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OMG the sky is falling!!!


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Yes you Fudsters this is at you.  How about you take your chicken little attitude and just go.  No one wants to see your constant crying about how you feel things are failing.  Tell me about how you have developed any major MMO in your life and how you are successful producer in something other than tears on your cheeks. 


So how about you do the DU a favor and take a long hard drag off of the shut the hell up pipe.  And then ride on the get the hell out elevator.


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I have no problems except with the victim culture and virtue signaling spineless saps that are everywhere today.


"Oh waaaah something didn't go my way!!!!".   


"Oh waaaah someone said something I didn't agree with CANCEL THEM!". 


Sounds like you're the one being the snowflake, screaming about how things aren't going your way so everyone else needs to leave.


you want to bash cancel culture....then demand everyone goes away because you don't like what they're saying. Sounds like you want to cancel everyone you don't agree with to me. 


how about providing some real evidence about why you think DU is on track?


you know...making an actual argument instead of screaming at a bunch of internet strangers, demanding they respect your tantrum and leave...? 

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