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Instrctions unclar:  Stck in backhol.  Nt sure if ths trnsmision will mke it... but sen halp...  *static*

Yeah-haha. Uh, listen buddy. Our scientists who worked on that mission sorta... died. Y'know. That sorta happens sometimes from old age.

We have no more knowledge about your mission. Because we decided to hire a pyromaniac to organize the archives.

Next thing you know, there are like, big flames. Big. Slightly bigger than the average fire. Big. Yuge.

We got something better though. We DO have a picture of a cat in an astronaut suit. That definitely makes up for everything, right?


Woooowww-wee! Look at dat cat!

Also, we found aliens, cured every disease, contacted aliens, visited 3 galaxies, and found the true meaning of covfefe, allowing us to ascend to the Aether.


EDIT: Grammar.

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