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  1. Ok, so finished products weigh less than materials, so that is one good reason why it makes sense to build in situ, which however makes hauling all the more important. For example if you had a secondary territory with decent T1 concentration, you would spend less fuel hauling locally-made Frames, to your main base, than hauling the raw ore to build them at main base. Coz the equivalent ore to build them weighs a lot more than the Frames. But player driven hauling market has always been hampered by collateral. Regardless of how generous you would be in rewarding a haul, if the haul involves 100 million quanta worth of product, you would need 100 mil quanta collateral from the hauler to make sure he doesn't keep it for himself, or just deny you of it regardless if he can use it (for those extra-evil inclined or even truthfully accidents do happen) Now a haul that takes 15 mins and rewards even 10mil, which is a good price (just making up numbers here), always seems not as great if you have to put up 100mil to earn the 10mil. It means new players, that might have the capability but not the cash, won't be able come up through the game, using such emergent-pve/mission stuff. Coz nobody has 100mil that early on. Which means more work for game designers, to make sure newbs earn some other way, i.e pre-worked/designed missions/ content. So what if there was a way to disengage collateral, so that it doesn't matter, it's not needed, while still, making it believable in how it's done? I.e. not lose from immersion. Enter quantum entanglement, which is, after all, accepted science "fiction" So the idea is, that spooky action at a distance basically instantly connects stuff that are far away. But you have to get them there to start with, both from the source. Therethree: instead of hauling actual cargo, the cargo is quantum entangled. It stays as it is, and also makes a pair. 'Alice' which stays at the source, and 'Bob' which is getting hauled. We don't eliminate the need for hauling mass/volume, Alice and Bob weigh and take up the same space as the actual cargo would. Once Bob arrives at the destination, we now have our entangled pair at a distance and then apply the actual cargo to it, so that it disappears from source and appears at destination. This is done by the owner and only the owner, once Bob is delivered. Therefour: if hauler runs away or loses Bob in transit, the cargo is still safe at source. Alice doesn't get used by the owner to insta-transfer the cargo. Therefive: Collateral becomes a matter of taste/ preference - can be associated with the cost of making Alice and Bob, but is no longer needed to insure against loss of goods. (It gets disentangled from the hauling process by using quantum entanglement ) Theresix : Game developers are happy coz they don't have to make up that much more made-up content for players to earn money. Thereseven: players are happy, coz even if you lose it all, you can always get back on the saddle quickly coz u no longer need to have collateral to earn from hauls. In terms of game mechanics we already have things like packages (not sure only done the two tutorial missions of hauling and they didn't have any) so there is not much tweeking needed. A 'package' becomes a quantised state. Let's not call it a 'quackage', maybe a questate, whatever. [ You can call it a quackage if you like, after all, a ducks call is kinda unique in the sense that it's resilient to echoes, practically gave rise to the myth that "a ducks call does not echo", so this lends to the unique pairing idea] Cargo remains at source. Owner creates the two quackages, Alice and Bob. Alice is 'tied' to cargo. Bob is 'tied' to Alice. Then, once contractor is happy Bob has arrived at destination by contractee/hauler, the owner activates Alice. Alice connects with Bob and cargo connected to Alice instantly gets transferred to Bob's location, in place of Bob. So in terms of storage we do need the extra stuff, albeit temporary, but we do need it. If you want to move 100 tons you need to be able to store another 200 tons, coz to start with you create Alice and Bob which are quantised states which look feel taste etc i.e. weigh and take up as much space as the offending erhmm desired to be hauled cargo. Thereeight: The end of the beginning:) Go forth and prosper! Disclaimer: Although this particular eyed deer is mine, all mine, my precious, if anyone wants to use it in this game or another, as is, in part, or modified, you can do so with no requirement of credit or recognition for me myself and I, therenine, this idea is herewith not mine anymore. WTCOOO
  2. Salutations chers voyageurs !Nous recrutons notre équipe pour crée notre propre flotteNaturellement nous recherchons des personnes mâture et investis, avec un minimum de temps de jeux de préférence fin d'après-midi.(Recherches / Aides / affiliation / contrats corpo possibles.)Nous somme un petit groupe d'amis investis dans dual univers que ce soit en jeux et ou en développement(modification/amélioration, créations de scripts).Nous avons commencer a acquérir de bon emplacement de territoire sur différentes lunes et planètes.Plusieurs outils sont à notre disposition pour la communauté.Objectifs principaux :UpdateTransportsMinageEvénements en corporationet bien d'autre !Territoires acquis:Territoires Market (Lune de ion,Lune Alioth,Alioth)Qg Principal Alioth Market (3km) zone trés agréable a vivre autour d'autres compagnons de voyage Français.Zone non lag.D'autres Projet seront a réaliser biensure.Objectifs secondaire:Prendre une part sur le réseau marketAcquérir de bon emplacement de territoire+ D'infos contactez @! Appo#4375 sur DiscordLa team G N S vous remercie d'avoir pris connaissances de nos motivations, à très bientôt.
  3. Dear ladies and gentlemen, this offer is for German speaking players only, please respect that. Hyperion - gegründet mit dem Ziel ein Wirtschafts-Imperium aufzubauen, dessen Name, Produkte und Entwicklungen auch in den entlegenen Winkeln des Dual Universe bekannt sind. Als Teil starker Allianzen bietet Hyperion den Rahmen, um in Sicherheit und mit Rückhalt Neues zu kreieren und wirtschaftlich zu handeln. Die derzeit größte und aktivste deutschsprachige Community sammelt, erforscht und baut bereits heute - gemeinsam - Großes. Werde auch du Teil dieser Gemeinschaft und lerne uns kennen: ÜBER UNS Hyperion bietet euch das größte deutschsprachige Netzwerk in Dual Universe von Handel, Missionen, Kopfgeldjagd bis zu Rettungsmissionen. Mit der Mitgliedschaft bei Hyperion erhältst du Zugang zu allen Einrichtungen von Hyperion, ein eigenes vQuanta Konto, Lehrgänge mit Betreuung und vieles mehr! WAS IST UNSER ZIEL? Mittelfristig möchten wir gemeinsam eine Heimat aufbauen, um weitere, spannende Projekte voranzutreiben. In mehreren Teams aufgeteilt, realisieren wir Raumschiffe, Stadtkonstrukte und diverse, andere Bauprojekte. Die Möglichkeiten für andere Geschäftszweige sind schier grenzenlos und somit liegt es auch an Dir, welchen Weg du beschreiten wirst. WAS BIETEN WIR? Eine freundliche Gemeinschaft deutschsprachiger Spieler und den Zugang zum Hyperion Netzwerk. Erhalte die Möglichkeit an großen und spannenden Projekten teilzunehmen. Hol dir Aufträge vom schwarzen Brett oder nutze unseren eigenen Markt. Bei uns kann sich jeder frei entfalten und seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen, solange es dem Wohl der Gemeinschaft nicht schadet und die Gesetze/Richtlinien von Hyperion, sowie auch der Ascendancy eingehalten werden. Des Weiteren bieten wir Sicherheit und Territorium durch die Ascendancy. Dies ist die größte Allianz im Spiel. WAS SUCHEN WIR? Jeder deutschsprachige Spieler von Dual Universe der keine Augenklappe trägt und sich Pirat schimpfen lässt ist bei uns willkommen. Wir fordern lediglich eine geistige Reife und die Einhaltung einiger Regeln. Solltest du bei der Hyperion Corporation mitmachen wollen, dann solltest du vor allem teamfähig sein. Ein gutes Betriebsklima ist uns sehr wichtig. Wir haben uns außerdem für ein Mindestaufnahmealter von 16 Jahren entschieden. WAS MUSS ICH TUN, UM BEIZUTRETEN? Du kannst dich förmlich auf unserer Homepage bei uns bewerben oder besuche uns auf unserem Discord und schreib uns persönlich! Dort kannst du uns weitere Fragen stellen, gerne auch im Voice. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
  4. DUber is a fairly new Dual Universe org that is focused on all forms of transportation. We welcome all play styles but have an imitate need for the following: Architects Cargo & Transport Pilots Industrialist Managers Miners Scripters Security Ship Builders Freelance positions also available for most roles! We are also looking for organizations who would like to affiliate with us! If you would like to know more join our Discord here.
  5. Combined several ideas of different users into one system. I represent: Idea: Extension of the "link" binding system. It is now divided into 3 types: 1) Transport. There are 5 subspecies: a) Belt conveyor. To deliver resources between production buildings. b) Cargo lock (allows you to dock the ship to the conveyor system and unload resources into it, or vice versa, load). It happens square for a regular tape, it is round for pipes. Supplied with a magnet to hold the ship. c) Drone system. Transport drones deliver goods between buildings. Or between a ship and a building. e) Quantum teleports (extensions to buildings) that allow you to teleport goods between buildings. 2) Electrical. There are 3 subspecies: a) Ordinary wires. The cheapest option. But the wires are also different, there are copper, there are graphene. The difference is in bandwidth. b) Wireless power generator (extension to a building or facility), wireless power grid, but limited range. c) A quantum current generator (also an extension to a building or object), in contrast to subparagraph "b" there is no limitation on the range. 3) Internet. Likewise with point 2. Wired, wireless, and unlimited. * - Ie each type of connection will have its own tools and methods of combining.
  6. Spartan Logistics is a organization that deals in escort and transportation services. We are willing to do business with any organization; military, construction, resource gatherers, it doesn't matter to us. We currently have numerous staffing positions to fill, from general staff to potential branch managers. If you are interested in obtaining a staff position, or you are interested in one of our services, feel free to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/J9ac5Ab or portal page: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/spartan-logistics and talk to an admin. We look forward to seeing you there! Services: -Transportation -Provide cargo ships for carrying resources. -Provide cargo ships for carrying constructs. -Provide VIP transports for a max of 5 people. -Escort -Provide military escorts for freighters carrying resources. -Provide military escorts for freighters carrying constructs. -Provide VIP escorts for a max of 5 people. Open Staff Positions: -Escort Staff -Pilots -General Staff -Transport Staff -Pilots -General Staff
  7. Aaron Cain


    Most of us know there will be massive star-gates in space to sent our ships to far away places. What i want to propose is a smaller base located gate. It should be large enough to sent people, small hovers and small fighters but small enough to block big hovers and big ships. The placing should be in a base, planet or space bound, and transport is only possible if you own both sides of the gate, so you need to build one at both sides. Since this is the same technology as will be used for the large gate it should fit the lore. And because you already need to have a base on both sides of the gate you have probably already used the large gate at least once but to be sure this is not gone be an easy thing to build a training should be there that makes this only craft-able after you already studied the building of star-gates in general. An option is to make these scale able just like the shown hangar doors, although i hope the star-gate idea will not be a circle to fly through but more a set of "rails" or "beacons" guiding a ship into the flow. Your thoughts?
  8. I was thinking that there could be Unpowered personal transport such as bicycles, skis, wingsuits/hang gliders, and the like. Possible usage of these items include: Covert Operations: I assume while constructs stay when you log out, player avatars and their items/equipment don't, allowing for spies to hide their tracks more easily. Even if they don't, this might make for a much more discreet method of getting around undetected over longer distances. Open Military Operations: In cases where armored vehicles and other powered tools and the logistics train to support them may be unavailable or limited, such as getting a foothold on a hostile planet(think orbital paratroopers), or just regular paratroopers, equipping soldiers with means of personal unpowered transport may be a good idea. Personal transport: In rough terrain or in crowded areas, using cars or aircraft may be unfeasible. Sport: see DICE
  9. Please post on the other thread. I was thinking that there could be Unpowered personal transport such as bicycles, skis, wingsuits/hang gliders, and the like. Possible usage of these items include: Covert Operations: I assume while constructs stay when you log out, player avatars and their items/equipment don't, allowing for spies to hide their tracks more easily. Even if they don't, this might make for a much more discreet method of getting around undetected over longer distances. Open Military Operations: In cases where armored vehicles and other powered tools and the logistics train to support them may be unavailable or limited, such as getting a foothold on a hostile planet(think orbital paratroopers), or just regular paratroopers, equipping soldiers with means of personal unpowered transport may be a good idea. Personal transport: In rough terrain or in crowded areas, using cars or aircraft may be unfeasible. Sport: see DICE
  10. This thread is to discuss the methods of transporting things to and from a market by someone who is not the owner of said object. We know that certain objects and small-ish constructs can be kept in storage units, but constructs of a certain size will not fit, and therefore must be shipped differently. The questions I have regard how I as a transporter/market owner have to operate. 1. Will there be some kind of "permission code" that will allow me to remove items from a storage unit, but not use them? 2. If so, do I have to place the item in my inventory, and then transfer it to my cargo ship's storage unit? Or will there be a way to move it directly from the static storage unit to the ship, and vice-versa? 3. If there is a way to do that, does the ship have to be in close proximity to the storage unit? If it does, then I think this will create endless headache for markets, since they would have to build all of their storage units next to the ship landing pads. Plus, if more than one item from a particular container needs to be transported, and two different people have to access the unit, it could bottleneck since only one could be on that landing pad at one time. Or if someone bought items from two seperate units, they would have to run around to different landing pads. What would work out best would be some kind of physical "pipeline" that ships can connect to. When an item is transferred to a ship, it is sent down the pipeline to the intended vessel, and into it's on-board storage unit. The ship could be parked quite a distance from the market storage unit and still have access to the storage. 4. What about ships? How will a ship be delivered unless the transporter is given essentially owner-level control in order to fly it to the purchaser? What I would like to see for this one is some kind of "lifter drones" made up of boosters and a power source that attach to various locations on the ship to be transported, then you attach the pilot craft on top. The drones all sync with the pilot craft, and actually transport the ship without ever having access to the ship's systems. Once the ship is safely delivered, the drones attach to the pilot craft, kind of a "modular" spaceship in a way. Yes, this could be used to steal ships too, but maybe there will have to be some kind of "docking permissions code" that is enforced by the ship shields. That way only authorized vessels could dock with the ship. (hypothetically) So, what do you think? How should/will NQ deal with these obstacles for transporting goods? If this has been covered already, please just point me in the right direction, but I couldn't seem to find anything about this specifically.
  11. From mining and transport to battle and information, robots are huge parts of sci-fi and futuristic television shows and movies, so why not bring them into Dual Universe? Being a solo player can seem nearly impossible if faced against larger pirate groups, or even managing larger ships, but if you had a hard working team of steel companions with you, it would be an even match! Host an industrial company and don't want to fork out thousands of your hard earned credits to pay for defense? Worry not! For you may manufacture hundreds of honest and loyal machines to keep your business in running order! C'mon, who hasn't wanted their own private army of battle droids? Robotics can be a fantastic and unique addition to the universe that Novaquark is creating. Just like other technological skill trees, robotics can have it's own, unlocking you different components to make robots that are elite in fighting, mining, transporting goods, repairing, or other utilities. There are many possibilities for this addition, if you care to, feel free to add on any ideas to this post ????
  12. Welcome to the Nexus What is the Nexus? The Nexus is a group of neutral organisations for those who share an interest in a specific area of Dual Universe. Members are free to join and leave these neutral organisations at any time. Membership in any of these organizations will not interfere with membership in other organisations inside or outside the Nexus. What do the Nexus organizations do? They serve as meeting places for anyone and everyone interested in that organizations specialty e.g. exploration The are a place to obtain guides on how to get better at doing that organizations specialty. They have job boards which have actual work for the organisations specialty which goes beyond normal market trading. Think player generated quests. The organisations have no physical holdings or assets so they cannot be attacked nor go to war or have anything to do with politics. In short, they are neutral places to relax after doing jobs, a place to find those jobs and a place to find out how to get better at doing those jobs. Drillers Bar Here at Drillers we specialize in removing things from other things. Mostly ores from the mines but we also remove turnips from the fields, scrap from abandoned stations and sticks from rears. Drillers are the frontline in any economy, and we are experts at prospecting too. Come join us at the Drillers Bar, where you can relax, complain, share techniques and frak the hell out of...everything. Join here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/drillers-bar DU Space Truckers Do you like to trade? Do you like to put your legs up and watch the stars go by as you cruise through the galaxy, moving cargo from A to B? Do you like profit? If you said yes to any one of these, then join us at were we talk about the best trade runs and how best to avoid pirates. But mostly this group is about hanging out between runs. Join here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/du-space-truckers Bullet Chain I could not write anything for this crazy group, because I couldn't take a look inside for fear of losing, if not my life, at very least a limb or two. I was told they do "sanctioned wealth redistribution programs" and "space trash removal expeditions". But most just say they "blow stuff up" and for some reason they always add "at a price" and laugh. It's dangerous in there. Join at your own peril. Join here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/bullet-chain Fullmetal Aegis There are warriors that are honorable and skilled. There are warriors that wish to protect the innocent and the weak. There are warriors that make the pirates pay for attempting to take goods, ships and lives. We are those warriors. Join like-minded individuals and trade stories of your brave battles against incredible odds. Join the honorable warriors. Join here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/fullmetal-aegis Dual Universe Constructors Guild We build. Everything from the smallest hovercraft to the largest space station. From the deepest mine shafts to the tallest skyscrapers. We build housing for the poor and monuments for the rich. But most of all, we build not just because we are paid, nor because we can, but because we must. Come construct with us. Join here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/du-constructors-guild Dual Universe Wayfarers We fill in the blank spaces. The blank spaces on the star map and the blank spaces in the mind. We have two missions: To map the universe and to map our skill tree. Come explore the Dual Universe with us. Join here: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/dual-universe-wayfarers p.s. While the Nexus is hosted by Cinderfall Syndicate, membership and administrator positions in these organisations may be held by anyone. Cinderfall Syndicate does intend to provide job boards and markets for these organisations within the Cinderfall Syndicate trade hubs to further aid their growth and sense of community. p.p.s If you made it this far, I applaud you. Come visit Cinderfall Syndicate discord and collect your free cookies. This has been a public service announcement.
  13. I am personally of the opinion that they should be able to be stolen and players should have to come up with their own means of managing who are reliable and trustworthy transporters.
  14. From recreational vehicles and mining vessels to carriers and capital ships, Craft Corp is here to deliver! Cheap, reliable, and durable ships accessible to everyone to explore the verse! Plenty of jobs for the average Joe! Mining, transport, manufacturing, design, you name it! Craft Corp has a place for you! We have a dream to create a perfect universe, build cities in the skies and trade only the finest products. If you're looking for and honest job that'll pay you a few big bucks, look no further and join Crafting Corporation! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/crafting-corporation
  15. Welcome to the Link to the organization community page : here Introduction It is my pleasure to present you our brand new organization : the Stellar Trade, Affairs and Recreational Society (acronym STARS). We are a neutral, non-interfering society thriving to offer the best available services to the community for an affordable price in secured oases of peace throughout the universe. We wish to offer in each of our bases: - A banking system for you to store your items in a secure and convenient location. - A free open market for everyone to visit or sell - A transport service for renting, shipping or driving you - A entertainment center for fun, gambling and broadcasting live streams such as races, fighting contests and maybe in the future war battles. - A research team to sell our carefully designed and manufactured constructs tested by our own members in their day to day activities. - A beautiful building reflecting our investment in the artistic community where all the previous services will be hosted. - A security team to secure our infrastructures and our clients assets. Diplomacy As a neutral non-interfering organization, we pledge to not wage war to anyone, not take side in any conflicts nor create any embargo. We are open to alliances and treaties with all organization sharing our vision of a free safe, peaceful and prosperous community. We are also open to business contracts for you to get VIP access to our various services. However we do retains the right to put you or your organization in our blacklist effectively banning you from our services if you commit any offense against us, our clients, our constructs or our infrastructures. Would the offense cost us a loss of any kind, we do retains the rights to prosecute you by hiring public or private law enforcement and/or juridical systems to make you pay for our loss. Membership The STAR Society is organized by a vertical hierarchy guarded by the founders with the role to oversee all activities and protect the organization from internal and external coup trying to divert us from our true mission (see our Role Play). The Council is a group of 10 members (of whom 2 are the founders) sitting at the top of STARS’ hierarchy. All members of the council, apart from the leaders, are elected by their peers for a mandate of 3 months. The Council takes all the decisions and set the objectives of each Division for the mandate toward our global objectives. Divisions represent the interest of STARS for particular activities. There are 7 Divisions : The Banking Division in charge of setting and maintaining resource banks for our customers. First objective is to build a Bank in the headquarter. The Trading Division in charge of setting and maintaining open markets for our customers. First objective is to build a market place in the headquarter. The Transport Division offering transport (of people or goods) for customers and for the Divisions, racing on STARS behalf and testing the ships of the Research Division. First objective is to develop a customer base and to train as soon as the first ships are ready. The Entertainment Division in charge of setting up the casino and gambling system, running races, showcasing live streams and all entertainment-related activities. First objective is to design and market the casino and the racing bet system. The Research Division, focusing on designing blueprints for all other Divisions and for defense. First objective is to start building the design of the headquarter, designing the first transport ship and the first defense mechanism. The Construction Division in charge of building the headquarter and any building necessary to the other Divisions. First objective is to secure and start building in the safe-zone a low quality version of the headquarter to host the bank, market place, research center, transport halls, casino and conference hall. The Security Division whose job is to protect the other Divisions during their activities. First objective is to make STARS famous by exploring outside the safe-zone, cooperating with the community, talking about us, train in fighting skills and address the griefs of the other Division. All members must choose up to three Divisions, they are free to work in any of these and must choose one to be primary for each month : the one they will spend the most time in. The Council will adapt monthly objectives according to the pool of members in each Division and the one they set as primary for the month. STARS strongly recommend to choose 3 Divisions and rotate between them because the skill system of Dual is set so that you won’t be able to be good at everything so favoring a few and becoming an expert in them seems better to us than favoring none and be average in everything. Favored trios for now The Fighter : Defense, Transport and Research Division The Merchant : Banking, Trading, Research Division The Builder : Construction, Defense, Research Division The Dealer : Entertainment, Transport, Research Division Yes we do value researchers, because all the blueprint we develop will be saved from alpha to beta to official release. However we don't force nor coerce anyone so you are free to do choose any other trios. NB: There may be basic skills needed for particular activities that we may favor in Alpha.
  16. I had an interesting discussion with Yamamushi via discord today about cargo containers and cargo and how they would be handled in the game. This also ties in with how ships might dock to one another. Mostly this is a bunch of questions and speculation, but here goes. We were thinking about how cargo will be moved around, and wondering if it would make sense to have it stay in the cargo containers rather than being piped around like in Space Engineers. We both agreed that it would make more sense for the cargo to stay in the containers and have a system for swapping out the containers on cargo vessels rather than having magic pipes. One possible RP explanation for this is the storage method that compresses the matter, as is described in the various story episodes in the devblogs. The container is the vessel that holds the matter in it's compressed state, and in order to remove the matter it would have to be reconstituted to it's original structure. This would make trading a bit easier as well, because instead of trading ore or raw metal by the kilo or cubic meter or whatever, you just trade it by the cargo container. It also makes it important that the cargo containers remain powered, lest they lose containment and make a big mess. If this is a feature, I would suggest that as well as not being powered they should have to sustain a certain amount of damage to go poof. In a similar vein, there should be some cargo that is more unstable than others, for instance certain types of fuel that are more efficient should have higher power requirements to maintain containment.
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