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Surrogacy and the promotion of team play.


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Not my idea, but allowing surrogates to perform all tasks and interactions at, at least, 50-75% skill efficiency would be a huge boon to group play. All a host would need is a pad, and the mates a pod, and you could staff a battleship in short order, or call aid to a tile under attack. As everyone would have access to such a feature, I can see no real downsides. Please discuss.

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The devs imagined a world where transport was only required for cargo. 

Where a ship could be manned by who ever was online, regardless of their, in-game, location. 

Where ppl could escape griefers with a single click and play elsewhere. 

Where we could meet and play with our friends from second 1.


They imagined something that allot of games have. (diablo, fallout, etc) 

They imagined something that would make players enjoy the funny parts of the game instead of spending several hours per day seeing a SU counter going down. 


But then some group of ppl, a very very small group, not representative of the general player population, gave the devs a bad review. 


Without any publicity consulting, just based on this "powerfull players" review, devs went back on what they imagined. 


The lack of spine was so huge that they even came up with a lie that they "always intended surrogate to only be used by streamers". Almost like we could not replay JC announcing the surrogate feature, on youtube, and saying what they intended it to be.


From the many bad calls that NQ did over the years, this is the one i cannot forgive. 

Not the nerf of the feature but the lie. 

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It does seem strange that NQ didn't just acknowledge "that was a bad idea" and move on. Instead, they changed the idea with the pretense that that was the plan all along.


I do think it was OP initially (and thought so when JC announced it.) But I liked the idea of being able to bring in a combat crew when needed. That avoids the problem of bored gunners sitting around my ship calling their pirate buddies to attack us so they can have a fight. We can still do the pop up crew with alts though, so nerfed surrogacy isn't a game-breaker for me.

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