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T6+ Voxels with unique properties


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If there are ever more extremely rare and unique materials added to the game, they could have properties that go beyond just having more health and certain resistance, or be very uniquely specialized.  I think that would be a really cool way to make a super intresting endgame experience.




Thorinium:  Does something with electricity.  Having the on your ship slowly recharges energy.


Jellonium:  Lowers impact damage.


Supercoolnium:  Lowers friction and temperature, lowering the effect of drag on the ship.


Warpium:  Lowers the cell cost for warping.


Fastium:  Increases the speed limit of your ship.


Helium:  Has negative weight.


Anti/Kinti/Magnti/ther-mium:  Has very high resistance to one of the four damage types, but low average health for it's weight.


Adamantium:  Very, very, very strong, but like gold but 100x denser.



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