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Character Name Reservation


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So I may have screwed up my name reservation and I'd like a little more information on how character names will be used / displayed.




That link says we choose a First and Last name. I did not. Just used my usual mashed together gamer tag. Will your last name be shared across all your characters? How will names be visually displayed in game? Do you have to have First and Last name?


The name reservation survey probably should have more clearly specified how the name is setup and displayed.

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I'd prefer just a first name, if possible, so that's what I put in there.  But I put in my second choice with a last name.   I hope you don't have to have two names like that.  Makes it so much harder for fellow players to remember.

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They probably should have specified this more clearly, and I don't think they have put anything out on it directly. If I had to guess I would say the names will behave a lot like they do in EVE:


  • The names of characters on the same account don't have to be related.
  • No requirement for a last name.

This is just a guess though.

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just to quote nomad here:




Hi guys, 


Here are more details about the rules for the Character Name reservation: 


  • It must be 3 to 20 characters long. 
  • Only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, hyphen-minus (or dash), single quotation and some accented letters are allowed. 
  • Allowed accented letters are: IÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞĂĄĆČĎĘĚĞİŁŃŇŐŒŘŚŞŠŢŤŮŰŴŶŸŹŻŽȘȚẀẄẞỲiàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþăąćčďęěği̇łńňőœřśşšţťůűŵŷÿźżžșțẁẅßỳ 
  • Space, hyphen-minus and single quotation characters are not allowed as the first or last character. 
  • There cannot be two or more consecutive spaces, hyphen-minuses or single quotation characters.
For those who asked, it means you can create "First Name + Name" character names or "Nickname only" type if you prefer. 



plus the SAME were postet with the survey.


so YES a last name is allowed but not needed.

It was clearly written, I really don't know why people always jump to conclusions and don't read the texts properly

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just to quote nomad here:




plus the SAME were postet with the survey.


so YES a last name is allowed but not needed.

It was clearly written, I really don't know why people always jump to conclusions and don't read the texts properly


From the Kickstarter page



You will have to choose one First Name and one Last Name for each name reservation. More details about the name limitations will be given in time, when we will ask you the character name (you will receive an email when we are ready with the process). However, we can already say that you won't be able to choose the name of a celebrity or a famous character (be it from a movie, a book, a game or any media), all this for copyright reasons. You won't be able to use a branded name for your character for the same reasons.



From the FAQ



Concerning pre-registration of names, are names going to be first and last, first only, or a common last name between all account characters?


We are going towards a First Name + Last Name, with no string attached to the underlying account.



So I'm not quite sure, but if the KS page is correct and are throwing out character or celebrity names then I'm guessing there'll be a lot of re-submitting needed.
Or they're not, but you'll be miffed if they allow them after stating they won't and you chose something else.
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From the Kickstarter page




From the FAQ





So I'm not quite sure, but if the KS page is correct and are throwing out character or celebrity names then I'm guessing there'll be a lot of re-submitting needed.
Or they're not, but you'll be miffed if they allow them after stating they won't and you chose something else.


"Sadly, I am out of likes.


 Thank you, Deckard.


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I got confused because I got offered two name reservations, but the first one was called "namer reservation" - so I wasn't sure if it was a mis-spelled "name", or whether it was some kind of a "character namer" type of naming system in place. So I put the same for first choices in both the first and second option. Hope I didn't screw it up. 

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