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  1. At Tranquility we build the Future, we reshape the city as we see fit and we build friendships The city houses residents, diplomats, shopping centrals, broadcasting networks, bars, casino's, crafting and large manufacturing facilities, repair and construct docks and much more. At this moment Tranquility is running a new program to help smaller organizations to grow, build their dreams and stay Fully Independent. All the organizations residing on Tranquility can be in this program, if they want to be in it. We help you grow, get organized, bring contacts, time zone staff, 24-7 security. Tranquility Security is backed by the FMA, several defense contracts and Non-Aggression-Pacs. Last month we saw the first addition of our Lore published by Outpost Zebra, Thank you for making this possible! We would love to share it and it can be found at: Tranquility Lore Published on Outpost Zebra Other news is the Founding of C.A.T.S and the bright future we will build together, becoming a resident does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S. Member. Becoming a C.A.T.S member is voluntary and not mandatory for Tranquility Residents and this way we do not interfere your other Organizations For those of you who are still looking for a nice place to live that does not interfere with your other Organizations Or alliances we still have room in Tranquility. Every individual that is member of the City Tranquility is a resident. All facilities are open for use for all residents, all Tranquility Docks and rooms are open for residents. A Resident will be offered a small room and a place to park a small cored ship. In the restoration period of Tranquility the materials for building this room and park-spot are the residents responsibility. In time Tranquility offers fully build rooms and parking spots for free. The opportunity to build your own room in space is there. For organizations that also want a district like the ones we already gave out feel free to contact us. Having a district or space-base docked to Tranquility does not automatically make you a C.A.T.S member. Tranquility is independent, neutral, unbiased and hoping to work together with you all to become the largest Social shaped Space bound City. For any questions contact Aaron Cain on discord
  2. Hello Everyone, you may have head about the Anarchy Trade Station in general chat, or not but its a small community project and player trade station this game deserves. Come and join us, get a head start for when the player market elements drop!! We are located direct above Market 6 on Alioth, for convenience and function. The trade station has a few corps that have setup shop already. Indy, home building, ship building, and a few others. We really would like a shipping corp to setup. We are happy to welcome new player homes by the Thades Rendezvous Corporation! They have a new location build built on the trade station for mission runners, shippers, or anyone in general that wants to take full advantage of the stations benefits. MINC will pay for the core and building materials of a shipping corp on the station. Elevator access between market 6 and the station available with 500t lift. Two personnel elevators and a mega loft with 5.7kT lift are under way. VR To Anarchy Markets and take a look. We have a promotional BP give away going on while supplies last for Rez pets. A unique divice that you will use time and time again. Visit for more info! ::pos{0,2,35.8594,101.3426,131998.3594}
  3. ----------WELCOME TO UTOPIA STATION---------- -----brought to you by the Utopia Spacing Guild----- The future of humankind is in the stars, and we present to you the first of many steps to broaden the horizons of all Noveans. The first of it's kind, a 2.6 kilometre long space station right in the middle of the safe zone. Less than 80SU from Alioth, Madis and Thades, this new commercial hub offers free access to the station's Warp Beacon and the future USG Warp Network. Phase 1: The Ring, offers 4 KM of space over 192 medium space cores, ideal for shops, display rooms, factories, storage and offices. Core rentals start from just 1,000,000h a month, equivalent to just 1 week of NQ pocket money. (below prices are incorrect) Visit the station via VR: "Utopia Station Visitors" or request a tour via our associates discord: https://discord.gg/BUm8ceYv78 Phase 2: To begin construction - Central commercial 'high street' core of the station with markets & storage. *Utopia Station is not affiliated with any political parties or associations and remains neutral in any military conflict.
  4. For the moment, the district market 6 is the most active one, making this place a black hole for low configs, and generally a bad shopping experience for a lot of players. I don't think regional trading would be a thing when keeping different district markets so close together. Unifying all of the disctricts markets by having a single hub accessible from the 10 current places would spread parked ships across them, it would allow all players to have a decent experience when shopping. The only advantage I can think of for the current setup is for ads, having only one place to cover is easier than 10. I'm not a trader so if you see some pros for keeping them as is, share it.
  5. we should be able to buy bot generated goods from the market that we could sell on different planets for a profit. These goods wouldn't have any other purpose. Similarly like in Voyage Century online if you guys remember. for example we would roll out 9-10 different difficulty levels of goods 1 type on each planet and the goods would sell differently on planets depending on the distance. there could be a formula for the price generation depending on the distance, skill level (new talents), and a static value if the goods are hauled outside of a safe zone. so If i buy a 50t weight good on Alooth for 50k q, I go to sell it on Jago 1000k (that's a 6 hour trip with landing), your profit would be around 900k. If you use warp cells there and back, the profit would be around 300k. Although the numbers could be worked out. the same would apply on the higher difficulty goods, but the rewards would need exponentially decrease (the reason why it needs to decrease is because it needs to be worth it for the new player as well), so if someone takes a 25kt difficulty product to Jago, they would need to buy the good that fits into his/her cargohold for 25mil, and the sell price could be around 100mil. (warp cells / fuel would cost around 80mil on the current 20k / piece). so the profit could be around 20mil. This may sound like a lot if you have never tried lifting 25kts off Alioth or land with it. It's difficult and especially very risky in today's Dual Universe where you can't repair your ship that easily. Not to mention building a warp cell factory to support this would cost around 4-5b quanta. There would be a limitation that you can only buy and store 1 good at the same time. There must be a validation how far you are from your good to prevent abuse. We don't want ppl buying up stuff taking them up to space, and deliver all of them in one go. 1 user = 1 good. This way someone with a larger ship can not buy up 50x 50t goods that he/she could sell on a higher margin. these are the different products (difficulty levels) I would make available. This is just one you would as many as planets we have. In the below picture we have 3x level 1 (food is one of them) Food | 50t Medical Supplies | 100t Mining Equipment | 200t Warp Cells | 400t Ore | 800t Electronics | 1600t Spare Parts | 3200t Spare Engines | 6400t Reactor | 12800t Terraformer Unit | 25000t obvoisuly the prices would need to be carefully thought through, calibrated, and monitored. I would probably link the goods prices with the minimum warp cell price on the market with a static number to maximize the value (so it won't be abused) This would also boost pvp as there would be more traffic. Obviously the looted goods could be sold. The above is just on the high level. It needs to be sanity checked and tested on a piece of paper the below is a simple representation on how it would work with only 3 planets with 1 difficulty level
  6. Dear organisation leader, dear citizen, dear friends, I would like to invite you to join our confederation "PROCON" - The Protector Conglomerate, PROCON stands for a peaceful alliance amongst organisations of this world. Our goal is to build up a protected area far away from the starting zone to share knowledge, trade, live together, have fun and make history. We are an ambitious group of executives who have a concept and resources to put this goal into operation as soon as possible. Our goal for the near future is building up a platform, where leader of organisations can create their organisation and invite their member. There you can chat, communicate in privacy and exchange each other. You will have the option to get in contact with other alliance members of other PROCON-organisations. We already have a Teamspeak-Server you can join. Please send me a private message for the address. I am looking forward to talk to you! The requirements for joining our confederation are currently an active alliance with at least 5 member. If you don't belong to any alliance yet, feel free to join FREEDOM, as it is the community for those who want to be part of PROCON and focus on the fun Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or would like to help building up our confederation. I am looking forward to hear from you and to see this amazing project come alive. Apply today! Cheers! Villspor Links: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/procon https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/freedom https://discord.gg/GH6Ccqr
  7. Introducing The Collective - The duality of human to match the Dual Universe.. Individual yet one. At war, yet peaceful. Orchestrated chaos, simultaneously simply complex. We are The Collective. Trade, Mining, Industry, PVP.. fantastic intriguing organisation! I have joined, but has the discord link expired? Any members of The Collective please DM/PM me the link so I can join the discord conversation. New members, we welcome you, join today! Thank you, A·E·TzUK
  8. 'Trust is' Trust is specific. Ploys are vague. We are an organisation with deep dreams and vested interests. Premium services are cardinal to our dominance in handpicked sectors. The HTX is committed to exotic industry, a network of effective logistics services, sterling trade hubs and lethal PvP. Through Outpost Zebra, we hope to provide players with prime, objective news coverage online. Trust is finite. Money is printed. Welcome to Dual Universe. We are here to serve you – not the organisation or alliance. We know trust is finite and hard to obtain. That’s why we’re always in for the long haul. Lifelong trust is lifelong gain. The HTX won’t sacrifice long term advantages for short-lived profits. To forfeit integrity is loss; to break neutrality is anathema. Your alignment in Dual Universe is inconsequential: we have a reputation for impartiality. Business with the HTX is Suisse banking. Trust has history. Lies die swiftly. Our arrival in 2016 as The Aether was little more than a whisper. We have since evolved. It’s hard to imagine now, but at one time, The Aether arguably had the largest network of alliances and agreements in Dual Universe. We are not the white knights of old. Alliances and memoranda; been there, done that. Time has shaped the HTX into a focused and observant group. We have shed ghosts to obviate inflating our numbers. We have avoided alliances to spurn partisanship. Join an organisation with an untainted history and famous members. We make only one promise: business is business. Trust is enlightened. Gullibility is uninformed. In 2017, we realised, ‘this isn’t going to work.’ The Aether had goals to offer services to Dual Universe. However, alliances would require compromise, sooner or later. Simultaneously, going solo was to paint a target on our backs. A bulb turned on: neutrality is not isolation; independence is not frailty. The options: stick to The Aether or do better. Two years later, we’ve never been prouder of our decision. Dual Universe is a world that can only grow from here, and along with it, so will we. Trust is industrious. Deception tires quickly. Maximising the minimum gain is a philosophy you will come to understand in the HTX. It is foolhardy to assume an organisation can be the best at everything. We decided instead to be the best at everything we do. Our focus on industry is limited to the dynamic production of high value items. Whether these are transferred to nefarious entities for further use or creative players for protecting themselves is none of our concern. However, we are interested in ensuring the purchased goods are delivered in pristine condition. To that effect, we are developing our haulier services to reach you wherever you might be in a timely fashion. To handle hostile interest in your consignment, the HTX intends to cultivate a small, skilled and specialised group of players. Their purpose is not to harass organisations or individuals. This arm exists to make sure no living being or plan comes between you and your delivery. As a secondary goal, our PvP members must be able to stall companies many times their size, or turn the tide if a delivery so requires it. Lastly, keeping people updated on the events in Dual Universe is important for their safe passage, information and entertainment. We need nothing more than a few objective reporters around the Universe to bring you the news you need to hear. Trust is patient. Failure is restless. Rome wasn’t built in a day. It will take time, careful planning and a long march to achieve our end-goal. The sniper waits for the right moment. The industrialist builds his conglomerate over decades. We are dedicated to achieving what we set out for. Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while waiting. In Dual Universe that means having fun, learning from setbacks and constantly working towards a goal. We short-change ourselves when we give in to impatience and laxity. Dual Universe is fun; we are fun – if you have the mind to welcome it. Trust is decisive. Hope wanders. Are you satisfied? If you think you have found a mutual fit in us, submit an application. We have clearly defined goals for decisive people. If that’s you, you’re more than welcome to join a premier organisation. If we have identified you as a promising candidate, you will hear from us soon. Trust is the HTX. The Heimera Trade Xchange is a unique name, formed from our values and learned members. ‘Heimera’ is a word taken from Icelandic ‘Heimana’ (worlds) and Greek ‘Meraki’ (to do something with soul, creativity or love; leaving a piece of yourself in your work). Together, they signify our dedication to making an impact in the best way we possibly can. Is there a more realistic way to signal commitment to excellence in our activities? Our members shine. The first ever community digest featured Aetherios (now known as Vyz Ejstu). The second one interviewed Falstaf for his excellent work in founding Outpost Zebra and his generally flawless character. Anonymous is an inconspicuous figure almost assuredly behind the largest projects in Dual Universe. Kael often runs both Outpost Zebra and the organisation with mechanical efficiency. We encourage our members to be active and build a respectable image for themselves and the organisation. A star filled night sky is beautiful, but nothing without individually shining stars. What else to expect of an organisation that draws inspiration from the best of history, philosophy and design? Visit our Discord Server to learn more: Heimera Trade Xchange Server Head to our Community Portal to submit an application: Community Portal Visit Outpost Zebra to keep up to date with Dual Universe: Outpost Zebra RECRUITING STATUS: [OPEN] © Copyright Published by TextBomb™ A subsidiary of the HTX. All Rights Blown Up.
  9. it would be cool if players were able to make their own shops,like u open the shop menu, and then u select the player's shop,(it will have an icon that the player will have added)and there,the player who created the shop, iwll be able to make his OWN GUI(ofcourse not with lua programming)and there u will be able to buy and sell products att hte price the player has set.Also, shop owners will be able to start an auction for an item .This is it.DONE
  10. Myriad is a social hub and marketplace for Dual Universe Players. At Myriad you can select quests, trade, and form new alliances before exploring the universe. We encourage our members to also join other organisations. Our focus is on creating an economic capital and this means that our owned territory will initially be limited to a single Marketplace/Social Hub Building. This Marketplace Hub will form the epicentre of a collaborative effort by many different organisations to create a hotspot of economic activity revolving around a single marketplace, Ours. When applying please include what you think you can bring to the organisation or why you want to join. Based on free market principles and Austrian economics, Myriad will function via decentralised command with members having extremely high autonomy and will seek to collaborate alongside each other for economic interests. We will not have a military presence, our strength comes from economic inclusion, if you break the non-aggression principle you may be subject to high trading fees or economic isolation. Member Benefits Zero Marketplace fees. Seamless access to marketplace; simply dock your ship, sell your goods, refuel, and leave in a matter of minutes. Non-Member Penalties None Members will be subject to a 10% Trading fee. Phase I - Our initial goal is to create a Home Base for Players, this will be a single Tower Structure forming the foundation of a city. This will be a great place for players to start their adventures in Dual Universe, having everything they need in close proximity. We envision a great tower structure with a Plaza, Ship Hanger, Marketplace, Quest Board, Courier Centre, and more. All completely player driven of course. Phase II - Start expanding outwards from our marketplace eventually creating a city. We will invite other organisations to create their own districts surrounding our marketplace which will be under the complete control of said organisations. Phase III - Franchisee Outposts on other worlds & Trading routes. Phase IV - CLASSIFIED. QUESTS Players will find missions via a Quest Boards and missions may include: Bounty Hunting Cargo Transportation Crafting Any other needs the market generates The users who generate and post missions may be concerned with who will carry out their missions. This is where our ranking system comes in. We will give an example based on cargo transportation missions below. Tier 1 - Player has not completed any cargo haul missions Tier 2 - Player has completed 3 successfully Tier 3 - Player has completed 10 successfully Tier 4 - and so on… If the cargo is particularly valuable the mission creator will have the option to require a pledge which will act as collateral to cover theft or space piracy. Pledge will be released on completion of the task. Each user will have their stats tracked eg. ( 94% mission completion rate, 94 successes, 6 failure to succeed.)
  11. (This post will get updated with personell needs from time to time) Want to be a part of a close knit team that shares your interests and focus in Dual Universe? Bladesin Mercenary Corporation is building more squads! We need a total of [46] new people in Bladesin! | Quality people over Quality players, you want a social group to play with? Hardcore gamers that are online all day every day? Then come over to our discord server. | We are a politically neutral Para Military group. We do mercenary and freelance work for the ones in need of an extra hand. Does it interest you to be a part of a small, tight-knit group? We provide it. Do you want a space free of toxicity? We provide it. Do you want to be challenged as a gamer and a person? We will do that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What will you get? -Adapted training for your in-game role -A team/squad of people to play with within your division -Full support in your endeavours, in game and in life -A space free of discrimination, sexism, elitism, where you can be yourself -As we are still very much a growing organisation and Community, a lot of seats are open, down the line you have a high chance of filling one out. If you are fit for it. -Community Game sessions (some of which are streamed on Twitch) Tons of awesome fun and laughter with amazing people with brilliant minds, a great sense of humor and the biggest hearts ever seen. | What Divisions and regions need you as reinforcements right now? -Crafting and Science (Building and coding) NA: 4 players -Mining and Gathering (Prospecting and mining) EU:3 Players NA:6 players -Logistics (transport and storage management) EU: 1 Players NA: 1 Player -Military ( Ground troops and Pilots) EU: 4 Players NA: 9 Players -Trade (Profit driving Trade and rare resource procurement) EU: 2 Players NA: 2 players -Communications (recruitment, contracting and content creation) EU: 6 Players NA: 12 Players What is expected of you? - You will automatically join the Gaming Community Bladesin Gaming - Follow our Codex - As you join you read the Codex Summary, and after you've been accepted you are expected to learn the whole thing over time and do everything you can to live up to what it means to be a Bladesinner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COME TO OUR DISCORD TO JOIN] | Bladesin Trivia What kind of people are we? | A mix and match of gamers that are also entrepeneurs, soldiers, teachers, streamers, dreamers, students and so on. We share a common desire for a hospitable online community that takes care of each other instead of hurting each other. Mutual respect and a clear chain of command drives us forwards. We have extremely high standards of behaviour and if they are not met, there is a chance you will be asked to leave becuase of it, the reason for this is simple: - We provide a certain type of enviroment online for our members, toxicity of any kind is met with a 0 tolerance policy. - We welcome all decent human beings, we dont care what gender identity you have, sexuality, disabilities, alt life styles, none of that matters to us in any other way than we accept you for wh oyou are, as long as it does not hurt others by its nature. Trauma is met with respect here. | Honor - Duty - Dedication | These three words are our mantra, however you live life outside of Bladesin, with us, this is what we do. Honor Not to be confused with pride. Honour is a standard of behaviour that means you don’t humiliate others, you don’t demean them. At the same time, you stay true to your values and your integrity. You don't let others trample you or what you stand for. Duty If you say you will do something, you do it. You follow the chain of command and you do your best to be a useful member of Bladesin. In exchange, Bladesin does its best to be useful to you. That is Duty in Bladesin. Dedication Commit to Bladesins agenda as a member, be active, inside and outside of games. Always do your best, be loyal and in exchange, you will have the same from Bladesin. That is what Dedication is in Bladesin. This means you aspire to inspire. That is Honor in Bladesin | For more in depth explanations, please refer to our Codex which is found in our Discord Yu can also go to our Website to learn more about us.
  12. I'm looking forward to this game very much, and instead of picturing myself flying around killing things in a fighter ship, I imagine myself working solo or freelance for other trading groups. I'm concerned with how payment will be reinforced in this game, whether it be used with currency or other trade goods. Let's say I've dropped off some rare minerals and the other party refuses to pay, how would I prevent this? Would I need the support of an organisation that provides security? Is there a contract system in place, and how flexible is it? Should I make the buyer pay a bit first, then collect the rest upon arrival? Can I sue them in-game or place a bounty? I've looked at some other posts related to this, but nothing looks guaranteed so far. I'd like to hear your thoughts, thanks.
  13. Just curious, From release, there is going to be an incredibly competitive market, which will inevitably create a huge demand for service providers. What types of job titles are people thinking of claiming in-game? What kinds of services are people thinking of providing? What would you call it for marketing purposes? Have you pre-established any rates of compensation for your work? Are they in relation to any other game/job outside Dual Universe? Do you have any marketing techniques planned to grow your business? Dual Universe seems to provide some cool opportunities for people with skills and education gained in real life. Do your chosen in-game professions relate to any skills/job titles you have outside the game? (3d modeling, logistics, architects, programmers, etc..) Do your skills outside DU give you a step up in-game? Do you think your expertise will play a part in your in-game status? Do you plan on profitting from your talents, or working on your own masterpiece? If you were going to make a list of in-game professional titles, based off of all available information, what would it contain?
  14. ABOUT THE INTERGALACTIC TRADE FEDERATION The Intergalactic Trade Federation (ITF) was founded by KittyKhatt and MinerMax555 (no longer with us), with the idea of creating a safe and peaceful trade federation for any org that wants to be a part of it. We provide our member orgs with trading posts/stations, Stargates, safezones, and possibly other things that will be decided after Alpha/Beta releases. ITF also offers protection/defense services, if you opt to pay the defense taxes (which will be tailored to your org depending on many factors). KHATT'S GOAL My goal for ITF in Dual Universe is to be a safe and peaceful place for anyone interested in trade to go to, without having to worry about wars or defense. I wont be happy until i can create such a place in DU, and so I created ITF just for that purpose. We plan on offering many services in ITF, and they are all designed to make everything safer and easier to trade between member orgs. OUR FOREIGN POLICY We will accept any org in ITF, except a few, like TVR, we even accept and encourage military-based orgs to join. The benefits of joining as a military org are free and open trading to get your supplies, along with all of the benefits of a normal trade-based org, such as access to trade posts, stargates, safezones, ect... But you are required to help with the defense and protection of other member orgs. HIRING EMPLOYEES/MEMBERS ITf is hiring! we need independent members to do stuff like deliveries, organisational work, management, and help in protection/defense. (An independent members means a member that works only for ITF directly, and not through a member org.) The requirements are the same as the ones listed below, as well as the reasons for joining. The only difference is we expect all independent members to be active regularly and work hard on whatever we need done, because we are in charge of protecting our members as best as we possibly can. REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE AS AN ORG/COMPANY - You must comply with all ITF rules and are expected to report to ITF officials when needed, if needed. - You must not dehumanize or humiliate any other ITF member, no matter what happens. - You must treat everyone else equally and with respect, regardless of member status. - Please listen to ITF officials and adhere to our advice. We do everything we do to protect our member orgs and reduce their risk and danger as much as possible. - Lastly, if you wish to join the ITF please join our discord, and send KittyKhatt an application for your org to join. *** (its not a requirement, but asking your own org's members to also join ITF's community page will greatly help us broaden your trade opportunities by allowing ITF to expand on the community site.) *** REASONS FOR JOINING ITF - All member orgs will be offered protection/defense services and item delivery services. - You and your org will be granted access to all of ITF's trade posts, stargates, safezones, outposts, ect... - By joining, you will greatly broaden your trading possibilities, from selling common wares, to buying that rare part you need. - You will join a semi-democratic federation, we vote on everything we see fit, from an outpost's name, to important financial deals and even taxes. CURRENT MEMBER ORGS IN ITF - Khatt Mining Co. - The Axius Empire - Tania Prospecting and Exploration Company - Unity of Ignis - Vanguard Industries - Hexix ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS CAN BE ASKED VIA OUR DISCORD, CONTACT KITTYKHATT FOR QUESTIONS. Intergalactic Trade Federation's Discord ; https://discord.gg/Dyx9TGx We hope you decide to choose to send us your org's application, and if you do we hope you enjoy your stay with the ITF. - KITTYKHATT, OWNER OF THE INTERGALACTIC TRADE FEDERATION
  15. Division Portal: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/perdere-mining Discord: https://discord.me/perdere Welcome to Perdere! We are a mining division of ToasTec. We are welcoming all forms of life. If you enjoy mining, building, and trading then you found the place for you. We, the self-proclaimed space dwarves of Dual Universe, would like to personally welcome you to Perdere as we continue to build our numbers and rank. Feel free to pop by the discord and say Hi! New faces are always welcomed. If you would like to join Perdere then contact a manager. ALL UPDATES WILL BE POSTED BELOW More info can be found on our Division Portal. Thank you for helping us help you help us all ~ Partum
  16. Kraken Industries (Logo by Alethion) Do you use money? Do you sell or buy items? Are you a member of BOO? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, you will probably end up doing business with us. Kraken Industries is a group dedicated to meeting the needs of Band of Outlaws and other groups. We specialize in markets, infrastructure and manufacturing. We hope be the leading supplier for all of our customers' needs. We are here to get the economy working, for you! How are we structured? We have three departments: Infrastructure, Trading, and Manufacturing. Each department has a Director, and the Directors answer to the CEO. Infrastructure - This department is responsible for building and maintaining physical assets such as mines, market units, stargates, factories, and so on. It is also responsible for making these available to the wider community for a fair price. Joining this department will provide many opportunities in construction, exploration, and negotiation. Trading - This department is in charge of all market and broker services. This includes serving as market makers, brokers, commodity exchanges, bulk trades, consumer markets, and logistics. This group is in charge of making sure you have someone to sell your goods to, or buy goods from, and that other groups are able to get the resources they need at the prices they want. Joining this department provides ample opportunities to practice your spreadsheet skills and rake in the big bucks! Manufacturing - This department is tasked with building things, with turning raw lumps of rock into the products that consumers want, and materials that industries need. This ranges from refining minerals, to building intermediary parts, to constructing finished ships. This department takes advantage of Kraken's Trading and Infrastructure resources to deliver goods at competitive prices. Joining this department The departments structure themselves as needed. What sets us apart? We are a Special Interest Group of Band of Outlaws, meaning that we get all of the benefits of being BOO members. This also means we have a good base of people to do business with. Not only do members get paid for the work they do, but every member also recieves dividends of the groups overall profits. This means you aren't working to make some elusive shareholders or absentee robber baron rich, you are working to make yourself rich! Our shares system means that profits are divided pretty equitably, so even the CEO doesn't make an obscene amount more than an average member. (more detail on this to come) Vertical Integration. By combining and controlling multiple stages of production and service, all the way from manufacturing to distribution we can lower our costs, generating higher profits and saving our customers money. Driven by Data. We believe in innovation and in understanding the markets on a deeper level. That's why we are driven to analyze the markets with everything from Big Data to statistical modeling. Our tools allow us to spot trends and gain insights that can shape our business practices. Want to apply? Join our Discord server ( https://discord.gg/eHdEhBz ) or contact @Lord_Void! Check us out at https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/kraken-industries#tab-description
  17. The Spacing Guild We have a saying which we found very suitable: Growth + Profit = GROFIT The GROFIT must flow....Do you enjoy GROFIT? Calling all the shiny object, resource hoarding, merchants who like prospecting to carve out a wealthy pieces of real estate out of DU for yourself. Come be apart of the Spacing Guild. We as an Organization specialize in the Mining, trading and exploration are the main focus, where making money is just a given. Must have some interest in one or more of the following roles: Mining, Trading, Resource surveying, Exploration, or Construction. Protection is assisted with by other organizations we have agreements with, however, nothing prevents us from blowing shit up as well...gotta protect the assets and members. Whilst there is are no hard fast rules that say "you must do this" and "you must do that" within the guild, those that wish to do more get more. Come on over and see a bit more about our Organization. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-spacing-guild#tab-description PS: those that wish to shoot shit are also very welcome.....as we expect that you will have a lot to shoot the more the game ramps up :-)
  18. This thread is to discuss the methods of transporting things to and from a market by someone who is not the owner of said object. We know that certain objects and small-ish constructs can be kept in storage units, but constructs of a certain size will not fit, and therefore must be shipped differently. The questions I have regard how I as a transporter/market owner have to operate. 1. Will there be some kind of "permission code" that will allow me to remove items from a storage unit, but not use them? 2. If so, do I have to place the item in my inventory, and then transfer it to my cargo ship's storage unit? Or will there be a way to move it directly from the static storage unit to the ship, and vice-versa? 3. If there is a way to do that, does the ship have to be in close proximity to the storage unit? If it does, then I think this will create endless headache for markets, since they would have to build all of their storage units next to the ship landing pads. Plus, if more than one item from a particular container needs to be transported, and two different people have to access the unit, it could bottleneck since only one could be on that landing pad at one time. Or if someone bought items from two seperate units, they would have to run around to different landing pads. What would work out best would be some kind of physical "pipeline" that ships can connect to. When an item is transferred to a ship, it is sent down the pipeline to the intended vessel, and into it's on-board storage unit. The ship could be parked quite a distance from the market storage unit and still have access to the storage. 4. What about ships? How will a ship be delivered unless the transporter is given essentially owner-level control in order to fly it to the purchaser? What I would like to see for this one is some kind of "lifter drones" made up of boosters and a power source that attach to various locations on the ship to be transported, then you attach the pilot craft on top. The drones all sync with the pilot craft, and actually transport the ship without ever having access to the ship's systems. Once the ship is safely delivered, the drones attach to the pilot craft, kind of a "modular" spaceship in a way. Yes, this could be used to steal ships too, but maybe there will have to be some kind of "docking permissions code" that is enforced by the ship shields. That way only authorized vessels could dock with the ship. (hypothetically) So, what do you think? How should/will NQ deal with these obstacles for transporting goods? If this has been covered already, please just point me in the right direction, but I couldn't seem to find anything about this specifically.
  19. Trade is often beneficial to everyone involved. However, unless they want to limit themselves to tossing goods across the border, it means an organization must allow outsiders into their territory. Some organizations may be reluctant to open their territory to everyone without restriction, so the Blue Moon Crew would like to introduce a concept we call the transient license for trade and transport. We are not talking about a trade organization or either organization becoming a member of the other. The license is simply an agreement between two organizations that allows one to conduct a trade and transport business in territory that belongs to the other. Since this is a transient license, their presence for that business would only be temporary. Both to illustrate our idea and to serve as a first step toward what we hope will become a common practice, the Blue Moon Crew proposes the following agreement to any organization that would like to grant us such a license. Of course, we are willing to consider any modifications to the terms of this agreement that the licensing organization suggests. For now these will only be verbal agreements, but we hope to use the RDMS as much as possible to implement them when it becomes available. Please, contact us if your organization would like to grant the Blue Moon Crew a license. We hope to post a list in the Community Portal of organizations that do. ---Transient License for Trade and Transport--- This is an agreement between the Blue Moon Crew (BMC) and the __________ organization (ORG). The ORG agrees to allow the BMC, their ship and any support vehicles to enter and travel through their territory. The ORG agrees that none of their members will attack any member of the BMC, nor will they damage or steal their property or any goods they are transporting. The ORG agrees to allow the BMC to sell goods and provide transport services to members of the ORG and any other individuals permitted in the ORG's territory. This does not obligate the BMC to provide any specific goods or services. The ORG agrees to allow the BMC to purchase goods or services offered by members of the ORG and any other individuals permitted in the ORG's territory. This does not obligate the ORG to provide any specific goods or services. The ORG agrees to allow the BMC to leave their territory whenever the BMC chooses to. The BMC agrees to remain in those areas of ORG's territory that the ORG designates as accessible and stay out of those areas the ORG designates as restricted. The ORG must inform the BMC of these designations before the BMC enters the ORG's territory. The BMC agrees its members will not attack any members of the ORG or any other individuals the ORG permits in their territory, nor will the BMC members damage or steal their property or any goods they are transporting. The BMC agrees to pay any fees the ORG has established for entering, travelling through or remaining in their territory, for transporting goods in or out of their territory and for buying or selling goods or services within their territory. The ORG must inform the BMC of these fees before the BMC enters the ORG's territory. The BMC agrees to not transport any goods in or out of the ORG's territory that the ORG has forbidden. The ORG must inform the BMC what goods are forbidden before the BMC enters the ORG's territory. The BMC agrees to not buy or sell any goods or services in the ORG's territory that the ORG has forbidden. The ORG must inform the BMC what goods and services are forbidden before the BMC enters the ORG's territory. The BMC agrees to leave the ORG's territory whenever the ORG requests them to. The ORG must allow the BMC to leave peacefully if BMC does so within a reasonable time. The BMC agrees to follow any other regulations the ORG has established for individuals in their territory. The ORG must inform the BMC of these regulations before the BMC enters the ORG's territory. The BMC may benefit from the ORG's efforts to protect their territory while the BMC is in that territory, but the ORG is not obligated to specifically protect the BMC from outsiders, nor will the ORG be responsible for any damage done by individuals who are not members of the ORG to members of the BMC, their property or goods they are transporting while the BMC is in the ORG's territory. The ORG may provide protection services if they choose, but they are not required by this license. The BMC is not required to participate in any efforts to protect the ORG or its territory from any attack. Either BMC or the ORG may end this agreement at any time by informing the other party. If the BMC is in the ORG's territory when the agreement ends, the ORG must allow the BMC to leave peacefully if the BMC does so within a reasonable time. This license is a non-exclusive agreement. Both the BMC and ORG are free to establish similar agreements with any other organizations.
  20. So as some people may or may not know, EVE Online just announced some changes to its long held PLEX system, which the DU DAC system is heavily based off of. Based on the reactions of people, I thought it might be worth discussing that here and what people do and don't like about the changes they made. First off: what was the old system? The traditional system goes like this: Player A buys a PLEX from CCP for real money and then receives the PLEX in their character's inventory. Player A can then redeem the PLEX for one month of subscription time or sell that PLEX to Player B for ingame money/items. It's an elegant system that let's people play for free or gather more currency, depending on their circumstances without making the game be pay-to-win. DU's DAC system will function a lot like this. Today, they announced several changes: They split each PLEX into 500 pieces. They created a "PLEX Vault" which allows players to keep their PLEX safe. They merged PLEX with their other currency for buying cosmetic items. The idea behind this seems to be to make PLEX more accessible and easier to deal with, as well as reducing the need to have multiple ways to buy cosmetic items since they are all now going to be using the same currency. Not to mention trying to entice more people to buy it. However, there are some common criticisms I noticed. 500 is not a very good number to divide a month into; it would be much better to divide it into something like 720 so that each piece would be worth an hour. You still need to gather one month's worth of PLEX to actually redeem it, so cutting it down into smaller increments is rather pointless. The PLEX Vault is poorly explained so it may provide a way of eliminating the risk of transporting PLEX. Dividing it into more items might cause the overall price to rise. I do like the idea of having it in slightly smaller increments, like perhaps each DAC represents a week of game time, and could be redeemed as such. What does everyone else think?
  21. Hello, Humans! Since I've been away from the forum recently the community has grown substantially. Being slightly OCD, I thought it would be a good idea to chart the "state of affairs" of DU's organizations. I may periodically update the chart so current, and new, members can stay informed about the "big picture" of org development. Due to the rapid creation and abandonment of smaller orgs, I've only picked those with at least 30 members (smaller orgs will be considered upon request). As smaller orgs grow to that size and interact with others, I can add them too. Numbers beneath the org names approximate the number of members. Green lines represent alliances between orgs. Blue lines represent trade agreements between orgs. Grey curved lines represent membership between orgs. I'd love some feedback and/or recommendations on the following post(s):
  22. Idea: Please provide read-only game data APIs for user info (level, orgs joined, current planet, etc.) and market info (price, quantity, orders list, etc.) Reason: I want to build a trade platform and a credit platform with some advanced features. That requires to fetch some in-game data. PS. All trade will happen in-game, so the API could be read-only. The relationship between the game and the plat is the relationship between Steam and SteamDB. (At the level of information provision) Pros: - The platform is independent from the game. So some updates will not affect each other. - I will make a mobile app for the platform in the future. Where the main game cannot run on. - A off-game platform can promote the in-game economy. - The platform provides some advanced features, some of which may not appear in the game. - It's a third-party project, which means that the project is self-financing. - The platform also has a publicity effect on the game. - A senior financial markets can help stimulate the player's vitality. - The existence of credit platform can indirectly help maintain the order of the game. - The platform will not pose a hazard to the game mechanism. - The platform can promote the development of the gaming community. Cons: - Game developers have to maintain a set of read-only APIs. Promises: - I will not abuse the APIs and provide necessary protections to the data obtained. - Fully respect the views of game developers. - I will try to eliminate the competition between the platform and the game. - We will help counteract the behavior that undermines in-game economy. - The platform will not provide any transaction function which could bypass the game. ------------------------------------------ADDITIONAL---------------------------------------------- 1. To be clear. Here I say "trade platform" is a one with ADVANCED ECONOMICAL FEATURES (AEF). Which means auction, mortgage, futures, blockage (blacklist) and other things. It's not simply a data aggregation site nor a trade market, it will be a universal trade platform. Also, real-time data are needed for make those AEFs come true. 2. Everything in the platform involved NO REAL MONEY. RMT is dangerous. 3. When I say "need API", yes, without API access we can also build a platform. But not a convenient one. Also, ability management is a cool idea. So if NQ allowed, please provide skill API. (This is a separate request from the above one) 4. The in-game one is only a list of buy and sell orders and have some simple filter. That's why I want to make a platform with many other features. 5. When we say "first person". Our starting point is always our own rather than the character in game. You HAVE to decide whether b/s or not. You HAVE to make your own decision. And you HAVE to trade them with your in-game character. The platform, just like UI of the game, is for convenience and be concise. If we pursue the first person experience, please turn off UI components first. 6. The most important: When you leave the game. The in-game time will NOT freeze! That's different from non-Online games. We need a platform to track market when we are not online. Imagine that you are hiking now, suddenly you see some one said in the Discord "Metal prices are soaring", would you like to check by yourself or say "hey, give me a screenshot"? 7. We cannot run and understand the market in our mind. But charts and indexes can help us. We need data collected from APIs to draw charts and indexes. Also, charts and indexes are helpful to brokers and analyzers. 8. DU has no bot station but we have DIFFERENT PLANETS. Price may be varied by planets (even locations). So we still need a platform. 9. Black / Hidden market. I said in 1: "blockage (blacklist)". It will perform the function. And it can also be used in the event of war or even you just hate someone. But, if one could find the hidden market in the in-game trade system. It's not hidden any more. Therefore, confidentiality should be the player, not the API thing. Because the APIs will only provide public information. It just make the whole thing more simple. HimeIX, A member of Alpha Academy.
  23. Sierra Corporation ** Currently Recruiting ** About The Sierra Corporation is an organisation that provides trade and private military services. We promise to help new traders in the universe to show their potential and provide a deluxe living environment in our territory. We also strive to lower the prices of all our products to give our customers a great deal. The Sierra Corporation is ran by me (StormEagle). I've been the leader and staff of/in clans before. I am an experienced and skilled leader and I have been told this many times by the people I've been in clans with in the past. I also have a good grasp of money and can make a lot of it in games. It's not just money I'm good with I'm also a good fighter. This is why I wanted to make the Sierra Corporation a combination of a PMC and trade company. The Sierra Corporation will be more involved when the game has fully come out (I'm not interested in playing the alpha or beta). When the game fully comes out I will try to gather the engineers to create Sierra City. Sierra City is going to be kept secret for now but I have a lot of plans for it. The reason why I want to keep it secret is so nobody steals my idea for it. If you want to join feel free. I am currently looking for a CEO to run things when the alpha comes out so if you're interested all the information on how to apply is below. Apply If you want to join the Sierra Corporation go here and fill out the application provided: ** APPLICATION ** * Copy and paste this application then fill it out * DU Username: Age: Location: Character backstory (optional): Are you currently in any other organisation/s?: * More information will be provided here soon *
  24. After taking a long break the I.B.O is back and looking to start making allies for alpha and beta. We are not only looking to offer our services but to make lasting partnerships with other organizations who can offer services essential to our cause. Feel free to add me on discord if you wish to discuss further. GrandMasterApex#5811
  25. I am personally of the opinion that they should be able to be stolen and players should have to come up with their own means of managing who are reliable and trustworthy transporters.
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