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Commandeer and Conquer?


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I'm wonering what everyone thinks about the idea to lay claim to someone elses constructs. Not willy nilly but Wouldn't it be cool if you evict someone from their home base, that you have the option to take over ownership, same with ships either abandoned or crippled.


I think it would be cool if some of the inevitable vast cities constructed have wars fought over their occupancy, and i imagine a lot of pirates would rather lay claim to a ship instead of just destroying it and claiming a loot drop 


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Core Units simply start the construct. If you replace a Core Unit of another person with yours (of the same size or greater), their construct is yours.

As for cities , that depends. Territory Claim Units may take a full day to deploy in full.

But grand theft spaceship is happening indeed. That's why Ark Zones will make for great income for people who want to rent hangars to travellers to log out in safety, where nobody can destroy their ship's Core Unit.

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I'm wonering what everyone thinks about the idea to lay claim to someone elses constructs. Not willy nilly but Wouldn't it be cool if you evict someone from their home base, that you have the option to take over ownership, same with ships either abandoned or crippled.


I think it would be cool if some of the inevitable vast cities constructed have wars fought over their occupancy, and i imagine a lot of pirates would rather lay claim to a ship instead of just destroying it and claiming a loot drop 


A wonderful idea. It takes sabotage to a whole new level. In cases of Black Ops and such, someone might switch the constructs of entire flagships and leave them dormant for a while.  


Should a battle start, the devious mind would simply use the RDMS to restrict the access of the original owner. The war's won.


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As far as bases I don't think you should be able to simply replace a core unit to take it over but must take ownership of the territory it is on.  I think it would be sort of cool to see ruins of bases/cities where battles took place.  There may not be enough left to be worth it for the victor to take it over due to location, resources, or what is left standing as long as it takes time and is not quick and easy to take over a territory.


Ships and stations yeah, I think the core unit would be the only way and a fair way. They should be easier as far as game mechanics to be able to take over than a land base where an organization has owned the territory.  


Obviously the design will determine difficulty so that depends on the builder but as far as game mechanics I think that would be the fair way of going about it.  I haven't read or heard any specifics on this though and maybe I just haven't seen it if JC has talked about this. 


The taking over a base though needs to be an "investment" of some sort where the victor needs to weigh the reward vs what is needed to do ... this will allow battle ruins which would give a sense of history to the game as the game goes on for a decade plus :D :D  ... as well as give the defender time to regroup and try to drive out the attacker before the attacker can take ownership. 


Land bases/cities could be something where dozens of people spend hundreds of hours in creating and so the process of losing it should be fair in comparison to investment needed to create.

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You could do this by a core unit. The rest would just go by itself, if i am going to take astroid, do i not fuck the whole shit. If I am going to take a city, Maybe if i am in the bad corner that day. It all depends on situtation and the players. A ruler who is famous for destroing isnt ruler for long......

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While no one likes to loose control of their constructs, I think that not having the risk of it would take something away from the immersion of the game. It should (as mentioned above) not be an easy thing to do, but in my opinion it should be possible. 

I would like to see great wars fought over a strategically placed outpost, or players banding together to capture an advanced capital ship that is laying siege to an area. 

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what happens when the death star finally gets unleashed mwuahaha :P


probably as stated before it wouldn't be able to destroy the planet entirely, Unless it had a super laser that took 48 hours or more to charge, if you couldn't stop it in that time, by by planet! 

Well, planets can't be destroyed (for many a reason :P ) .



Chances are Death Stars will be blown to bits before they could ever be fully constructed. Plus, you can get a massive number of back-up ships for the cost of one Death Star.

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Well, there was an idea of decay discussed by me and the people on DUExplores during episode 10.


We basically said it would be a good idea if that, if someone didn't maintain their stuff. it could mean that if you created a plan to cause a person to be unable to maintain for some reason, their construct could be more vulnerable and eventually, it could be destroyed. Maybe, instead though, an option would be securing it and making it your own. We go into more detailed ideas in the video itself.



Well, planets can't be destroyed (for many a reason :P ) .

Chances are Death Stars will be blown to bits before they could ever be fully constructed. Plus, you can get a massive number of back-up ships for the cost of one Death Star.

Yep. Death stars are unlikely. Not to mention, getting weapons that strong could never happen.


Unless, NovaQuark released content specifically for that purpose. To be specific, "Chaos Expansion". Although, planet destroying still probably wouldn't be possible. Sorry :(

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