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Auto mining with extractors

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Will it be possible to craft some ressource extractors item (maybe different types for differents resource types) of different size (depending on crafting skills and resource used to craft them) which would affect the extraction speed and storage size to extract resouce automatically?

With the delegation system it could be owned/used by a player, many or organization.

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No, NQ has stated on multiple occasions that they want to keep mining manual. The primary fear being that if they allow any type of mining automation that non automated mining will be useless due to inefficiency.


They have also stated that mining with ships was not a goal but they did say maybe mining asteroids with a ship might be possible so I'm a little unsure about that.


The basic idea I would stick with for now is mining is a non automated, player only activity with skills and abilities and possibly items to make mining better.


EDIT: Also they do not want infinite sources of resources which an automated miner could be used to create, but I am not sure if that's what you had in mind

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I was thinking about the non-infinite resource extraction, that's right that mining is taking out a real volume of matter.

But I'm afraid this does not scale with the rest of the game, seems unbalanced to me, otherwise let's assume that most of the playing will be miners.


I don't know what kind of players will play, miners, crafters, PvP, PvE. I realize it's not WoW, but it's not minecraft either, I hope.


To setup a real economy as this scale, we better have factories and extractors, otherwise most of the people will craft and the need to buy will be not as high as if there were more non crafters playing (you wouldn't be able to craft everything, but still...).


Balancing will be critical and I understand it's the purpose of the alpha.



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Mining is certainly going to be the bottom of the pyramid in terms of the structure of the economy but there will always be money in trading and providing security against bandits.


Replace services with security, and banking and finance with org administration.


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I think people assume that everyone who wants to play this game is doing it for the exact same reasons as themselves.  It takes all kinds in an MMO/Sandbox games.  Some people will almost never engage in combat (defending themselves aside) and some people will almost never engage in manual labor (starting rock bottom aside).  Everyone has their own goal and play style.


My friend, for instance, loves mining and resource collection.  He'll play a game like 7 Days to Die and spend almost all of it digging up ore, refining resources and building a base.  He'd love to work as a miner on Dual Universe, especially since it'll feel like an accomplishment when he works with others to achieve something.  Then you take me; a natural explorer.  I love ranging for hours or even days on end, exploring every nook and cranny I can, sometimes while carrying supplies for someone else.  For me, I'd love traveling with a miner, exploring the surrounding area and transporting the fruits of labor back to somewhere else.  Others would primarily want to engage in combat, commerce, engineering, logistics or any other number of tasks they want to specialize in.


They wouldn't have to think of themselves in two dimensions, as well.  Maybe the security grunt or the courier driver get a special offer from a logistics manager back at base, so they do some mining on the side.  They don't have to but the work could be there, which they would perform a little less efficiently than the specialized miner while still contributing.


Any organization and the individuals therein will figure out exactly how to tackle the challenge of personnel management, for efficiency or for individual comfort. 

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