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Haulage Contract System Suggestion


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Don't you hate when you need something but it's way more expensive on your planet if available at all? 

Well I have the solution for you!


The Haulage Contract System!!


How it works:


The listing

Player A buys what they want from a market via the 'J' key market or l market kiosk.

Player A then goes into a new tab under the 'Buy/Sell, My Orders, Market Container' list called Haulage.

In there Player A picks a market container and selects the items they want brought. They then select a market location to have it brought to.

At this point Player A sets a duration*(like market sales) and offers a payment for the job.(taxable of course ;) ) 
Player A now chooses the visibility of their listing; their org, public, friends ect...
Now Player A is charged and the listing is now posted for the select players to see. 


* minimum duration is distance from purchase location - (delivery location / max speed)+50%     (I think this will help avoid troll orders)






The undertaking


Player B checks their haulage tab for new listings.

Player B can see start point, end point, duration and cost. 

To start the haul player B must go to the purchase location for Player A's item and pick it up. At this point the game converts it to a new game item called 'Player A's Cargo Container/s'* and changes the listing's status to 'In Progress'. 

Player B can now transport the goods from Purchase location to delivery location and receive payment.


*This item has the same weight as the goods purchased(this will make stealing them not an option but still costs the resources to transport the goods.)









On a successful delivery the money is paid to Player B and the listing is removed.

The item is now stored in the market container of Player A's chosen delivery location just like they purchased it there. 





If the duration expires or the cargo item is manually deleted from Player B's inventory, the Cargo Container is deleted from Player B's inventory and they are given a notification that the delivery is over.  

A notification is also sent to Player A that their Haul request has expired. Player A is refunded the cost minus the tax.






Opportunity for large orgs to pay their members on a more structured basis with less trussed based risk.

Less risk 

It also allows players to pay for the convenience of not having to travel all that distance/burn fuel.

Gives people something more to do for money than just mine. 

People traveling from planet to planet can potentially offset some of their cost by picking up a haul for the journey.

Potential for expansion with bot orders.

Potential expansion for delivery to pirate outpost for different reward.




Wasted time on failed deliveries

Might not get used



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