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Energy Management Part 3: Execution of Energy Management Project in Pieces

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Round 3!..... FIGHT!



    After having laid out a fairly thorough and indepth posts about Energy Management much of the feedback was related to how much information overload and extensive walls of texts there were. To that, I understand completely. It was exhausting for me to even write it all out but as you saw, I had a lot to say about the feature that I believe NQ are probably working on.


With this forum post I will do 2 things:

  1. Summarize Energy Management forum posts Parts 1 and 2
  2. Dive into organizing the final part, which is how to attack this beast from a project management standpoint (this is where it gets heavy)


Keep in mind I'm of the assumption that NQ may read this but some managers may or may not look at this and think "This guy has no idea what he's talking about or how we work". Quite frankly, I don't have a single clue about how they operate, the systems they use, the languages they write in, nor the task manager software employed at NQ to organize each featured release. If I did have an understanding then yes I'd have a write-up ready and tailored specifically to how NQ could employ energy management from start to finish just to make their jobs easier.




  1. Summary of Energy Management: Key Aspects
    • The Rule of Three
      • Almost every aspect of energy management will have 3 key aspects or components to make it all work
      • At the heart of the whole system rests 3 key characteristics
        • Energy Generation (Max Energy)
        • Energy Regeneration
        • The Redzone
      • The above characteristics apply to 3 key sources of energy
        • Cores
        • Generators
        • Batteries
      • The above sources of energy are interconnected by 3 key components
        • Inlets
        • Outlets
        • Purifiers
      • The above interconnecting components allow for 3 key actions
        • introducing batteries
        • recharging batteries
        • cooling various types of generators with cooling rods
    • Quick descriptions and outlines
      • Energy Generation - The combined baseline storage of available energy for the construct provided by the Core and Generators (static and dynamic)
      • Energy Regeneration - The combined rate at which energy is regenerated by the Core and the Generators
      • The Redzone - The combined condensed section of the available energy (typically shown in red at the end of the energy bar) that, when reached, results in a number of negative effects occuring to the lights, engines, adjusters, brakes, weapons, doors, and even radar. The deeper you are in the red, the worse the effects become.
      • Cores - Central primary producer of energy for the construct.
        • Only allowed to have Generators connect to the core
        • Number of available slots vary depending on size of core
      • Generators - 2ndary source of energy for the core
        • Acts as an augmenter to Core's Energy Generation, Regeneration and Redzone.
        • Allows for the connection of Inlets and outlets and containers
        • Number of available in/outlet slots varies based on tier, type (or tech) and size of the generator
          • Can be buffed with talent points
      • Batteries - tertiary source of energy for the construct
        • Only able to interact with generators via in/outlets
        • Provides temporary source of energy
        • No energy regen
        • No redzone
        • Can act as the first source of energy pulled, backup energy or reserve energy when your construct's eng. level is about to hit the redzone.
        • Allows your generators to go into overdrive mode and provides temporary boosters for the engines
          • damages batteries/capacitors/crystals ect. forcing them to be recycled.
        • Has a set number of recharges that varies in type and tier of the battery
          • can be increased with talent points
      • Inlets - Act as connectors to generators for batteries and cooling rods
        • The connection is 1 to 1 (one battery or cooling rod per inlet)
        • Allows for the battery to inject it's energy into the construct's energy store
        • Allows for a cooling rod to be "injected" into Nuclear type generators
      • Outlets - Act as output connectors from generators to batteries
        • Allows you to recharge or energize batteries, crystals and cooling rods.
        • The connection is 1 to 1
  2. The Project... coming soon (Dun dun Duuuuuuun)
    • Place holder because I just started my next batch of physics classes. So this will get updated in pieces daily.



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