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Organization Territory Units/ Organization Cores/ Organization Skills


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I was reading through another thread discussing how to incentivise people to build cities, and thought of an idea that might not have been shared already.


What if organizations could progress, and the as they did, they acquired talents that enabled them to do things as a group, such as build larger constructs, etc.


Also, what if they could reach a point where they got a territory unit that is controlled by the group (organization locked), meaning only members of a certain rank of that specific org could control or use it, etc. They could then get static cores that could only be placed within the territory the group claimed, so they are locked to that region, and again the static cores could be edited by anyone of a high enough rank.


What if the org could get org-locked dynamic cores? 


Within the org-locked territories, certain benefits would be given (discounted markets, pvp bonuses, etc)


Finally, there could be certain areas that gave some of these benefits to everyone, and land-locked cores could be distributed to the public that to encourage public (non-org) communities.


This would encourage cities, bases, etc to be built and allow for a lot more interesting game play.

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