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Found 4 results

  1. Long story short, "clear the pipe and afk-drift for 4+hrs" is really boring, and there needs to be some stuff added in or changed to make Aphelia missions not be just the screen-saver someone lets run for quanta while they're off doing other stuff. To that end I'd like to propose that surrogate-station use not unload the physics of the construct to which the surrogate station is attached when it is used, thus allowing players that would otherwise be stuck afk-ing in a chair for several hours to do more interesting things while their ships drift through the void. The ability to explore other player's constructs or surrogate in to their own structures to work on a build would be a significant improvement over being stuck sitting in their mission-ship for hours on end as they are now.
  2. Question: Dual Universe is really laggy for me now - it wasn't like this for me before. It has made flying around a pain in the butt. Do you think its time for me to upgrade my computer? I currently have 16 GB RAM with a GTX 1660 Super GPU (6 GB.) Request: I just need someone to test if my surrogate pod is working. - if it is visible in search and accessible to all. It's name is "aliensalmon pod".
  3. Hello english speaking community, I am looking for great locations for my project https://du-destinationguide.com that can be reached by anyone via Surrogate. It can be either a particularly beautifully built factory, an exhibition space or a whole city or scenery such as a functioning bowling alley that I have already discovered. I would be happy if you could tell me here in the post, under the link or in the game your favorites, because the list is very unsorted that you get ingame and the loading takes ages to visit all once. Greetings Holger
  4. Hallo Deutsche Community, ich bin für mein Projekt https://du-destinationguide.com auf der Suche nach tollen Locations die von jedem per Surrogate erreicht werden können. Dabei kann es entweder eine besonders schön gebaute Fabrik sein, ein Ausstellungsraum oder eine ganze Stadt oder Szenerie wie z.b. eine funktionierende Bowlingbahn die ich schon entdeckt habe. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir hier im Beitrag, unter dem Link oder im Spiel eure Favoriten mitteilen könntet, denn die Liste ist doch sehr unsortiert die man Ingame bekommt und das Laden dauert ewigkeiten um alle einmal zu besuchen. Gruß Holger
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