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Ideas about the community portal and live game


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It has been awhile since I posted anything in the forums, but the other day I was thinking about the community portal and how its used to manage the player orgs. We know that the portal will have some link to the live game but not much is known past that.


I had the idea that perhaps there could be a feature on the portal that is similar to the rep system of games like WoW. Where someone could see what orgs a particular org is allied or at war with.

The way I see this working is a menu on the Legate side of the community portal where a legate could go through a searchable list of all orgs and mark them as either friendly or hostile, or could send a request to be marked as allied. I feel for 2 orgs to be listed as allied then both would have to agree on that. Same with war.

I feel like this could fairly easily translate to a interface menu inside the game itself. Perhaps only showing the orgs that are anything but neutral or having filter options. I have seen graphs made by members of the community that show the interconnecting of different orgs. This would be something that would be more official.


I would also like for the community portal to be used to control RDMS. Given that DU will be what it is, I see this as being a benefit. If something happens in game but a legate or member is unable to get online because of work or for whatever reason. being able to give temp access to someone else and managing things like RDMS will be useful.


In short I would like to see the community portal became well integrated into the game itself, almost as if you are logging into a terminal in game to manage a group.



I don't expect any of this day one of the game, but I think it would be useful as an update down the road.


Any comments and criticism is welcome.  

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9 minutes ago, Lord_Void said:

I like this idea. The only thing I'll say is that having groups listed as either allies or enemies may be too simplistic for the game

Well I made it simple but it can be expanded on. Why I like posting on forums for ideas to be tweaked and expanded upon.

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I would expect something like this as a must, to be honest.


I'd also expect there to be market information/prices displayed on the community portals too, and even to go so far as being able to display organisations current stock of items stored in containers (privately and publically if needed) so organisations can figure out what they have on a "global" scale and then use the community portal like a private forum and discuss what they plan to do with it all.


Of course, not expecting it all on day one ;)

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