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We expect nothing of our members, other than a passion for coding and/or a desire to learn. Your time is your own, we will never try to manage our members in any way shape or form. Simply put, you have absolute freedom to do what you want in Dual Universe.
To become a hub of individuals who love to code and game, and to make in-game money along the way. As a software developer, hacker or a scripting enthusiast you are in a unique position to make your mark in Dual Universe. You have skills that others do not posses, we are here to organize and focus our efforts and create world class code that will be used over and over again by Dual Universe players, willing to pay for the privilege.
We will maintain a list of planned features. Any member is then free to contribute to those features. When we release a DPU, the lifetime profits will be shared amongst the contributors depending on the share of their contribution. So if you write half of a module that goes on to make in-game money, you'll get half the profit. You'll also get a cut for other contributions such as testing, or even for simply coming up with the idea in the first place.
xNerox is the founder, however we are a self organizing meritocracy. You simply have to prove your worth, and could become the de-facto Leader until the next genius comes along and unseats you.
Red Hat Systems recognizes the value of sharing knowledge with those who desire to learn. If you are thirsty for knowledge we will do our best to bring you on board and bring you up to speed.
Band Of Outlaws - We are proud members of the Band Of Outlaws. We are bound by one universal value: Freedom! The freedom to do what you want, where you want, when you want. We encourage all members and non-members alike to take a look and join Band Of Outlaws. There awaits your place in the dual universe.
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Someone will soon create GNU/Linux Debian :D (actually it would have been a better choice than shitty redhat system, debian is more community oriented than redhat commercial system)


Possibly, although if they did i believe we would be better off merging in some way. I'm not here to lead, nor to create the next mega-corporation. Simply to focus talent, and hopefully make a living in the game.


Anyway, linux is linux - everybody has there preferred flavour. I chose Red Hat more for the name and the logo and there is definitely a commercial side to this organization ;) I think Red Hat suits it well.

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If elements can communicate with each other remotely, ie satellite dishes or something to that effect, I would like someone to attempt to create a blockchain network using LUA within Dual Universe.


LUA 5.2 has the ability to run SHA256 functions, and with a networking component.... well you get the idea.

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Heres an idea for you guys (since apparently you love a challenge)...

Build an operating system for ships, with easy to install "modules" which can be easily configured for each ship.


The game itself will be the OS. We'll only be able to work within the confines of what the game's developers allow. Effectively we'll have access to an API, we'll be able to subscribe to and emit events, and to create functions. Depending on how much flexibility we have, we could create amazing event driven systems. Being modular (I.E we could build a script and then import it into another) will be fantastic feature that we would exploit heavily if it is available in-game.


How much we can and can't do will likely take a lot of thought and consideration from the devs, too little and scripting is almost a waste of time, too much and game stability and balance could be affected. Fingers crossed that the devs get this one right!


In summary: Only time will tell... But the module idea is already on the table.

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Well the developers have said that even the ship displays will be fully scripted and laid out by the players, so thats what I mean by OS. You have a core system running a ship with the basics, and then plug in modules such as automation, multiple drone fighter control, auto turret controls, shield control systems etc...

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Well the developers have said that even the ship displays will be fully scripted and laid out by the players, so thats what I mean by OS. You have a core system running a ship with the basics, and then plug in modules such as automation, multiple drone fighter control, auto turret controls, shield control systems etc...


I think I see Where you are going. If there is a list function that will print all of the elements connected to a construct it could be possible to build a program that would allow users to select which element they want and where/how to display any information you may get from it. Other modules and functions could be included to assist users not interested in writing code but still wish to customize their constructs.

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Well the developers have said that even the ship displays will be fully scripted and laid out by the players, so thats what I mean by OS. You have a core system running a ship with the basics, and then plug in modules such as automation, multiple drone fighter control, auto turret controls, shield control systems etc...


This aspect of the game will certainly be fun to play around with. It would certainly offer a lot of immersion. I see what you mean now by the OS. I'd call that a "Console Application" as i assume the displays will be text driven. It may work just like a typing commands into a Linux Terminal or Windows Command Prompt. Might not be up every ones street, but i'd love it. We could even make a Snake game, or Tic Tac Toe :) Lose the game, self destruct the ship/open trap door?


Alternatively, i can imagine them giving us simple graphical displays (GUI), where we can add buttons and descriptions, then wire those buttons to certain functions within the DPU. More user friendly, less fun. Hopefully we can do either approach.


If they give us the right tools, the possibilities are endless :)

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I think I see Where you are going. If there is a list function that will print all of the elements connected to a construct it could be possible to build a program that would allow users to select which element they want and where/how to display any information you may get from it. Other modules and functions could be included to assist users not interested in writing code but still wish to customize their constructs.


+1. Although in absence of this, fuzzy logic should work. Simply use a naming convention, so a certain prefix would mean "This function is meant to be wired to the GUI". Still guesswork at this stage - but where there is a will, there is a way

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If elements can communicate with each other remotely, ie satellite dishes or something to that effect, I would like someone to attempt to create a blockchain network using LUA within Dual Universe.


LUA 5.2 has the ability to run SHA256 functions, and with a networking component.... well you get the idea.



I only just noticed your reply (sorry). If we get the tools to do this... Wow! The possibilities.... Fleet Management System? Black Market? Automated Trade Routes? Call For Reinforcements?


I hope we not only have some form of "networking" ability, but also some form of storage (perhaps a set amount of data stored on a DPU, accessible by code). But i may just be getting carried away... Fingers crossed hey

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Well with the technologies we have nowadays... virtual machines are a thing so a virtual machine within a game that exists purely for C&C and information...


Absolutely, the tech is there... The devs have mentioned that elements like Radars would emit events such as "Enemy Detected At X,Y,Z", now if we also had a GPS-type system and a radio system, we could build a distributed radar network that feeds data back to a NORAD-like military HQ. All friendly ships would then broadcast the location of all enemy ships to a central location. Knowledge is Power... :)

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This is quite a good idea. I'm very happy to see what awaits with your organization.


As well, it will be quite interesting to see what people gain from your Newbie Program. I'm sure that it might be interesting to see how they develop skill, and how well you're able to teach.

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This is quite a good idea. I'm very happy to see what awaits with your organization.


As well, it will be quite interesting to see what people gain from your Newbie Program. I'm sure that it might be interesting to see how they develop skill, and how well you're able to teach.


Glad to hear your enthusiasm :)


As with anything at this very early stage, only time will tell. There seems to be huge potential in this game, i can't wait to see how things pan out. On the point of newbies, its still early days. A lot will depend on how many members we have, their willingness to teach etc (i will teach, but i can't teach everyone), and ofcourse whether there is even demand from people wanting to learn. 


I'm of the opinion that the more people there are engaged with the scripting elements of the game, and the bigger and better things we do with it - the more priority the devs will give to improving and expanding those features. And being developers themselves they might be eager to expand those features.


To that end, and for the time being, i may work on some documentation for those who want it. I could even write some sample scripts based on what the devs have said already (Doubtful they will work straight out of the box (as it's all guesswork at this stage), but it would give people an idea of what they would be doing in this organization, should they choose to do so)

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