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Melee Combat Suggestion Part 2

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Continuation of Part 1. 

Part 2 : Advanced Melee  ( or a very good reason to build narrow corridors )

1. Intro
1)  The mechanic in question as demonstrated in Part 1 is expanded with Skill Training, giving access to more elaboraate Melee Actions - or macrocommands of actions.
2) Weapory involved : From Swords - or knives we don't judge here - to Pistol-Whiping to Bayonets and Power Fists - cause sometimes, punching a guy solves all your problems? I guess?. The Melee Action of your choice, can be suited for YOUR specific playstyle, and your macrocommand melee action, could transform you from toast-on-reload to Close Quarters murdermachine, if you play your hand right - and have the training for it. 
3) Defensive Weaponry : Yeah, unless in DU Futurespace people lost all sense of reasoning, Ballistic Shields are still a thing and so would be things like portable EM-Screens ( cause if they took the liberty of making laser rifles or plasma guns, so would the need for portable EM-Screens would arise). Why "Defensive Weaponry" ? Cause we are going to use Shield Slams via the magic of skill training - cause nothing says "I love you" like a ballistic shield to the face.
4) Martial Arts Skill Training - cause why not. Bonus points to NQ if the avatar in-game speaks "I know Kung Fu" when they reach 5/5 training.
2. Weapon Skill Training - Expanding your Melee Action.
A. Combos and training.

By default, the Melee Action you have selected, has a cooldown and energy cost associated with it. With the basic Skill Training, you get both a reduction in Cooldown and Energy Cost, up to a 25% reduction with maxed out 5/5 Melee Training performed. At Melee Training III, you unlock CQC Training.

With CQC, you unlock the ability to expand your Melee Action from a Punch or a Kick, to a combination of both with one level of training into CQC, with each level adding one more action into the chain, before the whole melee action goes into a cooldown, which is proportional to 25% of the total actions chained.

Combos work with the concept, that your final attack, if every other connects (refer to Part 1 for info on how an attack connects) you get a more powerful version "finisher" move. For the sake of hilarity, I would suggest making the final kick or punch, into a roundhouse kick or an uppercut, which will gain a bonus on its Weight of Medium factor - which is going to be explained thorougly in later on - thus earning a higher chance for that sweet sweet 200% Hit status, that can vary from attack type to attack type and giving a lightweigh target, a means to combat a much heavier target if they keep their distance and keep going for the "heavy" attacks by sprinting and striking. 

Note : The less the hits, the lesser the finisher's damage is. If you thought "I will put two combos in the combo and just have quick finishers, this is NOT it. The Finisher will treat as having only 1 hit connected in a list of 6 hits, thus being a weak finisher. Also, a combo's finisher can be chosen from a list when creating your combo sequence. Finishers later on with Specialisation into martial arts, can procur your Disarming of the opponent (debuff disarm, not actua disarm). Equipping and unequipping a weapon sents the combo on a cooldown - no cheating with gear shuffling.

At CQC Training 3/5, you gain access to Combat Technique Training. This is where the real specialisation begins. Every level of it, gives you the ability for an extra Melee Action sequence to be set - thus, switching between melee actions you preset, is a thing now, one goes into cooldown, then default to another - up to a maximum of 5. This need for more than one Melee Action, is needed, given the Hit Status formula in Part 1. Your attack medium (kick or punch) has a different animation and damage / weight behind it. Your Arm is lighter than your leg, thus a kick could be used to kick a lighter target or a "staggered" target away easily, while your punch attack is more prone to dealing more damage for its weight.

This also keeps in format with how actual martial arts are practised. A fighter has a sequence of actions they go through - figuring it out, is also what can make or break a fighter's pace. From Jeet Kune Do, to Fencing, everyone has a rythm they dance to.

In the book Human Body Dynamics: Classical Mechanics and Human Movement the average human leg is 15.9 % of the total body weight - make it 16% - while the arm in total is 4.96% - make it 5% - of the total body weight. These values are not universal, just average across the board, but they are values that can be CONSTANTS in the equation. Your armor is getting heavier, but your leg is still 16% of your armor's total weight. That being said, the Kick costs more energy than the Punch to execute, so a combo of 6 punches, could end up costing less energy, than a combo of 6 Kicks - far less in fact. Which is why you need the different Melee Actions to switch between - you need options.

Like CQC Training 3/5, the skill training Combat Technique 3/5, unlocks you a new skill training. This is where specialised weaponry comes in. No, up until now you were Batman, now you are going full on... well, Ben Affleck's Batman.

B. Weapon of Choice - Running out of bullets is not a game over.

Past Combat Technique 3/5, you earn the skill training of Armed CQC. Each skill training, gives you access to more specialised and more "tricky" weaponry. Each rank into CQC, reduces energy cost for performign an attack with a weapon, as your weapons morph your Punch Melee Action

Armed CQC 1/5 : Basic Weaponry.[/b]

Knives - both hand-held and bayonet style which is how the armies use them nowadays. Ginves 0.15 meters of extra range.

Knuckles : lowers the surface area of a punch = direct damage increase (don't question the Pascals involved :V ).

Riot Shields : Can be equipped on the off-hand and with a one handed gun or melee weapon. Transforms your Punch Melee Action into a shield bash and vastly improves your Defense Bonus when double-tapping S (look Part 1 for more info). They provide minor defense bonuses, cheap to make.

Gun Bashing :

Pistol Whipping : Handguns now can be used as a weapon, adding its weight to your arm's weight, transforming your punch to a Pistol-Whip . The application area is the weapon's grip's bottom.
Your two-handed ranged weaponry (rifles, carbines, shotguns) now use BOTH hands + weapon weight , and your weapon's stock or your elbow (if for some reason you don't use a weapon with stock and / or removed it ).

Armed CQC 2/5 : Advanced Weaponry.

Swords : 1 meter reach bonus (will explain later how it fits), thinner smaller surface area of application of force.

Baton : Blunt Instrument. Low energy cost, low cooldown on Melee Action. 0.5 meters reach bonus. Eh, instead of punching a person, use this.
Ballistic Shields : Heavier but sturdier than a Riot Shield. Bonus to armor defense stats. Cost more to make, weight impaires a speed reduction. Dobule-tapping S (read part 1) places the shield in front of the user for 3 second, providing a boost to m.1 AND m.2 in the hit-chance calculation and reducing your speed to match your added "mass", also acting as a "screen" for people behind you. This mass increase + slow down, is to emulate "putting your weight behind it".

Bayonets : Barrel attachment to your weapon. Transforms your Punch to a Bayonet Thrust. Treat's weapon length + Bayonet as reach extension.

Armed CQC 3/5

Taser Baton : Specialty weaponry, drains energy from you to recharge its taser, can temporarily stun an opponent, hurts shields, half a meter reach bonus. When its taser is on, you get a bonus to Hit Status (+20%).

Hand-held EM Screens : More defense stats that ballistic shield, at less the weight, making you easier to be pushed back compared to a ballistic shield. Drains energy to operate, lack of singificant weight provides a better speed than using a Ballistic Shield. Large Profile when activated with Double-tapped S makes people behind you avoid damage as your shield acts as a giant hitbox.

Amred CQC 4/5 & 5/5 provide Tech-2 variants of previous unlocks. Case in point, Knuckles are now

Power Fists - multiplier on mass to emulate "amplified strength".

Swords get thinner cutting edges and / or reach. No lightsabers. Those are more hazard than worthing their salt in battle.

Taser Batons become more powerful (more Hit Status flat bonus for active effect).

Note : Each Weapon comes with its own finisher combo move + 200% Hit Status effect. Sharp weaponry come with bleed (slashing and only applies if the enemy's armor is very low on HP)  and punctunring effects (damage resistance reduction / Sunder Armor ), blunt instruments come with brusing (minor speed impairment), taser variants come with E-War Short-Circuitng (minor electronics E-War capability / target jamming for guns), perfect for using Taser Batons as station security on people who refuse to stop spamming the chat with scams  ;) .

In Part 1's Hit Status Formula , we have

{ [ ( LV.2 - Trv.1 + MAs ) * m.2 ] / Surface Area of Striking Medium } / { [  (  G.V.1 _ AV.1 + 1)  * m.1  ] / Volume Factor }

Where [MAs], is the Melee Action speed, the default range of the action. 2 meters minimum range which means 2 m/s minimum speed of an attack.
With a weapon, this range can be increased. In the case of a sword, it's +1, thus a minimum of 2 meters of minimum +1, thus a 3 m/s minimum speed bonus and 3 meters of Melee Action range. This is done due to simplifying the equation server side and putting weapon reach into the formula.

Note : The equation compares Newtons behind each action, to wage the Hit Status of a melee action. This is done out of pure neccessity to keep the algorithm behind the Hit Status fluid and dynamic in a lock-on based system.

Next up, is the surface area of a weapon and its mass. This is tricky to explain, as we don't have the weight of an avatar for DU, thus we cannot determine the arm's weight behind a swing. However, that being said, the theoretical number behind the sword's strike (as the cemter of mass is projected down the blade with the swing) would be [Arm-Weight] + [Weapon Weight].

The sword's application area also increases the damage potential of the Hit Status, as the blade edge is far smaller in surface area than a fist's knuckle. An Arming Sword, the only best sword ever - sorry katana fanbois - has a surface area on an edge of 0.01 square meter (100 square centimeter). Thins number may seem odd, until you realise this covers the whole cutting edge of a sword and for the sake of keeping this simple, only the slashing motion surface will be measured.
From the get-go, our damage and range has increased significantly by using a melee weapon.

Likewise for a shield though, the Shield Slam should apply [Army-Weight] + [Weapon Weight]? But this is not the case. See, anyone who has done HEMA, knows that a shield Slam uses the WHOLE body behind the bash - it's the reason Tower Shields are so legendary, as a knight in full plate, weighted around 140 Kg alone, adding 15 Kg of a Tower Shield on top of that, could easily send back anyone who was not in full plate armor back with one solid push. Tower Shields, are the precursors of modern day Riot and Ballistic Shields.

So, a Shield, would use [Full-Weight] + [shield-Weight] as its measurement. But wait, shields have more surface. A average Police Ballistic Shield weights 15 Kg and has a surface area of 0.95 meters. But the Arming Sword is barely 1.1 Kg.

At this point, I should not have to point out, that if you want to use a Shield + Sword + Light Armor, you ARE free to do so, just don't expect any reasonable "dps" potential out of it, not agaisnt a target than can outrun you - as the shield's weight slows YOU down as well. A Shield is meant to be used by bipedal MBTs, people who go into a narrow corridor and drain all the fire, people who don't have the privilege of switching guns and will slowlly, but steadily, eventually reach their targets.

To the unfamiliar, this may seem as "Shields are Bad" or "Swords are OP". The reality is one is oriented for protection and Poise (to resist and mitigate the Hit Status of an attack), the other for assault (increasing the damage). And by virtue of CQC training, you CAN chain a combo, where you can use a Shield Slam AND a Sword Strike at the saem time, as part of a combo.
Trigger Warning : Contains Speculatory Numbers. I know the weight between a man and a woman is not the same, but for the sake of equality in a video game world, we will take a man's and a woman's weight as being the same.
If a person does the math, they can see that

{ [ ( LV.2 - Trv.1 + MAs ) * m.2 ] / Surface Area of Striking Medium } / { [  (  G.V.1 _ AV.1 + 1)  * m.1  ] / Volume Factor }

For a person weighing 80 Kg with a 15 Kg shield if attacking from 1 meters distance without any built speed and an enemy who's 80 Kg and idle ( G.V.1 = 9.8 m/s as of the velocity of the gravity in a 1G enviroment and a 0 m/s Transversal Velocity  and zero angular velocity), the Hit Status Effect is 190 / 864 - these are Newton Values - we get a 20% Hit Status Effect (parry or block in the Hit Status formula.

But you didn't notice the wording of the attack with a shield. It's Shield SLAM (refer to Part 1 for what a Slam is).
A Shield Slam Melee Action is 100% damage ( damage math will be covered in part 3, my case of Scottish Liquid Fire has not yet arrived ), and the 20% bonus is on TOP of the 100%. Your target is now Dazed (penalty to angular velocity, thus less Newtons applied, as they are "out of balance"). You consecutive attacks now will be even MORE powerful in the equation.
Note : The Double-Tapped S bonus to weight, when using shields can provide a buffer do damage. This is to counter-act the shield's weight and associated weight of the heavy armror it SHOULD be used with. This is to keep the playing field balanced mobility to dps to tanking triangle.

But what about the Arming Sword in the same scenario? Glad you asked stranger.
{ [ ( LV.2 - Trv.1 + MAs ) * m.2 ] / Surface Area of Striking Medium } / { [  (  G.V.1 _ AV.1 + 1)  * m.1  ] / Volume Factor }
and the aforementioned added factors to MAs (sword gives range) and m.2 (sword has mass added onto your arm's inate weight) we got roughly a 115% Hit Status on an idle target of the same weight and wearing a Light Armor (Volume Factor of 1).
This makes the Arming Sword's - and best sword in the world - opening strike, to an idle and unsuspected target, a Slam attack. But it's a sword. Used in conjuction with a shield or attacking a target as they walk or with high speed, is going to guarantee the attack is a daze, as the attacker's movement makes them less "rooted".

Note : Weapons that use BOTH arms, taking as an m.2 value twice the value of one arm (which is 5% of the total body mass, thus 10% + sword weight). If you were to use a sword witH BOTH hands, the effects would be much more slice and dice, espeically if you are wearing a mobile + beefier armor, like a medium armor.

3. Martial Arts - Train it, mix it and become a living weapon.

CQC Training 5/5 plus Combat Technique 5/5 plus Armed CQC 5/5 , you unlock deeper specialisations with your fighting styles. Now, you can learn how to apply different types of a Punch with Wing Chun, quicker hits that recover faster thus netting you a short Combo[/b] cooldown, or train heavier, more brutal strikes via Boxing or Muai Thai or Kick-Boxing. Each style, has its own 5 rank skill trianing, each rank providing a deeper bonus when using these attacks you unlocked compared to the traditional punch.

Train enough of them, and mix them all together in one glorious Mixed Martial Arts combo. As you noticed earlier, you can't have a weapon and a punching Melee Action, but now, you can have a knee-kick ;). All martial arts unlock unique combo finishers, from grapples, to machinegun barrage punches. You can't also have a Martial Art's finisher and have a gun equipped.

Of course, this very skill training, is meant to make YOU a living weapon. You no longer need a melee weapon - as long as you do not miss their Combo Finisher effects.

This is the end of Part 2. On Part 3, we'll look into how we can amp a hit's strength, by mixing armor equipment - the heavier you are, the stronger you are. But what if I want to be faster, paper-tanky and strong? Well then, we gonna talk about artificial muscles and magnetic servos, and a way for using modules that can help with a gun's accuracy and stability to be used for melee combat - just don't expect to survive. You can't be agile, armored and strong. You can either choose to excel in one field, or Okay in two ofthem and shit at the third, or be an average armor guy. Specialising an armor comes with a price. You can be a rogue / mage , just accept the fact you have the glass cannon power of one with the sneakiness and near zero dps tanking of the other.


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I'd like combat to use voxels a lot, it would be original and different. Examples:


-Roboarm: slow weapon that needs charging, when you punch with it, creates an aoe that damage players and destroy voxels. You can launch it and recover for ranged attacks. Consumes energy to work.

-Minigun: doesn't have physical ammos, but consume energy to destroy voxels behind you and transform them in ammos.

-Rocket launcher, works similarly to the minigun.

-Wallmaker: a weapon that let's you place voxels even when in combat or in enemy territory. Consume energy. It will be used by specialists to create fortifications and support allies. (stop line of sight so your enemies can't lock on you and shoot)

-Mines, grenades, remote controlled exposives: aoes that deal damage to players and voxels. 


From what I understood NQ just want to avoid projectiles, so aoes should be fine. Definitely too much destruction could get cahotic and stress the serves, but it can easily be balanced with cooldowns, skill requirements and costs. Those are special weapons, the classic ones with no voxel destruction are probably still needed.


EDIT: I know this was about meelee weapon, It all started with the roboarm.

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I'd like combat to use voxels a lot, it would be original and different. Examples:


-Roboarm: slow weapon that needs charging, when you punch with it, creates an aoe that damage players and destroy voxels. You can launch it and recover for ranged attacks. Consumes energy to work.

-Minigun: doesn't have physical ammos, but consume energy to destroy voxels behind you and transform them in ammos.

-Rocket launcher, works similarly to the minigun.

-Wallmaker: a weapon that let's you place voxels even when in combat or in enemy territory. Consume energy. It will be used by specialists to create fortifications and support allies. (stop line of sight so your enemies can't lock on you and shoot)

-Mines, grenades, remote controlled exposives: aoes that deal damage to players and voxels. 


From what I understood NQ just want to avoid projectiles, so aoes should be fine. Definitely too much destruction could get cahotic and stress the serves, but it can easily be balanced with cooldowns, skill requirements and costs. Those are special weapons, the classic ones with no voxel destruction are probably still needed.


EDIT: I know this was about meelee weapon, It all started with the roboarm.

Power Fist = "Robo Arm.


It's in the list. And yes, when performing a melee attack on a voxel surface you attack the voxels.


However, given this is based on real masses and not superhuman strengths, how easy it is to break a wall of concrete may vary, depending on armor + strength modifier + weapon tech level.

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Very nice. Though I wonder if you'll do something more for bladed/puncture type weapons? The most dangerous thing about a sword is not the impulse the victim would have to absorb, but rather the sudden loss of a limb.

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Very nice. Though I wonder if you'll do something more for bladed/puncture type weapons? The most dangerous thing about a sword is not the impulse the victim would have to absorb, but rather the sudden loss of a limb.

Well, thing is, with great Gore, comes a greater PG rating. While DU is not build with children in mind as far as difficulty goes, it's also not a good idea putting Gore in it.


However, I do have a thing in mind for Part 3 where I cover weapon durability - you can't slash forever, your weapon has a limited amount of uses before it needs repairs or sharpening. It's in the same kind of Part I discuss "differnet attacks targeted at different places".


So far, the Melee Actions involved were clcualted against the holy mass of the enemy, with specialsiation, you can use differnet attack,s as well as target differnet body parts - at varying angular velocity penatlies, hitting a person on the chest, is not as easy as hitting them o nthe head after all.



Also, you can't really cut a limb from a person wearing a power armor :P

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Well, thing is, with great Gore, comes a greater PG rating. While DU is not build with children in mind as far as difficulty goes, it's also not a good idea putting Gore in it.


However, I do have a thing in mind for Part 3 where I cover weapon durability - you can't slash forever, your weapon has a limited amount of uses before it needs repairs or sharpening. It's in the same kind of Part I discuss "differnet attacks targeted at different places".


So far, the Melee Actions involved were clcualted against the holy mass of the enemy, with specialsiation, you can use differnet attack,s as well as target differnet body parts - at varying angular velocity penatlies, hitting a person on the chest, is not as easy as hitting them o nthe head after all.



Also, you can't really cut a limb from a person wearing a power armor :P

Why would we need gore? Do we really want a bloody battlefield that drains GPU slightly faster than ARK: SE on Max Quality?

I think a simple blood spray (or a hit-marker) for target hit confirmation would suffice.

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Why would we need gore? Do we really want a bloody battlefield that drains GPU slightly faster than ARK: SE on Max Quality?

I think a simple blood spray (or a hit-marker) for target hit confirmation would suffice.

The best thign would to link "limb damage" to a debuff. 


I.e. a certain amount of damage done to a person's leg, hurts said body part thus hindering a person's angular velocity (throwng them off balance when idle).


It's indeed, less GPU taxing and is more in-line with NQ's visiono f the game.

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The best thign would to link "limb damage" to a debuff. 


I.e. a certain amount of damage done to a person's leg, hurts said body part thus hindering a person's angular velocity (throwng them off balance when idle).


It's indeed, less GPU taxing and is more in-line with NQ's visiono f the game.

I think just randoming falling to the left/right is a pretty bad idea tbh.

We aren't a drunk airplane, are we? Shouldn't it happen we're moving, not standing still? It seems more of a nuisance than a gameplay mechanic if you just tilt.


What about crutches tho? And "bio-synthetic-ultra-healing-nanites-magical-unicorn-dust" (BSUHNMUD) being applied to wounds?

Poison? Could you elaborate on more "elemental" effects on the next suggestion?

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I think just randoming falling to the left/right is a pretty bad idea tbh.

We aren't a drunk airplane, are we? Shouldn't it happen we're moving, not standing still? It seems more of a nuisance than a gameplay mechanic if you just tilt.


What about crutches tho? And "bio-synthetic-ultra-healing-nanites-magical-unicorn-dust" (BSUHNMUD) being applied to wounds?

Poison? Could you elaborate on more "elemental" effects on the next suggestion?

Nobody said anythign about falling over. Just emulating your angualr velocity loss. Unless you are sayign you can balance jsut as well o na broken leg as you would on one that's not broken.



Healign gameplay COULD heal your body, simialr in how in EVE, we use nantie paste to heal up "structure" (the thing after shields and armor, if it reaches 0 your ship explodes).


But this is the point. This is something that's NOT what is being discussed here. This suggestion is on melee cobmat suggestion, not how to heal up possible wounds. That's "healer" gameplay suggetsion.


But yeah, the idea of medi-gel from Mass Effect sounds nice :P

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MUD is now a reference. Only cool people will get it.



But we also have the slight problem of people shoving bricks up their orifices just to gain extra weight. Would items have weight or only armour+bodymass+weapons?

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Good thoughts there and I like this idea BUT


1) you really do want swords? :)

2) nanite paste in eve repairs module damage and, with special armor repair modules, armor damage. But NEVER structure. :P

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Good thoughts there and I like this idea BUT

1) you really do want swords? :)

2) nanite paste in eve repairs module damage and, with special armor repair modules, armor damage. But NEVER structure. :P

1) variety D:


2) it could work like nanite paste + medical injector module in DU is what I meant :P

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MUD is now a reference. Only cool people will get it.



But we also have the slight problem of people shoving bricks up their orifices just to gain extra weight. Would items have weight or only armour+bodymass+weapons?

Only armor + modules + equipment affects additional mass. Any further mass alteration is emulated strength bonuses.

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Sorry if you guys misunderstood, but I wasn't advocating including gore. My point was that bladed or pointed weapons are dangerous not because they carry a lot of momentum, but because they can directly injure the fleshy gooey parts that make the human body work. Bladed or pointed weapons should get a bonus for doing that.


And yes, I would expect a sword or anything else to be able to compete at some level with power armor. The balance between armor and armor penetration shouldn't be lopsided (completely) in favor of armor.

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Sorry if you guys misunderstood, but I wasn't advocating including gore. My point was that bladed or pointed weapons are dangerous not because they carry a lot of momentum, but because they can directly injure the fleshy gooey parts that make the human body work. Bladed or pointed weapons should get a bonus for doing that.


And yes, I would expect a sword or anything else to be able to compete at some level with power armor. The balance between armor and armor penetration shouldn't be lopsided (completely) in favor of armor.

Which is why I included the Puncture / Sunder armor part. You essentially impair the opponent with a penatly to moitigation. As long as you keep moving fast and let their cumberness hinder their accuracy in close quarters with a gun, you can keep striking them. And if NQ wast to implements EVE rules for dmg, at 25% armor integrity you have a chance at hittign the target's structure (the actual flesh and bone of ap erson in armor in DU). So, once you see lots of power of the enemy's armor missing, go for a slashing attack and just watch them slowlly but steadily dying. Of course, if they have any semblance of reaosoning, they MIGHT actually try and fight back with melee, but we'll discuss how Double-tapping S can impair you defense against a target by adding bonus to tiher velocity - pushing forwads to defende agaisnt an attack only makes a backstab even MORE pwoerful.


Of course, anyone worth their salt would have called for help once they realised "hey I can't compete with a highly mobile, close quarters enemy in this super-heavy, super-slow armor, I should call for help" but whatever :P.


Also in the suggestion, I put in "Tech-2 swords have thinner cutting edges". Thois will be expanded on Part 3 of the suggestion on "when does a blade break". Just saying, the candle that burns twice as fast lasts half as long. If you are to attack a target that's much heavier than you, you better have an actaul supply of swords to burn through - or in our case, nanite pastes - repair paste, essentially, an HP potion for your equipment - but needing a certain module to apply on armor. It's also finite. :|


In Part 3 I will also explain that building your avatar for mele cobmat + speed, can make you a speedy rogue but like a rogue from atraditional MMO, very very easy to squash by someone who has armor can can outsmart you. Remember, this cobmat system mis NOT any different than  the cobmat system with Guns. It's still involving Speeds, Angular Velocities, Mass and target size (Which will be explained in part 3 on WTF is Volume Factor - or whatever NQ may end up calling aa person's size in-game.



I do get what you mean about beign able to bleed a persn to death, however, a Power ARmor is not a Medieval armor. Instead of Chainmail, they got Liquid armor in the spacing. Adnd of coruse, they got no opening for breathing. It has to be a system of "debuff" and impairments that shifts the combat flow. Slowing down the enemy BOTH increases your Hit Status and makes it harder for the enemy to outrun you.

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All deep and all that but I only wonder how the thing in your hand.. or on your hand. The nano-former glove would fit into equation here.

It is so powerful tool to be able to form matter including complicated mechanism that I cannot imagine not to use it to dismantle any other matter in opponent hand including any male weapon.


I don't know, maybe it's just me, but scenario and whole set up of this game has no room for all that stuff we know from other MMO games. I like si-fi but when there is more si than fi.

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All deep and all that but I only wonder how the thing in your hand.. or on your hand. The nano-former glove would fit into equation here.

It is so powerful tool to be able to form matter including complicated mechanism that I cannot imagine not to use it to dismantle any other matter in opponent hand including any male weapon.


I don't know, maybe it's just me, but scenario and whole set up of this game has no room for all that stuff we know from other MMO games. I like si-fi but when there is more si than fi.

Same arguement can be made on "why is my mage in WoW not instantly kiol;ling a person with anm Ice Lance throiugh the throat?"



The answer, like always : " It's a game ".


You could as well say "why do we even have PvP, if the Ship A.I. can transfer information into our heads? Cant it just sjut our offensiveness off?



And yes, that's what the Safezone is and probably, what happens inside a protection buibble - a signal is emitted that shuts down aggression.



And this is where I think the Nanoformer comes in. Just because the Nanoformer can compress non-organic matter, it doesn 't mean it can do the same to people with the same efficiency. Could it damage them? Probably yes, it's a Swiss Army... Arm more or less. We could assume it's made of lightweight materiaals to compensate for the fact the arm can't push past certain weights alone - you are part cyborg, not full cyborg - so it's the same mass behind a punch behind a male and female avatar.



So there's your answer, part Lore McGuffen, part video game suspension of disbelief.


It's the same as asking "why does ASh KEtcham not catching Team Rocket in a Pokeball? aaIf it works on a 100 meters tall Pokemon it means it can work on people as well.  Do they put homeless people in Pokeballs in the Pokemon universe? Why haven't I seen any prisons or homeless in the Pokemon universe?"


The answer is "don't sweat it, video game logic" :P

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