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DU-Discord Org Applications


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I've got about 60 people who applied to SLI in the game but haven't come to our Discord. Our policy is that you need to interview on Discord before joining the game in the org. Unfortunately, there is no way to communicate with the applicants and send them our link unless their names happen to match between Discord and DU, except to add them as contacts in DU. But as far as I know, there's no way to remove a contact - you can remove them from your list but you're still on theirs as far as I can tell, and can therefore lock on to you. I know I keep getting notifications about people I've removed. I wish I could add a message when I reject an application.


Does anyone have a solution to this issue? Any ideas? I don't want to just mass-reject people without a hearing. Thanks.

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I have the same problem.  When applications were sent through the website, we were allowed to reply to them to ask a question or two.   We can no longer do that.  So I have to accept people blind if they don't go to my website or discord as asked.

Now I "have" been using that as a screening process thus far, but I should not have to deny every player who didn't see that I need to talk to them first.  That's going to end up costing us some otherwise good members to our org.


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