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NQ, I get it's not nice to see us question your actions .. but ..


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I was typing the below response to THIS post and NQ was quick to lock that thread. I honestly feel though that this at best a premature action.


NQ, I think that going all hardcore and lock out any voices that go against your style of managing the community is not a good sign and shows a lack of confidence in your actions, choices and abilities. At the same time I would agree and ask that we keep this open, fair and respectful from all sides. Having this discussion here should be preferable over forcing the discussion to move to public platforms outside of your direct visibility and control I'd say.


Also, NQ seems to think that Discord is/could/should be their main comms channel.. Many have left Discord because there is little to no value in that channel for those that have left the game. The forums are really where the main communication should be and posts like referenced as seen on discord really need to be here on the forums.




I get your native language is not English which may be why your choice of words is  a bit unfortunate, but knowing you well enough I feel your intent is clear and your perspective correct. 


It certainly can be said that NQ is at best inconsistent in how they handle exploits. Previously, they have let exploits which have massively benefitted a number of players slip by. Major ones being the schematic pricing one and the exploits immediately after the wipe during the first day of the servers being open to backers a week prior to beta start.


NQ seems to have a tendency to every now and then come out swinging to show "how tough hey can be" while other times they will just go "oops.. well too bad it happened but we can't really do anything but close the loophole here". The wording of posts surrounding the former are always how these things take so much dev time  (which frankly is nonsense) and how NQ is a small indie dev with only so much time. As I mentioned before, if NQ spent the time used to debate, prepare and action these things actuyally engaging the community, many of these issues and concerns would not exist. 


IMO it's not so much a witch hunt as it is a lack of confidence and these actions just continue to show the disarray NQ is in and the lack of leadership, ownership and mismanagement of resources and policy in the middle and top level in the company. 



NQ seems to think that restricting what we can discuss to existing game loops/mechanics will eliminate the community from talking about their ideas and opinions on the future. All it will accomplish is that this discussion moves outside of their direct visibility/influence/control and focus attention on what they are actually doing and achieving. And my hunch is that this is precisely what they do not want as it will reveal the severe lack of progress, a game that really has not seen much improvement at it's core since early alpha days, a UI which is virtually unchanged since those days and in general it will shows exactly what NQ would like to go away, their explicit drive to try and reinvent the wheel over and over again.


NQ keeps using the excuses that they are but a small indie studio and that this is complex stuff.. Yes we know and this is why many of us have been more than forthcoming in volunteering good, some great, ideas and suggestions to make the game better.


Fixing the junk problem at markets is not hard, it will not take much dev resources and would not need _any_ additional mechanics than what is already in game. The problem is that NQ is afraid they may step on someone's toes and so refuses to take ownership of their game in order to make it work.  Creating a solution around players wanting to have their "shops" at or around markets would take minimal dev time and some management. It would also not require any new mechanics. The CM team trying to make a case against this simply hold no water, too many members of this community have a level of experience and understanding on this that it just comes across silly when they try.


Fixing the wild growth of space towers is not hard, it would not take much dev time and no additional mechanics.


Enabling salvage of abandoned constructs within safe zones again would not require much dev resources, would create gameplay and drive potential market activity.


Fixing a lot of low hanging fruit issues in the UI/UX takes minimal effort and time while greatly impacting the game consistency. Many of these are well documented and reported as well.


No amount of excuses about being "busy" or "a small studio" hold up here as none of this takes much time and even combined, the improved experience for players will create time that can be leveraged for more serious and complex issues.

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When topic created with a title already on the frontier of what is acceptable, we can expect the comments to circle around that frontier. Several times crossing it. 


While i considere OK to point out the flaws of NQ's actions. It is definitely not ok to assert what NQ and its employees feel. 


We can say "the actions taken by NQ, on subject A, do not appear to have our feedback into account" 


It is not OK to say "NQ does not care about us" 


You can say "i dont feel cared by NQ". 

You cannot say "NQ does not care about me" 


Only one entity can talk about how they feel, them selves. 




On another point, what is the positive outcome ppl expect from this rude escalation of criticism? 


Will they work harder and more committed every time ppl acuse them for not caring? 

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I start to wonder if they even see a value appeasing the literal 30 people who communicate on here and on Discord. Myself included, most of us already paid in alpha so what does it matter if we are happy with them? I would think they would want to hear how to make the game better and more appealing to more people but sometimes I wonder.

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I feel the OP title is perfectly within the rules of being fair and reasonable. and so is my position as I presented it in the post. I do not make statements of what NQ does or does not do unless it is substantiated by facts. I always make sure I make clear it is what I think/feel or what my opinion is on anything.


If there is anything in my OP that you think this is not true for please feel free to send me a DM to keep this thread clean and I would be happy to correct it as I would not intent to do so.



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