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Idea: Extension of the "link" binding system


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Combined several ideas of different users into one system. I represent:

Idea: Extension of the "link" binding system.
It is now divided into 3 types:
1) Transport. There are 5 subspecies:
a) Belt conveyor. To deliver resources between production buildings.
b) Cargo lock (allows you to dock the ship to the conveyor system and unload resources into it, or vice versa, load). It happens square for a regular tape, it is round for pipes. Supplied with a magnet to hold the ship.
c) Drone system. Transport drones deliver goods between buildings. Or between a ship and a building.
e) Quantum teleports (extensions to buildings) that allow you to teleport goods between buildings.
2) Electrical. There are 3 subspecies:
a) Ordinary wires. The cheapest option. But the wires are also different, there are copper, there are graphene. The difference is in bandwidth.
b) Wireless power generator (extension to a building or facility), wireless power grid, but limited range.
c) A quantum current generator (also an extension to a building or object), in contrast to subparagraph "b" there is no limitation on the range.
3) Internet. Likewise with point 2. Wired, wireless, and unlimited.

* - Ie each type of connection will have its own tools and methods of combining.

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