA to the roadmap!

IF you are really serious about this you need to treat this like its still in ALPHA even though we know you need more MONEY for further DEVELOPMENT. Take time and be aggressive with your coding... in terms of what you do for PLAYER in game QUALITY OF LIFE and MAYBE this game will salvage its once PLAYER BASED SAND BOX idea. We cut out mining and completely changed the game. fine. whatever things take less time. Now ramp with the other ideals. CONTENT. dont just add freakin graphic effects or youre going to piss off the WHOLE community. We love this game its already pretty enough. Be utilitarian. And post more goofy stupid updates and no one will wonder what youre doing.... this is like my first real time on the forums here. so if youre going to ask players about stuff. put it in game and youre responses will be better ESPECIALLY if youre serious about players opinion and input. but, too much player based change is probably few and far. You have some people who know what they are doing and building a video game in ratio to the world who likes to make shows about adult IQ ratios in reference to children... I think this has been well considered for. BUT. A METAVERSE NEEDS PEOPLE FOR GROWTH. And on a side note. The game is cold. Planets are so lacking in vibrancy literally EVERYTHING YOU know comes from this place... HERE.... but your games Dual Universe concept is entire other environments and should feel just as foreign. Think grand canyon vs scottland vs india.... Also it sounds like there are 3 servers here a dev server an alpha testing and a beta... I think cost could be covered if we just smashed some of those together.... that might shake up the community a bit but it could help in terms of development speed even.... just... somebody elses ideas. Earth From Another Sun is another Space game I would take note from in terms of this sort of thing. they are way earlier in the dev process. but their updates are like clockwork. and players arent groaning. IF you can pull off MORE CONTENT MONTHLY or bi monthly in terms of MECHANICS then I think we will be good. because as you add these mechanics it will give you reason for more content buttons knobs n levers.

d3r7 tripple.jpg

holo harimau.png

shaper sigillarge.png


In reflecting on the aftermath of the Demeter release, we recognized that we fell short in this area. We read your feedback but did not make the adjustments we could and should have. We pledge to be better about working hand-in-hand with the community by implementing a plan to increase two-way communication and making some important tweaks and balancing to the game that will address some of the pain points as much as we’re able.


Awsome to hear NQ is keen to expand on working with the community and want to increase their two-way communication! Here is tip 1: Dont start failing this on literally the next sentences of an announcment ?



As a first step, beginning January 11th, we will postpone the next territory upkeep pay period for two weeks. This will allow the Design team time to revisit the tax rate, which many community members said was too steep. The purpose and functions of the upkeep system go beyond limiting “landgrabbing” and are more complex than they may appear on the surface. Many factors and interdependencies need to be taken into consideration.


Ok so the purpose and functions of the system go beyond "land-grabbing". Maybe if NQ explained why the system is more complex than it appears on the surface the community could fire back ideas and feedback to make it better with the info in-hand? Just saying "it's more complex than you think" puts off these feedback think tanks and kills the subject and any possible two-way communication. Design team does not have to come up with inspiration and ideas on their own, they just need to make the decisions with all the possibilities that come from their own minds and ours. 


Edit: just read up replies. Damn it Blaze beat me to the punch! ?


You hit the nail on the head though @Physics, with how you describe the "it's more complex than you think". Because saying you'll do better and then immediately go back to pretty much saying "you just do not understand" is not exactly a good start there.




Great ! Would love to see the new update .

my suggestions :

- Reduce tile tax to 500k and test it. 

- Remove elements obstruction completely. Why obstruction is good ? Voxel designed ships for players by players. Players can hide elements inside voxels so they look cool and be protected for pvp. 

- PvP voxel importance increase in resistances they provide.

- Building cores alignment if you want to deploy a large number of static (or space) cores in line with your adjacent tiles. Blueprints and degree alignment by eye is simple but not accurate for large constructs. Settle ^^

- Dont nerf org cores count too much . Maybe increase a bit and see ?


Thank you 

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