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  1. Warp: -make it so you have to warp from 5-10 SU outside of the safe zone (excluding the 3 inner planets) and leave warp at a similar distance. this adds risk to warp unlike the current system where you can just reap rewards from. -make it so your warp bring you out to a random position. this adds variation to warping and still gives players a chance of not dying instantly after leaving warp. -add the ability to warp as a group. This will solve a problem if you have all of the same size core or don't want to bring a bigger ship to be able to warp multiple ships out. Core sizes: -revert the radar changes to how they behaved before .23. this is a controversial point but one I believe is necessary as it will add variation to what cores people use for PVP. -give a ship with 10 gunners on it a place in a fight along with a ship that has 1. Reasons to fight: -xs cores should be used for fun with your friends, s cores should be a cheap entry level, m's should be the main stream core size and L's should be what you pull out for a big fight that you need to win. The game needs central point to fight over that aren't near safe zones. This could be: -Asteroids (supplies the game with ore) -stations (could have resources on the station or maybe a double talent point buff for a week for the org that controls it) -more rewards other than a fun experience to take away from combat. Armour: -nerf voxels. voxel armour is insanely good for tanking damage and not too expensive. -remove build mode when in PVP (could easily be triggered along with the warp drive cooldown at the begging of firing). This causes players to keep regenerating their armour throughout a fight further more making it harder to kill an already hard to kill enemy. -give a reason to not pile on more and more and even more armour onto your PVP ships. add reason to have the fastest ship on the field and reason to be the tankiest or reason to be a hybrid variant. -fix element obstruction, I shouldn't be able to sink an element in voxels to limit the damage it takes. weapons: -close the gap between different weapon sizes a little. smalls may hit an L core 100% of the time but their damage is so negligible your basically tickling the other ship. -the new weapon types are a good step in the right direction but I want to feel as though I'm using a different weapon not a buffed/nerfed variant of one that already exists. Overall this is just a list of changes i would like to see and believe will be best for the game.
  2. With the current system players are able to mine and warp haul the rarest resources back to the safe zone triangle with absolutely no risk, just pure reward. This removes any need to tactically think of ways to haul these resources back, hire military escort services or scout their travel path. This of course will end with the release of Atmos pvp / territory warfare but this may well be a long time away. So I have a proposal that should be light on development resources that would bring the risk aspect back in to the game while also giving ways to avoid pirate warp exit point camping. Warp cost change. Currently the cost of warp is calculated from a formula that takes total warp distance multiplied by ship weight. You set the warp at A and are frozen until you reach B of which the warp cells used are removed from inventory on arrival and ship unlocks. A better way of doing this is for the Warp cost to start at 1 cell, the cost then increases while you are in warp due to warp distance you have covered. If you reach the warp cell limit of your inventory you will drop out of warp wherever you are on the line. Additionally you can now choose to exit warp at any time of the journey. This allows players to change direction and move off the common travel routes without the need to slowboat. Doing this will also change your target planet / moon warp exit point. Now finally until Atmos pvp / Territory warfare is introduced I recommend moving the warp exit points and warp interference radius of planets not in the safe zone triangle out in to the pvp area of space by around 5 - 10 SU. This will finally add some risk for the higher resource rewards from these planets.
  3. So You can no longer control warp drive with Lua Apparently it was because of emergency jump systems people made to avoid being pirated while hauling long distance and going afk and it was unfair for pirates. I believe the change is stupid because now it's unfair for everyone else but pirates, you have a warp drive and you can't even use it to run away? So here I'm suggesting my solution: Add jump calculation timer to warp drives. The timer should last like 1 minute or 90 sec, not sure how long, that time will have to be balanced. During jump calculation players cannot change their velocity (so cannot thrust or brake, however should be allowed to rotate), if they do the countdown will be canceled. Introducing that timer would make it most fair for both sides, it would give pirates a window to catch the hauler and fire on it (and that activates combat cooldown that is already in the game) and if the pirates are not able to catch the hauler in time it will jump away. And ofc make it possible to initiate that timer with Lua, you shouldn't except people to non stop sit in front of the PC during let's say 90 minute flight between planets.
  4. Due to numerous reports of this happening, including pictures, lets talk about end of warp obstacles and ramming in general. Here is an example of a net placed exactly in front of a warp exit. You have about 10-15 seconds to change direction right after end of warp, but most people won't pay attention and ram into whatever is in front of them. This has been a thing for a while now, but we now have some reports of ship destruction due to warp destination constructs being purposefully placed in the way. One way to get around it is of course to pay attention and maneuver the ship immediately after warp destination is reached. However, there is a lot of discussion to be had about warp obstruction and ramming in general. For example: 1) disabling collisions between cores: this has already been done with trees so I imagine it can be disabled for static / dynamic cores, probably will increase server performance too, but also an effective way of getting rid of warp traps. 2) disable damage on collision with constructs: an alternative of the above, except collision will cause velocity changes as expected between collisions. We don't have bumper car physics, could be a bit strange, but this also gets rid of warp traps. My personal favorite and very biased option: 3) reverse ramming logic (THE RIGHT LOGIC): it's really strange to consider that an L core going at 30,000km/h can be obliterated by a stationary xs core. It just doesn't make any sense from a logic perspective, although the reason for this implementation probably has roots in server performance considerations. I think collision damage should be shared between constructs and distributed according to mass and voxel logic. Added benefits are: COMPLETELY LAG FREE MARKETS... because naturally people will start ramming, hence a necessity for garages / safe parking facilities, opportunities for business, etc. I would go so far as to say that static cores should be rammable as well. This has huge ramifications for space stations... there will be a need for space mine fields or wreckage around stations to prevent people from completely destroying stations with ramming dynamic cores. Space stations will need engagement rules such as: if dynamic construct is going faster than X amount inside a certain radius around space station, fire all weapons at dynamic core. There are all sorts of interesting ramifications for this gameplay. There is something important here I think: it is not ok to simply add a rule to the EULA saying warp traps are illegal. This is a sandbox, emergent gameplay will always happen, and a bunch of players can give a hell of beans about what the rules are. It's in poor taste when a game cannot / will not implement systems to prevent certain actions from happening but simply adds a "RULE" of conduct. In some cases it is certainly appropriate (abuse, discrimination, etc) but in this case, this is emergent gameplay and adding a RULE will not solve this issue. In this situation NQ actually has an opportunity to capitalize on the situation and create game mechanics to either solve this issue or enable ramming AND add mechanics in order to counter ramming. On the other hand, warp traps such as these can be cancerous. This is a tactic used extensively in Eve, see here: Do you think warp traps are an acceptable emergent gameplay mechanic? What are your issues with it? What can be done to solve it? Again, to reiterate, simply adding a rule of conduct doesn't work here in my opinion. NQ should really capitalize on this opportunity... I think they failed in the district 15 drama, they could have done some epic stuff there... problems can be turned into opportunities, lets contribute to the discussion and find opportunities Edit: After writing this post, I have received confirmation that players are "netted" both when: 1) player finishes warp, comes to a complete stop, then accelerates/or planet gravity pulls the player, and they end up in a strategically placed net 2) player finishes warp and gets damaged in net BEFORE coming to a complete stop from the warp
  5. HasName

    Black Holes!

    Black holes will be rare.Very rare, but if you go searching, you might be able to fnd one inside a month.We will follow the concept that black holes are wormholes, and will teleport you somewhere else. So, if you enter a black hole, it will teleport you in another black hole (it could be close or extremely far, you never know). And then, from the other blackhole, you will be able to go back in your previous black hole. So, each blach hole will have a pair. For example, blackhole 1 will warp you to blackhole 2, and blackhole 2 will warp you back to blackhole 1. A black hole will have a 0.2% chance to be a universal blackhole.That means that it will warp you to another universe.An entire universe, exactly like the other. Because if the game is called Dual Universe, and it just has one universe, it doesn't really match its title. Also, add a GPS so we can see coordinates.
  6. WELCOME !!! To our official opening ! LNX - Industries Funded by a veteran star ship engineer, has the objective of provide the best star ships for the most important company ever !!! YOURS ! Our differential is to provide versatile and ideal ships to suit any of our customers needs, join safety and functionality at side of great design and powerful systems. We will also have in the future an engineer academy to train and prepare great professionals to allocate as crew member multidisciplinary crews. Ah? what do i have behind the curtains ? Its just a surprise but i will let it for after our opening cocktail, speaking of that, drinks and foot as courtesy is already back table. ! See yah soon - Lynkx
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