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The Dual Universe creator community will be delighted to dive into the latest update. Named for the goddess of the Moon, Selene (0.26.17) shines with new Lua-related features and improvements that players can integrate into their constructs to bring them to new heights. 


Lua is a real and easy-to-learn programming language that can be used in DU to bring functionality and usability to constructs, such as making ships fly, doors open and close, and screens display graphics. For a more in-depth look at the various Lua components in Selene, we published “Lua Improvements and Changes”, a three-part devblog. (See Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.) If you’re not familiar with Lua scripting, we hope this update will inspire you to give it a try. 


We would also like to highlight these very important container RDMS changes. 

  • The “Use Element” right will no longer provide full access to all containers. Instead, the following RDMS rights will be the sole governors of who has access to containers.
    • Put items in container - Allows an actor to place items into a container
    • Retrieve items from container - Allows an actor to take items from a container
    • View container contents - Allows an actor to view the content of a container. (This right is implicitly given with the Put & Retrieve rights.)
  • This change will affect all container types: containers, fuel tanks, ammunition containers, and Mission containers. 

Alongside the Lua goodies and container changes, the Selene update also includes several improvements and bug fixes. View the full changelog here.  

Questions or comments about the update? Warp over to the forums. We’d love to hear from you. 

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