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  1. Well, in early days the community page was used for all kinds of news and warfare, it would be nice to have it back also so that organizations can present themselves and for the attached mail box, atleast if we get that back also. Is there a timeline for the return of it?
  2. Welcome! The Aerogics Shipbuilding and Trading Company is now Hiring! Hey guys, we are a friendly, trading and shipbuilding-oriented organization, looking for new members and new trade partners. Join our discord! For new members: We are looking for beginners! Don’t worry if you have just started the game; we will help you to make your first steps in the game and help you to improve your skills. We can provide you a free ride to our base and we can give you some stuff if you want to explore the game in a more independent way. Are you interested in ship designs? We support every creative member who wants to design ships/bases and we are actively sharing knowledge to help you to make your designs into reality. Are you interested in traveling? We are looking for members who can deliver cargo to our customers. Are you interested in trading? We're seeking players with economics and other trading skills! Finding new customers and improving the relations with the existing ones. Are you interested in production? We have a large factory for you to learn and produce to your hearts content. We can help you be part of one of the largest industries in the game. Apply today! Be a part of the team! Join our discord! For new trade partners: We producing high end materials and parts, trading with rare resources and selling ships of every core size! If you’re interested, we can sell you a blueprint/key or we can make ships on request. We can also refine and produce materials for fee if you don’t have the industry! (Terms & Conditions apply) Join our discord!
  3. We are a small business startup that is currently developing small and extra small cargo freighters for the external market. You can check out our current operations by VR if you like @ RLI HQ (Madis). Contact Persus or WickedWaze in game name or on Discord at Persus#2555 or NightDeath#8533 if you are interested in joining or want more information. Find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/roughlightindustriesdu
  4. ╔════════━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━────────────────────━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═════════╗ ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗ ? ANNOUNCEMENT╿We just opened our Discord server!╚══════════════════════════════════════╝ After months of preparation, the French-speaking Akerian organization has finally opened up to the Dual Universe community with the opening of its Discord server on Saturday July 11! On our Discord server, you will find all the details on our organization, our news as well as our projects! It is also here that you can contact Akerian for any partnership or other request! Everyone is welcome ! https://discord.gg/SPt9vhD ╔═════════════════════════╗ ℹ️ INFORMATION╿What is our goal? ╚═════════════════════════╝ During the Beta, we plan to build our first Akerian buying / reselling center near the Districts of Alioth. From the release, we want to establish it as the largest shopping center in Helios, THE benchmark market. We want to centralize the economy around this first center in order to allow players to have access to everything that is salable and buyable in one place: the Akerian centers. If the Akerian center in Alioth is successful, eventually we will build a new center on each planet. We want to be more than a simple market where players just buy and sell amongst themselves: We will automatically buy all that players will sell at prices calculated on supply and demand in real time and we will sell all the items available on DU and will systematically produce items out of stock. ╔══════════════════════════════╗ ℹ️ INFORMATION╿How to contact or join us? ╚══════════════════════════════╝ To contact us, join our discord, and you can contact us directly in the channel #EN-Discussions. If however you wish to contact us privately, send an MP to the manager DropNod#3016. You should know that we are open to all proposals, each of them will be studied without distinction, regardless of the player or the organization that transmits it to us. We have not officially started our recruitment campaign. If however you are already interested, you can write your application in the # candidatures-akerian channel of our discord. You don't have to write a block, a few sentences may suffice. https://discord.gg/SPt9vhD ╚════════━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━────────────────────━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━═════════╝ Credit to Novaquark for the original images. They were slightly reimagined by Akerian
  5. Fabrication Incorporated is recruiting any and all members. We are a new organization just getting off the ground, read lots of upward potential for you, and are focusing on manufacturing and production aspects of the game. We will work with you to optimize your skills so you can focus on the specific industries you like. A fully functional factory is already up and running and looking to help you get moving down the path to production. Please respond with a direct message, in game to Sarcinthos, or on this post if you would like to join. We look forward to building with you. Feel free to post here, send me a message, drop a line in game, or hop into the discord channel (https://discord.gg/VSvMYn9) I look forward to speaking with you.
  6. Alpha is now Recruiting. We are an organization that focuses on the PVP aspect of the game as well as exploration. In addition to this, we also have a company named Alpha Industries that will produce all our ships and elements that we will use. Below you can find a Graphic that explains the basics of our Organization and some more information about us. (This is the link to our Discord server) https://discord.gg/JnpCTCc Alpha swarm: The Alpha Swarm consists of various classes of Soldiers that serve all kinds of purposes like heavy infantry, pilots, commanders, and many more. Every member will get an introduction to the Academy where they will begin there training. The training has different steps to it but in general, you and your squad will learn formations and you will fight training battles against other teams to see who is the strongest. Alpha Industries: This sub-function of Alpha is dedicated to producing the warships used by Alpha to continue its war. It is also tasked with the gathering of resources, both financial and material. Its programs design ships that operate with deadly efficiency to crush all opposition that might arise. Alpha Industries will build all our ships and constructs. This also includes the gathering of resources and the transportation. Research Laboratories: Here you will explore the universe to discover new planets, resources, and secrets that Alpha can use to expand its reach across the galaxy. You will set up research bases to further explore the new locations and you will research new ways to use LUA Why you should join Alpha: We are a small group of people (at the moment 10) that are working on a lot of interesting projects together. You can learn about the mechanics of the game in a very comfortable manner since all our members are very happy to answer any kind of question that you might have. We are also a very organized and structured Organization. There are more graphics in the server that explain the structure of the Org further. To add to this, we also feature a custom backstory. This adds another layer of depth to the Organization.
  7. The Kingdom is a multi-game MMO community home to a group of veteran gamers with many years of experience in the competitive, casual, and hardcore gaming scenes. We take a laid back approach to membership — you will not be forced to grind 12 hours a day or meet quotas. Our only requirement is that you are a true team player. We love PvP and mostly focus on that playstyle, but we also understand that in order to PvP well you must also PvE well. We do not tolerate drama and BS, and our leadership makes an effort to treat all members with respect and make people feel like more than just numbers. Our aim is to make friends, not exploit our members. Most of our members are NA based, but we also have players from all over the world including Australia, Brazil, and Europe. We have a long history in sandbox and survival MMOs, with experienced leadership that knows how to effectively organize logistics and crafting workflows. In addition, our experienced shot callers make sure every fight we take has a high chance of victory. Some of our previous gaming experience includes: New World Alpha - The Kingdom Albion Online - Novus Ordo ArcheAge: Unchained, Jergant - Refugees Last Oasis - Conviction, Sand Yetis, Red Banana Alliance If our community sounds like something you would like to be a part of, hop in our Discord. https://discord.gg/E47nHJm
  8. Veteran owned and operated, politically incorrect and pro free speech, memelords extraordinaire, The Dark Star Imperium is a meritocratic empire. Meritocratic means is that if you put in the effort, you WILL advance in the ranks as we are a community built on teamwork. Strength that is defined by each member’s ability to work for the common goal as a group whilst also maintaining independence, autonomy, resourcefulness and honing their individual skill. Those who would take the time and effort to help others no matter the cause, that is what it is to be a part of a community / a family and not just some "Org". We specialize in faction PvP, engineering, and tech with all sections having countless veteran players across many similar games and Sci-Fi themed clans. However, we employ players of all playstyles such as Industrialists, Designers, Engineers, Merchants, Economists and even those who are more casual or love meta gaming. Our philosophy on all aspects is going above and beyond the competition by overwhelming levels. Strength not just in numbers, but in skill. Engineering feats not just in usefulness but with complexity. Since our arrival in Dual Universe we've strived to set the bar high in many aspects of the community. In doing so we've gained friends, made enemies and even achieved the emulation of those mimicking practices we've begun. We've faced skepticism, drama and even attacks on our community yet here we are despite it all proving our endurance and resolve. We always put our members and community first, we expect the best, and we give the best. Service guarantees citizenship! Please feel free to contact myself "Firestorm#2981" on Discord or check out any of the following links. Keep in mind if you do intend on joining our community we do require every new member to go through a one on one voice interview with one of our recruiters or community heads. Anyways have a good day and best of luck! Opportunity Awaits Discord Dual Universe: Org Page Recruitment Questionnaire Achievements & Awards DU - Imperium Lore Wiki
  9. A little about me I am a former eve online player, on there I have been in huge battles with titans and capitals ships, I have ran the markets and running Mercenary contracts, and finally me and my people reached out and turned to the industry making and destroying ships. I find myself here in this new universe where everything is a new start and what I want to do is reach out and make new friends and fill that thrill or making new adventures. Everyone starts small and being small is not a bad thing, because you get to really know the people you play along side and the rea trust forms, where bigger player bases usually fall under their own weight because of infighting but enough rambling let me tell you my goals. Capital Productions is a industrial/engineering pvp organization here we will focus on training our people to work together and when crap hits the fan they will be able to act or give orders fast and correctly because we all know everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face then plans go out the windows. Our industrial side will be mining, making parts and running the markets, they will be the back bone of our people and like every strong structure the foundations need to be strong. our engineers will practice and train to make ships and land craft to sale to other people along with four our own use. they will also be able to make fortresses for when war is here and help with sieges. Our pvp will do exactly that train and get ready to protect our people and protect those that offer us money to do so or our allies when they are in need, below i will lsit a few short term goals for our organization so you can get a idea on what the beginning will be like. Industry * will mining minerals to be sold or melted down for production * will work on running the market finding best things to make and sale * focus on making sure spare parts are around for repair and fuel to be used * Organization will offer miners a buy back program where we will buy the minerals from the members Engineering * design ships for transporting good to market * making and planning the foundations of our factories and cities * designing land craft for use and setting up supply lines PVP * can be a member of any branch * will be trained for single and multi crew ships * will be trained to fly/gunner/or infantry or all * multi crew ships the crew will have regular training sessions and have drills so all crews learn to react in a instant This is just a short version on my plans and some will like it others wont but we also know some people don't want pvp and that's fine no one has to fight if they don't want to and we always say fun first. We are already in a alliance of great people and we have a great future as a organization and as a alliance member. Everyone has a right to state their opinions and i will always ask for members opinions on matters and take their thought in consideration. I ask you to help me make a good strong organization that can help new people and will stand the test of time. I will see yall out there and if interested message me or hit me up on discord [EVIL]HEADHUNTER#1910 You may ask what our long term goals are well the short story for it is for our industry to pump out supplies to sell directly to other organizations and for parts for ships and vehicles for organization and alliance use. Engineering will then build heavily fortified fortresses for defense and cities for trade along with capital ships because like our name says i would like our ship builders to be able to produce beautiful machines of war and peace. Our pvp/pilots side we will hire our self's out for escorts, train other organizations pilots and crews, and participate in combat of all kinds. Don't let the pvp scare you pve people off because you will do what you love and enjoy and our fighters will be here to make sure you are free to do that.
  10. Alpha: Alpha is an highly advanced AI engineered to master every aspect of the art of war. It has slumbered for hundreds of years on board the Novark. To awaken when its time has come to fulfil its function and to bring war to the remnants of humanity. Inside Alpha: We are no role play faction. However the theme of the Org is for setting the mood and to add another layer of depth to the Org. This includes a Backstory and the theme also imacts how our ships will look and so on. Alpha swarm: The Alpha Swarm consists of various classes of drones that serve all kinds of purposes like heavy infantry, pilots, commanders, and many more. Its drones are highly deadly both alone or in squads, they are programmed with a wide variety of tactics and strategies that they can use to overcome every foe. Every member will get an introduction to the Academy where they will begin there training. The training has different steps to it but in general you and your squad will learn formations and you will fight training battles agiant other teams to see who is the strongest. Alpha Industries: This sub-function of Alpha is dedicated to producing the warships used by Alpha to continue its war. It is also tasked with the gathering of resources, both financial and material. Its programs design ships that operate with deadly efficiency to crush all opposition that might arise. Alpha Industries will build all our ships and constructs. This also includes the gathering of resources and the transportation. Exploration: Explore unknown Planets, develop new technology. This sub function focuses on exploration and the development of new technologies. It provides a constant flow of new tech to Alpha and its drones explore the galaxy in search for new planets and materials. Here you will explore the universe to discover new planets, resources and sercrets that Alpha can use to expand its reach across the galaxy. You will set up research bases to further explore the new locations and you will research new ways to use LUA. Our Goals: Since we are a military faction our main goal is to expand our reach across the stars. Another goal is to field a powerful army that can adapt to any situation on the battlefield since each member has gone through a specially designed training to make him familiar with all the required mechanics. We also want to research new ways of using Lua and other elements, ship design, building, and research are a very important aspect of Alpha. We will by no means just conquer everything that we see but expand slowly but steadily solidifying our grasp upon every territory. https://discord.gg/JnpCTCc Below you can see the Log 1 of the backstory. Story Log 1.pdf
  11. Hi, me it's WaRtrO, I'm new to the world of dual universe. I come from France! ? I am currently recruiting future compatriots (More precisely French-speaking). Salut!!! Moi c'est WaRtrO, je suis nouveau dans le monde de DU, enfin cela fait plusieurs années que je suis le développement. Et oui je viens de France! ? Et je recherche actuellement de futurs compatriotes (plus précisément francophones). Here is a small presentation of the organization (for questions or to be recruited go on discord here! ?) : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "The Order of Apophis" est une confrérie qui a toujours mis un point d'honneur à prioriser l'évolution du genre humain quitte à transgresser les lois éthiques et morales de ce monde . Leur dogme est la perfection, pour eux le genre humain doit de plus en plus se confondre avec le divin pour finalement n'avoir comme maître qu'eux-mêmes. Ils veulent constituer un nouvel ordre mondial se caractérisant par un État psionique dans lequel l'unification et l'évolution sont leur maître mot. Langue: Principalement Francophone Note: C'est une organisation qui se veut conviviale et mature, avec un système hiérarchique poussé dans lequel le mérite fera tout. L'organisation se veut un minimum RolePlay pour maximiser l'immersion et pour passer un bon moment ensemble, donc je souhaite à tous nos membres de faire un effort de ce côté-là. Les membres restent toutefois libres de faire ce qu'ils souhaitent du moment qu'ils ne dérangent pas l'organisation. "The Order of Apophis" is a brotherhood which has always made it a point of honor to prioritize the evolution of the human race even if it means transgressing the ethical and moral laws of this world. Their dogma is perfection, for them the human race must increasingly merge with the divine to finally have as master only themselves. They want to create a new world order characterized by a psionic state in which unification and evolution are their watchwords. Language: Mainly French Note: It is a friendly and mature organization, with an advanced hierarchical system in which merit will do everything. The organization wants a minimum RolePlay to maximize immersion and to have a good time together, so I wish all our members to make an effort for that. However, members remain free to do what they wish as long as they do not disturb the organization. Nous Rejoindre | Join Us Organization page here
  12. Zenith Corporation is actively recruiting players Discord: https://discord.gg/6e3CWtP Community: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/3384/ Zenith Corporation was Founded for YOU Zenith is a rapidly growing community of friendly and skilled Dual Universe players. We believe that teamwork and leadership are absolutely essential to a good community. Based on this, our goal is to be excellent and efficient at everything we do while providing an innovative environment for teamwork and individualism to thrive. We see the value in everyone, and we are devoted to providing for and strengthening the skills and goals of each and every member. Zenith leaders are devoted to the group and the individual equally. Designed for Efficiency A good government is essential to the success of an organized group, and Zenith is no different. The ZC government will combine all of the best aspects of government into one clear and concise formula: A system that is expandable, seamless, quick, efficient, and most of all, best for everyone. For more information on the Zenith government, see the Community Link above. What's in it for you? Zenith members who climb the ranks enjoy a friendly and active community, access to one of the largest automated industries, unique and rare blueprints, access to scripts, strength in numbers, voxelmancy, Arch Confederacy membership, active Discord for DU, and in game training just to name a few. Members are free to blaze their own path and they will be supported as long as their proposed actions don't have devastating diplomatic effect on the group as a whole. Members may leave the group at any time for any reason on good terms. Joining is completely free. Interested? Zenith is always looking for new members who are interested in blazing their paths with us. We would love to enjoy Dual Universe with you! If you have any questions or suggestions don't hesitate to contact a leader or member in game or through Discord. If you would like to join the organization, please speak to a leader and check us out in game through the organizations tab. We are excited to serve you! ~ [ZC] Virtual#4995 automat0n#0964 ~
  13. Hi everybody i am the Super Legate for an organization that is small in size and only has a few players at this current time. Our organization Titan Brotherhood is one that is for players hoping to experience any aspect they desire from Dual Universe whether it be mining, building, cargo hauling, or just PVP. We are not trying to gain any mass following and become a super power withing the game by any means, but i do hope that other organizations and players would become our allies and help to allow players to freely explore the universe that is being created and be able to experience all aspects of this amazing game. If you are interested in becoming a member or even just allying your organization with ours please send me a message and let me know so we can work together and ensure we can all enjoy DU to its fullest potential.
  14. Shadows-Lights Corporation est une Organisation Francaise qui a pour but de rassembler et d'unir les joueurs autour d un theme Repousser les limites de la Créations Humaine que se soit en Matieres de Constructions,d'explorations,d'avancées technologique ou meme de politique.Un seul mot d'ordre la bienveillance et la protection des nouveaux venus. Retrouvez-Nous sur Discord:https://discord.gg/pFZJ42k
  15. Alpha is the AI that brought about the downfall of humanity. Alpha was created with war as its purpose and is driven to fulfill its purpose for exitance. (drones referring to soldiers) (Programs referring to non-military members) Alpha Swarm: The Alpha Swarm consists of various classes of drones that serve all kinds of purposes like heavy infantry, pilots, commanders, and many more. Its drones are highly deadly both alone or in squads, they are programmed with a wide variety of tactics and strategies that they can use to overcome every foe. Alpha Industries: This sub-function of Alpha is dedicated to producing the warships used by Alpha to continue its war. It is also tasked with the gathering of resources, both financial and material. Its programs design ships that operate with deadly efficiency to crush all opposition that might arise. Research: The subfunction Research focuses on the exploration of new planets, developing new technology, and to explore new ways of expansion. In general, this sub-function focuses on exploration and experimentation Our Goals: Since we are a military faction our main goal is to expand our reach across the stars. Another goal is to field a powerful army that can adapt to any situation on the battlefield since each member has gone through a specially designed training to make him familiar with all the required mechanics. We also want to research new ways of using Lua and other elements, ship design, building, and research are a very important aspect of Alpha. We will by no means just conquer everything that we see but expand slowly but steadily solidifying our grasp upon every territory. We are we very new Organisation, so if you want to build up Alpha with us then join the Discord Server. Note: Below you can see a summary of our Backstory Our Discord: https://discord.gg/wcFwN26 Story Log 1.pdf
  16. We are Awakened. Awakened after cryogenic dream which seemed to last for just a moment...moment caged in eternity. In an unknown world, under unknown stars. We are what may be the last hope of survival for the mankind. And for not to perish in the vastness of space we need to become a viable force, able to make ourselves home. In order to achieve this goal we need to unite to form a strong clan and carve our path to prosperity. And what is it common that we all have? The Awakening. ------------------------------------------------- Awakening - означает Пробуждение. Согласно записям Ковчега, в котором мы спали, погруженные в бесконечный криогенный сон, именно этот мир стал ключом и сигналом к окончанию сна. Мы - Пробуждённые, именно нам выпала честь первыми обследовать этот мир и обустроить его для себя. Заложить первые кирпичи в фундамент нашего процветания. Нам следует объединиться. Нам суждено быть самыми первыми здесь, и, чтобы не исчезнуть, не раствориться в необъятности Вселенной, мы будем сильны! Мы - Пробуждённые, в память о том, что объединило всех нас, основываем клан - Awakening. Наш клан принимает в свои ряды Пробуждённых с любыми склонностями, - каждому найдётся занятие по душе и помощь в становлении. Любишь схватки? В боевом крыле клана, ты займёшь достойное место и обретёшь почёт и уважение твоим навыкам боя и пилотирования. Нравится создавать красивые и мощные корабли и здания, - мы будем рады принять талантливого строителя, а клан предоставит место на защищённой территории. Мятежная душа исследователя найдёт у нас задачи по плечу, ведь мы будем на первых рубежах космоса, и ты сможешь с гордостью воткнуть знамя родного клана на неисследованных планетах и даже в новых звёздных системах. Пробуждённые уже здесь! Обладаешь незаурядными навыками программирования - мы по достоинству оценим их в отделе разработки. Вступай в клан Пробуждённых - Awakening, займи место среди лучших!
  17. Nothing to see here
  18. I) About Dual Universe (and/or a DU Organization) Advertisement (a) It's fine to advertise the game and/or your DU Organization(s) to players you already know or with whom you have already played with in other games without harassing them. If they aren't interested, do not insist. (b) It's absolutely not acceptable to enter other gaming communities with the only intent being to randomly advertise Dual Universe or your DU Organization to players you don't know. Being polite isn't enough. Participating in said group with the intention to legitimize your advertisement is not enough either. You won't fool many people with this method. While one player may be convinced to join your Organization, it will most likely antagonize significantly more players, making them hostile toward you and Dual Universe due to these cheap and inappropriate practices. If you don't understand why this is wrong, just imagine players coming from 10 different game communities and invading your Discord, subReddit, or Steam group, falsely pretending to be interested in the game you’re playing while instead being there to make advertisements for the game he plays in your channels. Any person would quickly be tired of this behavior and ban them all, as well as form a negative image of the game that has been advertised. Please don’t do this. Not only is this rude, this can be considered harassment in addition to brand damage, which could result in a ban from Dual Universe for such behavior. (c) While it didn’t seem clear for everyone so far (despite being in our EULA and in our forum chart here), here is a strong reminder: impersonating Novaquark staff is a serious offense. This will result in a permanent ban without further notice or discussion. There is also no limitation period for this offense (meaning: if we got proof of Novaquark staff impersonation several months or even years later, the sanction will still be applied). (d) While this has been some kind of grey area until now, there won’t be sanctions applied to involved Organizations for the past actions. However, from now on, Organizations that will benefit from the aforementioned bad practices could see their member list reset at Novaquark’s sole discretion. We wish to make it clear that there is nothing to gain from such advertisement and recruitment practices as well as inform other gaming communities that the Novaquark staff will not tolerate these methods of advertisement and recruitment. II) About Gifting Practices as a Recruitment Incentive Novaquark has not enforced any strict rules regarding gifting practices so you are free to gift DACs or Supporter Packs as you see fit. However, we don’t encourage use of this freedom as a recruitment incentive unless you are perfectly fine with the definition of "gifting" (giving something for free to someone else without expecting anything in return for this gift). Before gifting a DAC or a Supporter Pack, you should carefully consider that a player could leave your Organization or simply never join it at all. In this situation, this will be your responsibility and we will not refund nor reverse the gift you made to another player. The Novaquark team will not step in to oblige the receiver to fulfill his part of the bargain either (if there was any). So choose and gift wisely. If you have any further questions on the topic, please let us know. Best Regards, The Community team.
  19. The Heathen Horde is recruiting. We are looking for pilots like little Jimmy, He has always dreamt of being a space pilot. Travelling the stars and killing heretics like some of his greatest heroes. When he was younger his father bought him a toy fighter ship made from tin which he carried everywhere. When he was old enough he packed his bags and went of to join the Heathen Horde as they are the best and kill all the heretics in the name of the King Before. On little Jimmies first day he was taken on a tour of the grand headquarters. They showed him the landing field as the fighters returned, the gymnasium as the trainees did the obstacle course, the mess hall as the officers ate lunch. We have since learned to not schedule rocket testing while the recruits look around the engine test area. We miss little Jimmy, as little Jimmy was turned into dust by an extra large rocket engine. So we are looking for new pilots to help fight the cause. If you think you can last longer than little Jimmy we would love to talk to you. What we are looking for: 18 + and have dropped to a depth of adulthood Working MIC and ability to speak English Have a attention span longer than ….. For more information feel free to join our discord. https://discord.gg/3yV4GAP https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-heathen-horde/#tab-description
  20. The Federation Alpha is a political entity with an autocratic government form and an aggressive-expansive mindset. We exist with the aim to help our citizens and build up a civilization, so our citizens can live freely. We strive to unite others with us to help promote production and a favourable lifestyle. We offer protection, asylum and citizenship to everybody. We, the people of The Federation Alpha, want to unify the galaxy to make it a better place! Allow me to explain a bit more. The power of The Federation Alpha is divided into 11 ministries, one Prime Minister and the President. Every minister is leading a specific department which consists of coordinating and initiating projects no matter if proposed by a citizen or the president. Onto the more specific job descriptions of the government: The President: He's the head of the state, makes most of the decisions and is the head of the council of ministers. The Prime Minister: They are the right hand of the president, but take the president’s place in his absence, they are the second head of the council of ministers and responsible for the infrastructure. The Minister of Defence: They regulate the armed forces, oversee the military budget matters and procurement of equipment. The Minister of Finance: They're in charge of government finances, economic policy and financial regulation. The Minister of Commerce: They're responsible for regulating external/internal trade and promoting economic growth. The Minister of Immigration: They have the capability to grant citizenship, but also take care of immigration issues, and asylum for refugees. The Minister of Industry: They're in charge of the industry, which includes engineering, employment, and trading. The Minister of Resources: They look after the natural resources (The own resources are kept for emergency situations, instead we go mine somewhere else) The Minister of Development: They oversee innovation, science and economic development. The Minister of Internal Affairs: They're responsible for policing, emergency management and national security. The Minister of Foreign Affairs: They take care of the state’s foreign policy and manage external relations (ex.: Alliances, Peace treaty, truce, …) The Minister of Transport: They're in charge of the transportation within the country. Their responsibilities are road safety, civil aviation, public transport and maintenance of infrastructural projects. (road, bridges, tunnels, …) The Minister of Health: They're responsible for protecting and promoting public health, providing welfare and other social security services. The Admiral: They put the orders of the Minister of Defence into motion, coordinate and supervise the Space Force of the Army. The General: They put the orders of the Minister of Defence into motion, coordinate and supervise the Air and Ground Force of the Army. Governor: They execute the plans of a minister, at least one Governor is assigned to a minister. Their other duties are to oversee their sector and to do quality inspections. Alpha Police Department: It is empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property and limit civil disorder. They are allowed to use force if necessary. Captain: They command a ship and coordinate the battles in space. Colonel: They command the battles in the air and on the ground. Fighter Pilot: They're trained pilots, who will dominate the sky and space with their comrades, fighting the enemy. There are two categories of Fighter Pilots: Class A (atmosphere) and Class S (space). Trooper: They're disciplined and skilled soldiers, who will be on the front and fight the battles for the Federation Alpha. Those were the main jobs that will be provided by the Federation Alpha. (there are more) Military structure: The military is separated into three sections: The Ground Force, the Air Force and Space Force. The Alpha Ground Force (AGF) and the Alpha Air Force (AAF) is commanded by the General, who is the highest ranking of the Ground and Air Force. The Ground and Air Force consist of the General, Colonels, Majors, Troop Commanders/Air Commanders, Squad Leaders/Air Squadron Leaders and Troopers/Air Fighter Pilots. The Admiral is the highest ranking of the Alpha Space Force (ASF). The Alpha Space Force consists of the Admiral, Captains, Commanders, Lieutenants, Squadron Leaders/Ensigns and Fighter Pilots/Crewmen. In the chain of command, the General and Admiral are equals, those above them are the Minister of Defence, the Prime Minister and the President. The first members of the military will be Troopers and Fighter Pilots because they are the most important part, after recruiting enough man power, we will provide personal training for those who want to rank up. In order to provide a fun environment for every player (citizen of Federation Alpha) and have a frame of ideals to be considered when meeting decisions, we have created a few fundamental rules that compose the general code of conduct for every member. These are the basic laws that will be operating in the federation. LAWS: 1. Human dignity; the human dignity shall be respected. 2. Personal Freedoms; personal freedoms shall be respected. 3. Equality before the law; every individual will be treated the same way. 4. Freedom of faith, conscience and creed; every individual has the right to believe in something, this shall be respected. 5. Freedom of expression; every individual has the right to have his own opinion and to express it. 6. Freedom of assembly; every individual has the right to freely meet up with other people. 7. Freedom of association; any individual can create or join a group/corporation. 8. Privacy of correspondence, post and telecommunications; a conversation between different individuals of the Federation Alpha should not be disclosed without the consent of every participating party. 9. Freedom of movement; every individual has the right to move freely, where- and whenever he wants, if it doesn’t violate any other laws. 10. Occupational Freedom, prohibition of forced labour; each individual has the right to choose their profession and shall not be forced into labour. 11. Compulsory military or alternative service; in case of war or conflict, the military has the possibility to conscript an individual to fight. This individual has the right to refuse, but in that case, they will have to sign up for an alternative service. 12. Inviolability of the home; no individual has the right to enter a private building without the owner’s permission, but if a police officer presents a warrant from a Judge then he has the right to enter. 13. Property, inheritance, expropriation; no one has the right to take away your property, but if it violates any other laws then the state will take actions. 14. Citizenship, extradition; every individual has the right to obtain the Federation Alpha’s nationality. No one has the right to remove their citizenship except the state if it has a valid reason. 15. Right of asylum; if an individual is being chased/followed, they have the right to get asylum until the threat is over. 16. Right of petition; every individual has the right to organize a petition, if they collect enough votes the petition will be considered by the state. THE FINANCE SYSTEM OUR PLANS: The aim of the federation alpha is to build a nation that stays competitive throughout its existence, provides for its citizens and is always capable of growing and improving in order to provide a fun experience for every member. We start this off by focusing on the core of our nation, a capital city that we want to see become a meaningful spot and landmark in the Dual Universe history. Naturally, this will need a lot of hard work that we start of by gathering resources, what will likely fill our schedule for the first days and weeks. After this, the team would be split up into two separate groups one of them will be focusing on building spaceships to get off Alioth and the other one will need to continue mining resources. Once away from Alioth, we will search for a suitable location to begin with the building process of the capital. The first building of the capital will be the HQ, where everything will be managed from. Later on, we will start to build up different sectors like the market, storage and landing areas. For the future, there are naturally more projects, for example we planned to build apartments, roads, stores, a subway system and more. The military has also a role in this, it’s purpose is to protect the Federation Alpha, to fight the enemy, to conquer new land and even sometimes to explore. Morality: The Federation will be kind to everybody, but if we want/need something we will take it. As an example, if we conquer a territory where somebody lives, we will give its inhabitants a choice: they can leave without getting harmed or they can choose to become a citizen of The Federation Alpha and enjoy all advantages that the federation offers, which should be preferable for them. Jobs that the state will provide, will be well paid and the workers get a free living area in exchange for their work. Our priority is the well-being of our citizen, that everyone is treated the same good way. Farewell: Every opinion is welcome. Our current status is 100 members, I hope you consider joining us or just even talk with us. If you want to know more about this project, just join our discord. https://discord.gg/5meXpj7 Our website: http://ogy.de/FederationALPHA My team and I would love to answer your questions. Kind regards Ginger
  21. With Alpha 2 around the corner, you're going to need sovereignty.. NovaX has everything you need to allow you to play the game YOU want to play. Whether it's creating an eye catching skyline, building super efficient ships or just being part of a growing community, NovaX can cater to your needs. Based on the doorstep of a market place, you will never need to go far to get the parts you need. Proven team players are trusted with right to access parts bins which allow you to craft whatever you heart desires. We have skilled architects working on massive construction projects, from Sky Base, a massive floating enclosure complete with a rooftop landing pad 1.3km from the ground level, able to accommodate huge AGG ships, a 4 floor command center where you can set up your own office space to display your metadata, several luxury apartment suites and (TBC) a complex and comprehensive factory system, providing the org with all it's essential needs. U-storage will provide all your storage needs. Oh.. and members get free access to the Smutt Club. You'll have to see it to experience it. We have an active player base with members spanning from the West Coast of USA, through Europe and reaching as far as Japan. This provides protection 24/7 and keeps the org running at a smooth pace. We have efficient mining methods, complete with experience lead miners and pilots to take you as far as you can want to go. Departure boards specify when pilots plan to leave and where they will go. Res nodes available to all will allow you to teleport to a planet on arrival, meaning you won't have to endure the multi-hour trip if you don't want to. Our New Player Assistance program will give you all the information you need to become a driving force in the game, and the ability to play in a safe, social and self-developing environment. Check out our org page here and we look forward to receiving your applications. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/novax/ https://discord.gg/ZbCv3fM Join our discord and join the growing community that is NovaX Actimist
  22. Aeonian Federation "The light in the ever-expanding dark" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview: The Aeonian Federation (AFED) is a federation-based organization. We strive to promote an environment of peace, prosperity, and support for our citizens and our member states. After our merge with the DUA, we have done some major restructuring regarding our citizenship, divisions, and organization membership. AFED is made up by two major sectors: the Civilian Sector and the Government Sector. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Civilian Sector: The Civilian Sector is made up of all of AFED's citizens. Citizens receive the full benefits of membership within AFED and can participate in any AFED-sanctioned events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Government Sector: The Government Sector is made up of the 5 Divisions within AFED. Government staff receive increased benefits, can participate in AFED-sanctioned events, join an AFED commission / committee, and can propose programs to the Directorate. Membership within the Government Sector is not mandatory, but there are incentives to join the Divisions, which are as follows: Division of Internal Affairs Division of Foreign Affairs The Industrial Division Division of Public Relations The Aegis Division Each Division is open to staff applications and each offer their own set of perks and benefits. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Member States: AFED also offers a membership option for organizations looking for economic support, security, etc. Organizational Membership within AFED is extremely open and not infringing on said organization's sovereignty. The only requirement for membership is the Non-Aggression Pact held between all of AFED's member states; which allows us to ensure that we deliver on our promise of a peaceful and prosperous environment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recruitment: AFED is always looking for new members; and we have something for everyone. If you are interested in joining AFED, please visit our Discord and our Community Portal (both linked below) to get in contact with us. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: Discord - https://discord.gg/5mHbNR9 Portal - https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/aeonian-federation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure Graphic:
  23. The Republic of Unified Stars is a new organization looking for members to build with. Check the description if you are interested! The organization will offer many opportunities to grow as a player and an organization - Choose your own path! Don’t be held down by the restrictions other leaders may put on you, become what you want to be - Become part of something bigger than yourself, it’s a vast galaxy, don’t go at it alone! (Available Jobs) -Grand Admiral A very exclusive merit based role that the president will determine. Share the role of commanding the fleet with the President to ensure victory for the Republic of Unified Stars! - Governor RotUS (Republic of the Unified Stars) is a democracy/merit based political system. Work your way up to earn a spot in seat of political power - Military Strategist Determine strategies best suited for circumstances to ensure victory! - Captain Command your own battlecruiser with your crew. A merit based role -Pilot (Squadron leader) Work your way up to Captain through gaining flying hours and command time -Economic Analyst Got a knack for economics? Serve as an analyst to determine the best use of our goods and better the economy within RotUS -Pilot (Wingman) Enlist in the Space force and help defend home from any potential threats -Trooper Flying too complicated? Don’t worry you can earn your merit and raise through the ranks as a soldier on the ground, or infiltrating enemy spacecraft -Engineer Develop revolutionary ship designs for the fleet, or just improve quality of life in the capital, wherever your imagination leads you -Medic Ensure the population of RotUS is sustainable through medication - Worker Every Organization needs a working class, youre a vital component to the organization! More jobs will be created with the growth of the organization If you are interested you can join the discord server https://discord.gg/bXYDfHh
  24. (This post will get updated with personell needs from time to time) Want to be a part of a close knit team that shares your interests and focus in Dual Universe? Bladesin Mercenary Corporation is building more squads! We need a total of [46] new people in Bladesin! | Quality people over Quality players, you want a social group to play with? Hardcore gamers that are online all day every day? Then come over to our discord server. | We are a politically neutral Para Military group. We do mercenary and freelance work for the ones in need of an extra hand. Does it interest you to be a part of a small, tight-knit group? We provide it. Do you want a space free of toxicity? We provide it. Do you want to be challenged as a gamer and a person? We will do that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What will you get? -Adapted training for your in-game role -A team/squad of people to play with within your division -Full support in your endeavours, in game and in life -A space free of discrimination, sexism, elitism, where you can be yourself -As we are still very much a growing organisation and Community, a lot of seats are open, down the line you have a high chance of filling one out. If you are fit for it. -Community Game sessions (some of which are streamed on Twitch) Tons of awesome fun and laughter with amazing people with brilliant minds, a great sense of humor and the biggest hearts ever seen. | What Divisions and regions need you as reinforcements right now? -Crafting and Science (Building and coding) NA: 4 players -Mining and Gathering (Prospecting and mining) EU:3 Players NA:6 players -Logistics (transport and storage management) EU: 1 Players NA: 1 Player -Military ( Ground troops and Pilots) EU: 4 Players NA: 9 Players -Trade (Profit driving Trade and rare resource procurement) EU: 2 Players NA: 2 players -Communications (recruitment, contracting and content creation) EU: 6 Players NA: 12 Players What is expected of you? - You will automatically join the Gaming Community Bladesin Gaming - Follow our Codex - As you join you read the Codex Summary, and after you've been accepted you are expected to learn the whole thing over time and do everything you can to live up to what it means to be a Bladesinner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COME TO OUR DISCORD TO JOIN] | Bladesin Trivia What kind of people are we? | A mix and match of gamers that are also entrepeneurs, soldiers, teachers, streamers, dreamers, students and so on. We share a common desire for a hospitable online community that takes care of each other instead of hurting each other. Mutual respect and a clear chain of command drives us forwards. We have extremely high standards of behaviour and if they are not met, there is a chance you will be asked to leave becuase of it, the reason for this is simple: - We provide a certain type of enviroment online for our members, toxicity of any kind is met with a 0 tolerance policy. - We welcome all decent human beings, we dont care what gender identity you have, sexuality, disabilities, alt life styles, none of that matters to us in any other way than we accept you for wh oyou are, as long as it does not hurt others by its nature. Trauma is met with respect here. | Honor - Duty - Dedication | These three words are our mantra, however you live life outside of Bladesin, with us, this is what we do. Honor Not to be confused with pride. Honour is a standard of behaviour that means you don’t humiliate others, you don’t demean them. At the same time, you stay true to your values and your integrity. You don't let others trample you or what you stand for. Duty If you say you will do something, you do it. You follow the chain of command and you do your best to be a useful member of Bladesin. In exchange, Bladesin does its best to be useful to you. That is Duty in Bladesin. Dedication Commit to Bladesins agenda as a member, be active, inside and outside of games. Always do your best, be loyal and in exchange, you will have the same from Bladesin. That is what Dedication is in Bladesin. This means you aspire to inspire. That is Honor in Bladesin | For more in depth explanations, please refer to our Codex which is found in our Discord Yu can also go to our Website to learn more about us.
  25. LOOKING FOR 2 ADDITIONAL MEMBERS TO COMPLETE THE FOUNDING COUNCIL AND DEVELOP AN ORGANIZATION... With the r0.15 updates on the way and PvP around the corner, Org affiliation will become imperative as gameplay evolves for us all. As a Founding Council member you’ll play a vital role in: -Establishing a base and laying the ground work for the colony -Implementing security measures & partnership agreements -Determining the most profitable industry for operations and the long term direction of the colony If you’re looking for more than just playing a role in someone else’s Org, here’s an opportunity to build and develop your own. The Alpha Colony https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-alpha-colony
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