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Improving the appearance of planets 2.0


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Now the developers are probably doing this. it was announced
Improving the appearance of the planets. But I'll write my own, maybe they'll take something on
note in addition to the forthcoming.
- If the deposit is on the surface, then it looks visually more
beautiful (like in the game Satisfactory, look), and the surface deposit (vein) is much more
massive, bulging in height.
- Weather: Rains, thunderstorms, fog, sandstorm, snowfall, hurricane.
* - Lightning can damage a structure or ship, but lightning strikes only the most
tall object on the ground. To avoid being struck by lightning, the player must
put a lightning rod on a building and a ship.
* - The hurricane can knock the character to the side, as well as interfere with the movement of the ship, but
it all depends on the strength of the hurricane. If the hurricane is weak and the ship is heavy, then move
the ship will not be affected by the hurricane. If the hurricane is very weak, then it will not knock the character
to the side, but will only slow down its movement.
* - After rain, a rainbow appears, but not always.
- Natural caves with stalactites (rare). Crystals can be found in caves
(rare gems). The caves provide shelter from hurricanes and thunderstorms.
- Rivers, waterfalls, swamps.
* - The river carries the character to the side a little.
* - The swamp slows down and drags down. There is an analogue of a swamp - quicksand, but
you can survive in quicksand - if you fall to the bottom, then you can get into a cave. In the swamp
you cannot survive if there is no powerful jetpack.
- On the moon while the character is moving - dust rises on the surface.
* - Sandstorm, snowfall, rain and fog will reduce visibility.
* - There is also "Black Rain", it is radioactive rain. But he has not yet entered the game,
but will be introduced with the advent of nuclear power plants (if such are abandoned - next to them
it will rain several kilometers around). This kind of rain damages the character's costume.

Is it possible to clean the ocean underground? It's just not entirely realistic.
An alternative is to make groundwater (local underground rivers). And such water
dynamic, i.e. if you make a hole in the tunnel, then water will flow through it
and will begin to decrease. Physics of water.
- Water is able to penetrate the soil that is under it (even if
no hole). But there is a special layer of soil through which it cannot flow
water (we are not talking about holes).
- Rain takes water from the ocean, sea and replenishes lakes, rivers, underground rivers (becoming
dynamic water). When the river flows into the sea, dynamic water becomes
static and replenishes the total volume of the sea. Perhaps this will help solve the problem.
giant calculations for water (if all the water on the planet was calculated as dynamic).

- Algae under water. There are jugs over the water. There is a reed near the water.

- A layer of tectonic plate (located deep under the planet), it can be dug,
but it takes a very long time (as long as tier 5 or even more).
- There is a layer of lava under the tectonic plate. And under the lava the core of the planet
made of metal, it can also be dug, but this is not yet available.
* - If the character touches the lava, he dies.
* - Near the tectonic plate - the soil becomes hot (steam is coming).
* - Lava cannot be mined with a tool. But later there will be a special technique for this.

Chilled lava can turn into any ore (thrown bone effect).

- Volcanoes with lava (but this is very rare). Volcanoes can be dormant and active.
* - Active volcanoes smoke a lot and can create black clouds around them, under
black clouds rain from the ashes.

- All textures of sandy sand, green grassy surface - improved. Same
improved all ore textures. Improved models, increased detail.


- If the ship is flying at high speed in the atmosphere, then a funnel of fire appears in front of it (due to friction).

If the ship uses atmospheric engines in the atmosphere, then a long trail (spent fuel) is left behind.

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