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A few UI Design tips.


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@NQ . A few small tips on UI that will lower aggravation:
    1.    If you have a button that is precisely for one thing and not easy to get to then you don't need a second prompt asking people if they really meant to click on it. For example the Exit VR button.
    2.   All fields for entering data should preferably select all text currently in the field, not start at the end of it. Or just blank.  This is true especially for the fight on entering currency which I can't believe is still an issue.
   3.   No Horizontal scroll bars like on Achievements screen.
   4.   Keep the part the user needs most as center of attention and don't use up half the form for some large Icon.  It may look pretty the first time, but is very annoying when it stays in the way of getting things done.

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To add to this:
Let me click CTRL-A in the market searchbox and delete the selected input when I continue to write/ try to overwrite it. It is very annoying to always check what is in the box and reselect it or delete it letter by letter.

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And for god's sake, just use NORMAL editing functionality. Arrow keys to move around, ctrl-a to select everything, home and end to go to the beginning and end, drag select to select part of the text so you can *replace* it while typing.....


And stop screwing up the input box whenever the list of whatever you're searching refreshes :P


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This game is affected by text processing problems that were solved in the 90s.


but since the UI has undergone zero meaningful change since they apparently let the interns loose on it a year or so back and made everything take up twice as much space and require twice as many clicks, I’m not going to hold my breath for any improvements to be made. 

They really need to rework the UI from the ground up, it’s a hodgepodge of legacy code, some that clearly dates back to the very first “release!”


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5 hours ago, Bobbie said:

It is such a horrendous and frustrating shit show that I wouldn't even know where to begin. Then again none of this should need saying in the first place. These are the kind of fundamentals that should have already been in place long before the first pre-alpha server opened up to the backers. It's not the kind of thing that you save for half-assed "polish" passes after the fact, and then end up never getting done at all.

Believe me, they where told many times. And the white knights told us to relax and wait since this was only early tests that would be fixed soone. But guess what..  And those white knights where the first to leave once it became obvious it would not be fixed. And NQ's response to all this you ask? Total radio silence as usual..


The only time NQ speaks is when they want to present some small feature update in a blog to try and generate PR, pretending like they have just invented sliced bread or something.

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One small, but annoying thing for me is the destination cursor - its really hard to tell whether its locating a point directly below you or on the other side of a planet. It would be good if it changed colour to indicate a clear line of sight or not.

Thats drives me nuts.


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