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Unexplained Atomics [Atom]


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Who we are

The goal of Unexplained Atomics or Atom for short, is to create a PvP first corporation. PvP first means all decisions for the corporation will be made with the goal of improving PvP capabilities and creating content. Atom will be made of skilled, and passionate individuals who enjoy playing Dual Universe coming together in the pursuit of improving their skills and the pursuit of content.


What we do

Atom members spend the day improving their standing in the universe and honing their skills. To accomplish these goals they work closely with one another and share information freely. They spend time testing aspects of the universe and provide quality feedback to the developers especially on the aspects related to PvP content.

While Atom members are soldiers they have their own pursuits that aid them in their endeavors. Atom members build and fly the best ships, Create the most wealth, and the most functional software.


Main Organization Activities


Mercenary Contracts

Transport escorts

Security Contracts


Main Member Duties


Repair Crew

Ship commander

Fleet commander

Support Activities




More PvP



Why join
Join If you like PvP and want to work with other like minded people to improve your PvP skills. This includes PvP theory crafting, ship building, and PvP practice. If the Who we are and What we do sounds good to you then you are probably a good fit.

How to join

If you want to PvP and join an organization with a focus on it then we probably want you. That being said there are currently two requirements for joining.


The interview

The interview is the first step in the process. Its main purpose is to weed out lazy spies and get a feel for if you are genuinely interested in PvP and Dual Universe.

Need help with the Journey or have another question? Join our discord
Organization Link

Edited by Mulligan
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