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  1. Who we are The goal of Unexplained Atomics or Atom for short, is to create a PvP first corporation. PvP first means all decisions for the corporation will be made with the goal of improving PvP capabilities and creating content. Atom will be made of skilled, and passionate individuals who enjoy playing Dual Universe coming together in the pursuit of improving their skills and the pursuit of content. What we do Atom members spend the day improving their standing in the universe and honing their skills. To accomplish these goals they work closely with one another and share information freely. They spend time testing aspects of the universe and provide quality feedback to the developers especially on the aspects related to PvP content. While Atom members are soldiers they have their own pursuits that aid them in their endeavors. Atom members build and fly the best ships, Create the most wealth, and the most functional software. Main Organization Activities Wars Mercenary Contracts Transport escorts Security Contracts Main Member Duties Gunners Pilots Repair Crew Ship commander Fleet commander Support Activities Manufacturing Trading Mining Diplomacy More PvP Development Why join Join If you like PvP and want to work with other like minded people to improve your PvP skills. This includes PvP theory crafting, ship building, and PvP practice. If the Who we are and What we do sounds good to you then you are probably a good fit. How to join If you want to PvP and join an organization with a focus on it then we probably want you. That being said there are currently two requirements for joining. The interview The interview is the first step in the process. Its main purpose is to weed out lazy spies and get a feel for if you are genuinely interested in PvP and Dual Universe. Need help with the Journey or have another question? Join our discord https://discord.gg/bYc2ZBA Organization Link
  2. So You can no longer control warp drive with Lua Apparently it was because of emergency jump systems people made to avoid being pirated while hauling long distance and going afk and it was unfair for pirates. I believe the change is stupid because now it's unfair for everyone else but pirates, you have a warp drive and you can't even use it to run away? So here I'm suggesting my solution: Add jump calculation timer to warp drives. The timer should last like 1 minute or 90 sec, not sure how long, that time will have to be balanced. During jump calculation players cannot change their velocity (so cannot thrust or brake, however should be allowed to rotate), if they do the countdown will be canceled. Introducing that timer would make it most fair for both sides, it would give pirates a window to catch the hauler and fire on it (and that activates combat cooldown that is already in the game) and if the pirates are not able to catch the hauler in time it will jump away. And ofc make it possible to initiate that timer with Lua, you shouldn't except people to non stop sit in front of the PC during let's say 90 minute flight between planets.
  3. Idea: Deployable (some sort of re-scoopable static construct?) warp disruption area generators which cut the warp of ships short and stop them, if those ships enter the disruption area during their warps. Very similar to those we see in Eve. This idea is mechanically very applicable to Dual Universe given the game's current warp mechanics. Why: - A balanced sandbox game ecosystem needs non-consensual PvP. The kind of PvP that's not occurring between parties mutually agreeing to PvP. But the kind of PvP that's between pirates and prey, where at least one side (the prey) actually wants to have nothing to do with the said PvP. The prey has profit-based motivations such as hauling, mining, and so on. Then there should be people hunting the prey. And people hunting the pirates. A successful sandbox ecosystem thus finds a sustainable balance between these parties, where neither side's gameplay is neither too oppressive nor impossible; and there is meaningful play and counterplay for both sides. - The current PvP iteration in DU has extremely minor opportunities for this kind of PvP. These pertain to seeking content in travel pipes between planets. And these sources will be diminishing once players progress in the learning curve, because it's extremely easy to avoid this kind of PvP as the prey side. And most importantly, once warp drives become more and more prevalent and common, they will hit the final nail as warps occur from a safe zone to a safe zone. Thus, warps need counterplay. How could they be balanced?: - The extent of the disruption zone can be balanced at the right window. Say if you are warping from the top of the Alioth Market Zone to Jago, you might get caught as it's a hot zone which pirates might be camping. But the same generator will not catch you if you move on Alioth 40 KM away from the markets at a 90 degrees direction, and start your warp there. I'd say 30-40 KM is good radius to go with. Thus, avoiding hot paths between planets during warp would be one counterplay (it's already super effective during conventional space travel). - The zones can appear in radar, and thus giving people at the landing side a chance to conduct recon and warn their friends before their warp. - It can take time to deploy and scoop the generators. - The generators can be drastically costly, heavy, and be attacked/stolen. Thus forcing the pirates to "ante-up" if they want to catch people, opening up further conflict opportunities around the generators. - The generators may not be deployed X SU within the distance of a non-PvP zone.
  4. To build a large space city for an org it would require massive amount of space cores to restrict other random ppl of placing a core and building a cube in between their assets. And if there will be some defense mechanics like planned with regular TUs (only the most outer ones can be attacked) this will create an opportunity for big orgs to build a somewhat-safe trade/military/other outposts in the wild space
  5. Rimezx

    Radar jamming

    The idea is adding radar jamming elements for ships to use. How it would work: A ship fires its radar jammer and it stops all ship radars with in range from functioning of a limited time. The radar jammer should have a limited range less than maximum radar range and also a cooldown. The ship that had its radar jammed cannot get jammed again for an X amount of time. (this is to prevent having multiple jammers/ships and using jamming in rotation to get away). This would make pvp much more interesting and less decided from the start. It would give the player a mechanic to outplay the opponent after the engagement. You could change course rapidly, brake, accelerate within jam time to change the course of the fight.
  6. Idea: Each ship is assigned a "signature radius" based on X * Y * Z of their cross section. This value isn't only tied to hit/miss formula, but also to radar detection range, identification speed, and lock speed. Then create a bunch of exotic voxels as "stealth coating". Ships with this coating have a bonus for significantly reduced signature radius, and are "stealth" in the sense of the word that's used for real-life aircraft, thus creating a stealth class in DU. As in other games involving stealth features, the voxels should have their adequate weaknesses. Why: These are two ideas bundled together. In earlier threads I suggested that to fix the borg cube meta, NQ should integrate cross section to the hit/miss formula. I'm glad they are going that way. I think one step beyond this would be introducing a signature radius value for every dynamic construct based on their cross sections. The signature radius value going into not only hit/miss but also radar-related formulas further demotivates the borg cube. It also creates more opportunities like stealth ships. Many MMO's have "stealth" classes where the idea is choosing who you fight with, engaging and disengaging easier; with its own downsides. Eve Online carved a really good place for stealth ships too. I think DU has a potential here with a concept of ships "suddenly appearing on radar with a surprise attack". Better yet, they do not really need to 'cloak' like Eve. They just need to have reduced radar detection ranges, like real life. One opportunity to implement this is introducing a "stealth coating". The game would create great design opportunities by introducing honeycomb material with radar-resistance and stealth technology. The game would calculate how much of your ship is covered with stealth voxels (sort of how dimencia's hud calculates 'structural integrity'), and provide a bonus to reduce radar detection (the default 2 SU detection, not 'identification') range based on that value; thus creating a class of stealth ships which can be used for surprise attacks. How Can They Be Balanced: As in all other games, stealth class should bring in its own achilles' heels. Like in many other games, this can come in the form of HP weaknesses, and stealth cover diminishing upon engagement. - Stealth coating drastically reduces the amount you can carry in cargo containers -prevent stealth freighters-. - Stealth coating not only has low hp, but also drastically reduces the hp of all voxels of the ship -so you can't "tank" a ship and also use stealth coating on top of it-. - Stealth benefits disappear upon firing guns or identifying a target -no untouchability when actually engaging-.
  7. Regarding this announcement: this particular scenario: and this future feature: Will the floating container stay forever? Will a player "killed" by force-respawn leave a floating container? Depending on this, players will probably build castle moats as trap holes around their bases/tiles. What if everybody does that around the districts? If beeing traped is an approved scenario for demanding NQ's help, should setting up such traps be forbidden by the rules? Is it bad to play this card? note: this is also valid for trap constructs with closing doors and detectors for example, should it be considered as griefing?
  8. Hello there. I've just noticed that Naunet has rebooted the forums, so I feel that posting feedback and suggestions would be worth it, since I couldn't go into deeper detail on the round table. The theme of this topic will be Constructs being too difficult to destroy. As it stands now, the main thing that governs how long a ship can survive being shot at is voxel mass and surface area. The current cube meta plays off of this. Consider this, everyone is currently using L weapons, weapons that are supposed to be fitting for battleships, yet people still struggle to destroy a cube, even worse a medium warship, and ultimately completely unable to destroy a large ship within reasonable means. Once the new updates fix weapon sizes to core sizes, people using smaller ships will struggle even more. Furthermore, large core ships will become more desirable, being reasonably indestructible and more potent in terms of damage output. If now we can predict that a large core vs large core battle will take several hours, a silly amount of resources and effort, to simply reach a stalemate, imagine what will happen when everyone has a large core battleship. It will simply become a waste of time, and completely only a war of attrition. Whoever can be bothered the most, whoever has the most time, whoever has the most voxel armour, scrap ammo and fuel. Paired with the already uninteresting gameplay, endless fights with large cores will be IMO the death of pvp, because at the moment people only pvp for fun, hell even if there were currently objectives I probably wouldn't bother spending hours for frustration. I do have a suggestion however, of which I believe many people are of the same mind. PENETRATION! Instead of nerfing and buffing things left and right, creating a confusion of balance, a different fundamental approach to combat should be used. Currently whatever weapon you may use, when hitting, creates a sphere of damage on whatever exterior location the RNG decides. With the currently used system, it is necessary to go through as much armour as the builder has implemented to cause any real damage to a ship. How does penetration work? Simple, when one shell loves another ship it'll do anything to get inside. instead of a sphere of damage, the damage model can be changed to a thin rod/cylinder. The goal of penetration is to deal damage to critical internal systems, throwing rocks at armour is a cavemans tactic. This will shift the balance of building a ship. Plating a ship with silly amounts of armour will no longer dictate how long a ship survives. Ship design will finally become important (ship design is not important ATM, slap on those voxels jimmy). Placement of elements will finally matter, internal design of the ship for easy access repairs will finally matter. However, this system can completely nullify the use of armour, balancing penetration will also be a struggle no doubt, but more depth and quicker more effective combat in DU is sorely needed. Use of armour can still be viable in such a way that the lack of it will be very disadvantageous for things such as missiles. A small bonus of armour penetration instead of mass exterior explosions is that, penetrations will leave less of a mark on the ships voxels. When you core a ship, you wont get something that has 0 voxels because you've had to literally destroy every block, and ships can keep retain their looks for longer which I'm sure some builders can appreciate. Indeed, much more is needed to introduce substance to combat. Like other things in DU, we lack tools to pvp. Fuel tanks, ammo tanks creating a hell of an explosion when destroyed, leading to more thoughtful placement of elements, more substance in combat. Emptying their contents when destroyed. Your ammo went off m8, GG. While penetration leaves less of a mark on voxels, it also leaves the surface area mostly intact in which RNG will have to pick from. Fights can still take a long time waiting for a luck shot on a core. The introduction of special ordinance, ship killing tools, will bring more tactics, less time however more involvement into combat. On that topic, lets suggest a basic ship to ship torpedo. Expensive, large, dangerous to carry (if exploded in your ship you get it's juicy effects), dangerous for the enemy, yet easy to counter. Torpedo's would only be viable when an enemy ship is down on its energy generators, that can no longer supply to its counter measures which prevent torpedo's from locking on. Torpedo's would have their own ammo racks, and own dispenser elements, perhaps one that looks like a turret, or one that looks like an inbuilt tube, to provide options for both aesthetics. I apologise for the bad organisation of information. I'm sure we can all agree that combat needs more substance, needs be more effective. We need more tools! And I hope that NQ can decide on a better fundamental approach to the mechanics. Sure their physics based damaged model is cool, but no one wants to be stuck in a 10 hour fight resulting in nothing. We need to use tools to pvp, not all of our time and resources.
  9. Dear NQ, you need to do something with using the resurrection node on the ship in PvP. Also need to do something with bug-users who use alt+f4 in warp jump or PvP. Here's what I suggest: Add cooldown and add the prohibition of the use the resurrection node in PvP. If you are locked by another player cooldown starts working for the entire crew on the ship. I think it's not normal that when you kill players, their ship stops because they died, and then they are respawn on their ship again.. This is easy to do: cooldown = false getData = radar_1.getData() enemylock = getData:match('"targetThreatState":[^0]') mylock = getData:match('"myThreatStateToTarget":[^0]') while enemylock or mylock do cooldown = true end Please upvote https://upvote.dualuniverse.game/suggestions/133027/cooldown-for-resurrection-node-in-pvp
  10. At this point, many of us realize the dangers of XS core sniper ships. For those that don't know, these are XS ships + Gunner seats that are typically equipped with something like a Space Radar L and Large Railgun L. I want to talk about the math and logic behind a scenario associated with these little bastards. Let's start with the math given a scenario involving an XS core sniper aggressor (A Team) against a fleet comprised of an M core freighter and and two XS core sniper escorts (B Team). A Team can lock and fire at the B Team freighter at a range of 160km. BOOM! That's a lot of damage! Of course, B Team also has XS core snipers as an escort so surely this battle is about to turn... right? Not quite. The B Team sniper could be an exact replica of the A Team sniper but unfortunately, B Team can only target the aggressor's XS core at a mere 40km. That's a big 'ole 120km difference between defensive and offensive distances (don't flame me on this comment just yet, read the next lines). While traveling in the big void of space this isn't too much of an issue. Logically, you could just have the escorts run 120km in front of and behind the freighter. The snipers could see and presumably handle anything coming up in front or approaching quickly from behind during tavel acceleration to 30km/h. But what about when there are aggressors spotted during the approach to the destination? Does the lead escort suffice in managing a flanking situation at the destination? The deceleration distance of freighters (even with a bunch of retro brakes) is measured in SU given the time it takes to slow down. We're talking several hundred km when our Space Radar L can only see out 400km. Is it too late at that point for the freighter to attempt an abort? Does the freighter just smash that WARP NOW button to zoom off to safely and say, "Several million in warp cells well-spent!" Does the freighter pilot just cover every spare inch of the ship with Retro-Rocket Brakes like he's making a pepperoni pizza at home? is this a moot point and none of this matters? Hell if I know. Discuss.
  11. Hello, This post is being put up and polled to get NovaQuark's attention regarding certain mechanics of the game that may or may not be intentional. After a fair number of PvP engagements in DU I've noticed that people are beginning to dive deeper into the cube meta of DU. As in construct XS/Small Core ships that are just a big brick of ridiculousness and large weapons. By maximizing the entire build space of a construct people will fill it with voxel and other essential elements to just power punch an enemy off the field. An effective strategy I must say. While it is not the only strategy in the game I'm trying to view this topic from a longer term or generalized view of the game (from my perspective... which could be totally wrong). NQ and even JC has envisioned people building amazing and powerful ships to traversing the stars and battling each other for one reason or another. However, people will tend to follow the meta until NQ makes a change that forces the crowd to take a different path. With the current stance of PvP, NQ will begin to see more and more ships produced that are just shoe boxes or cubes with no thought, effort, or design prowess behind the build. Without going into too much detail or some long drawn out diatribe, I've created a poll with: Is a simple yes or no Is an option selection based on some ideas I and others have had regarding how to kill the cube and force people to build actual ships instead of boxes. I'm asking for NQ to prevent this from becoming a thing by nerfing the cube meta and forcing people to have to build legitimate ships.
  12. ...the more voxels you have underneath, lets say by percentage of the building space filled, the weaker the protection. This way you aren't forced to make a cube anyway underneath said shield, or you could go voxel-free for a stronger shield, but would be in dire straights should they ever drop. I would like to think with proper balance, most people would be somewhere in the middle. This, of course, doesn't address other glaring issues like targeting distance based purely on core size, and L weapons on XS cores, but it's a start. Discuss.
  13. I get the sense that the rush of beta interest is starting to fade. Many people have gotten a taste for the game but now are starting to re-focus on real life issues. To keep DU sustainable long term, we have to look at what a game can provide to a player. 1. A sense of accomplishment: - this is fulfilled by the building aspect of the game and I think is well covered, no urgent needs here. 2. A sense of comraderie, friendship building, and belonging to a purpose greater than oneself: - while building large and or intricate constructs with a team can do this to some extent, I don't think it can be a primary motivator by itself. - hunting as a lone wolf doesn't satisfy most people long term, sure fun to try but that can fade away. For me, I would like to be part of a combat based team that can overcome high odds to prevail against a tough enemy, without stirring up a lot of negativity. Too much of that going on in the world right now. So, here is the problem: - Right now, PvP is architected around people stealing from other people and the defending against that. I don't think that kind of negative experience is going to help the game in the long run. For the pirate, it is a short term adrenaline rush but ultimately gets boring if it is too easy or repetitious. For the victim, they get tired of mining for a week and having it all disappear instantly along with their ship and they start to question their commitment to DU itself. What I think is needed: - A common enemy that is not only other players. Other players have real-life schedules and getting two large opposing groups to be online at the same time is not going to happen very easily. I don't think there really is any alternative to having swarms of low level AI bots protecting something that is highly desired by most PvP players. What is that thing that everybody wants? Is it treasure, rare ores, or bragging rights? Sure, but even more important is having an memorable experience - that's the real treasure. The swarms of low level AI bots are just the guards at the door, but the group that can prove they can work together to defeat them will get access to some real, story-based battles. Hire some real professional writers that have successfully published some sci-fi books and have them create content that is only available to orgs that can enter that zone. Now, what should naturally happen is that an alliance of orgs will try to protect access to those story-based rich hunting grounds, and other alliances will form to wrest control of that gate from them. Now THAT would be worth staying active in the game for.
  14. We can debate all day about if pirates flying XS cube ships with L Railguns have any class or not (spoiler: they don't, cubes are lame), but I think we can all agree that the current iteration of PvP has plenty of problems. Current Problems: Lock-on range is only determined by core size Some weapons have ranges that are greater than the minimum Lock-on range Weapons have no/minimal accuracy falloff with increasing range Weapons have no/minimal accuracy loss for high transversal velocities and accelerations My Proposed Solutions: 1: Lock on range needs to be based on different parameters. The current meta of L guns on XS ships is problematic, since S and M ships (even if they also have L guns) are outranged and don't even get an opportunity to fight back. I propose splitting lock-on into 4 separate "Radar" units: Radar - lock-on range based on sum of ship's 3 cross-sections (already calculated, and doing it as a sum encourages non-cube ships) Gravimetric - lock-on range based on ship's mass (already calculated, makes heavy ships easier to detect whether its cargo or armor) Thermal - lock-on range based on magnitude of the ship's maximum thrust in newtons (already calculated, makes ships with lots of engines easier to detect) Electromagnetic - lock-on range based on power capacity and shields (obviously only useful when/if those systems are added) Balancing the ranges from the 4 methods will take some trial and error, but overall it would make detection more "fair" by adding more control handles for NQ to balance. 2+3: Weapons being able to shoot far is very reasonable, and is really a necessity for the BVR combat caused by the velocities of ships in space. With the lock-on changes above, #2 becomes less of a problem. However, just because your weapon CAN reach that far, doesn't mean it should have great accuracy at doing so. Weapons should be able to fire when they are locked on, regardless of range (maybe missiles would be an exception to this), but should have accuracy falloff due to that range. Additionally, lasers should have damage falloff with range. I'd like to see the weapons rebalanced accordingly: Railguns - high accuracy, low rof, moderate damage Cannons - moderate accuracy, moderate rof, moderate damage Lasers - high accuracy, high rof, damage falloff at range (low damage at long range, moderate damage at short range) Missiles - moderate accuracy, low rof, hard cap range limited (high damage at short range) 4: Unless you are exactly in the target's flight path, you shouldn't be able to hit someone blazing past at 30k kph, aka "0.99c". Accounting for transversal velocity forces pursuers to match velocities in order to have high hit chances, not just reduce the distance. This means that weapons need a "tracking speed" property, so that some are better than others. While tracking speed should vary by weapon type, it should primarily vary by weapon size so that Large weapons have low accuracy at high transversal velocities. This solves the "the ultimate ship is the biggest ship covered in the most armor and cannons" problem, by making it hard for large weapons to target faster moving ships. While that can be overcome by adding a ton of engines to make "the ultimate ship" accelerate like a fighter, it will also drastically increase their Thermal signature thus allowing smaller ships to plink them to death from out of range. Additionally, if transversal acceleration and facing cross section were taken into account, small and quick ships like fighters would be harder to hit. Now some of you are going to say "but SGCam, that sounds a lot like the combat mechanics in EVE." And you are right, it does. But as with many things in DU that take inspiration from EVE, Lock+Fire combat is one of them. That system overall works pretty well for EVE, and the more granular and customizable nature of DU means that it can be even more effective here. I'm also looking forward to warp interdiction and tackling, but that would be a whole other post. Overall, the more complex the mechanics, the less all-around advantage "meta" builds have. They may be powerful in certain situations, and that's ok - as long as they are weaker elsewhere due to their optimization. Adding tradeoffs opens up the design space for more varied and interesting PvP, and will hopefully prevent us from playing "Cube Gank Squad 2020" going forward.
  15. Midgard is a private military organization that is aspiring to be self sufficient through our industry and design sectors while leading the system in innovative design while taking contracts from the highest bidders to fight against their competition. Want to be part of an organization that chooses its own path instead of falling in line with others? Look no further. We are currently recruiting all roles and are more than happy to help players in need when it comes to learning the game. Our discord server is available as well so hop in and see what we’re about! Some important details: -We are an English speaking organization and are operating out of NA, but anyone is welcomed to join regardless of timezone -We do have a soft cap on age, minimum being 18, but we can make exceptions so long as you can be mature. -We are now on Alioth and ready to shuttle new recruits out! Message me or join our discord to join! -Midgard will be looking to start receiving contracts from other organizations in the next week or two after we have built up our fleet appropriately to provide security or attacks for our clients. https://discord.gg/hxKW7PA
  16. EDIT: Sorry - due to a miscommunication at the printers - please contact "Kneemon Lyvania#4687". Thankyou ~ Management
  17. Introducing The Collective - The duality of human to match the Dual Universe.. Individual yet one. At war, yet peaceful. Orchestrated chaos, simultaneously simply complex. We are The Collective. Trade, Mining, Industry, PVP.. fantastic intriguing organisation! I have joined, but has the discord link expired? Any members of The Collective please DM/PM me the link so I can join the discord conversation. New members, we welcome you, join today! Thank you, A·E·TzUK
  18. Name: The Church of the Holy Wreck AKA: "The Wreckers", "Oh Heck, those Guys" Type: social group, PVP, Roleplay, Pirates, "non practicing believers" Membership: open and non exclusive Timezone: Open Language: English, but other language Branches welcome Website: under construction Discord: under construction Tenets of the Church of the Holy Wreck Wrecks are sacred. Make as many as you can. The Steel hungers. NQ staff are the Angelic crew of the Holy Wreck, and are there to help when you lose your ship. (After PVP is introduced) Join in Holy battle once or month (or more regularly) at the sacred Wrecking grounds. You don't have to come to all of them but you should try to make some of them. The Sacred Battleground will be designated once we know where the safe zones aren't. Try to convert others to the Holy Wreck or into holy wrecks, whatever is easier. Souls who flee Blessed combat are weak and their craft is not worth emulating the Holy Wreck. Traders may pay a penance to avoid their souls burning amid the steel. W! Greetings, my fellow Star Souls. (Makes the sign of the Wreck by describing a w shape denoting a ship bouncing off a planet followed by a closed fist opening indicating an explosion. W! is the text of this.) I am here to tell you about the Holy Wreck that crashed to save our souls and free us from our skins. Blessed be the Holy Wreck! W! The Wreck careth not about your base connections to other orgs, for the burning steel of the saviour loves all that lie in its screaming trajectory of peace. All the Wreck asks is that you recognise it has your one true God and you, from time to time, come and join us for family picnics, charity work and heretic burning. Being a forward looking Church, we have created several heresies for you to belong to, in case you are struggling to feel the dread love of impact. Each last Sunday of every Month, after Holy PVP has been instituted, Mother Church and the Heretics will meet at the Sacred Battleground to create Holy Ruin and litter the ground with our offerings of blood and ships. It's basically a free for all, demolition derby battle, (if only two sides show up it will be a miracle w!). Come and hone your combat skills in ships you don't mind losing. The only stipulation is that you leave at least one ship wreck behind on the battle field. The Official Heresies include; The Explodists: wicked folk who make the explosion symbol before describing the W. Their symbol is !W. The Graviticists: these infidels believe the important part of the faith is the gravity that caused the Wreck to hit Alioth. G! The Mechandrites: these philosophically feeble upstarts believe they are honouring the Holy Wreck by repairing the ships of strangers to ensure the Holy Wreck is the only wreck. Madness! M! The Wanderer Cult:. Thus frankly insane sect believes the holy Wreck bounced off Alioth and wanders the Galaxy looking for souls to crew it! W. Feel free to make your own cult, or stick to the Orthodoxy. It doesn't matter. The Holy Wreck knows all Star Souls and loves you all, even if you are burning on a stake. From time to time there will be an Holy Crusade where we convert non believers into wrecklets. Practically, this means we may decide to join in the wars of others on either side, or both. Donations to our Orphans and widow fund may sway us to one side or the other.
  19. Veteran owned and operated, politically incorrect and pro free speech, memelords extraordinaire, The Dark Star Imperium is a meritocratic empire. Meritocratic means is that if you put in the effort, you WILL advance in the ranks as we are a community built on teamwork. Strength that is defined by each member’s ability to work for the common goal as a group whilst also maintaining independence, autonomy, resourcefulness and honing their individual skill. Those who would take the time and effort to help others no matter the cause, that is what it is to be a part of a community / a family and not just some "Org". We specialize in faction PvP, engineering, and tech with all sections having countless veteran players across many similar games and Sci-Fi themed clans. However, we employ players of all playstyles such as Industrialists, Designers, Engineers, Merchants, Economists and even those who are more casual or love meta gaming. Our philosophy on all aspects is going above and beyond the competition by overwhelming levels. Strength not just in numbers, but in skill. Engineering feats not just in usefulness but with complexity. Since our arrival in Dual Universe we've strived to set the bar high in many aspects of the community. In doing so we've gained friends, made enemies and even achieved the emulation of those mimicking practices we've begun. We've faced skepticism, drama and even attacks on our community yet here we are despite it all proving our endurance and resolve. We always put our members and community first, we expect the best, and we give the best. Service guarantees citizenship! Please feel free to contact myself "Firestorm#2981" on Discord or check out any of the following links. Keep in mind if you do intend on joining our community we do require every new member to go through a one on one voice interview with one of our recruiters or community heads. Anyways have a good day and best of luck! Opportunity Awaits Discord Dual Universe: Org Page Recruitment Questionnaire Achievements & Awards DU - Imperium Lore Wiki
  20. Territory Control And Warfare A vision of how Territory warfare could exist in Dual Universe Preface Territory in Dual Universe can be claimed, but to simply claim territory that can be quickly mined out is not sufficient with how large planets are in Dual Universe and how expensive Territory Control Units could be. In this post I will outline a system that would encourage players to build and maintain territory units in a fair manner without requiring millions of people to be playing the game while being able to scale to millions of people playing the game. Expanding Territory Units The first concept I would like to introduce is the idea of territory units being able to expand to adjacent hexes. The Planets are very big and having 100s if not 1000s of TCUs to defend is bad gameplay for such a small territory. In this concept, a territory unit when placed would cover one hex, then if the territory unit was fueled it would over an amount of time expand to nearby hexes to either some limit, or no limit (more on that later). This makes TCUs more valuable to protect as the loss of one TCU could result in the loss of multiple hexes of territory, also making them a better target for the sake of territory warfare. What if expanding territory unit had no limit on radius? Lets say for instance you allowed any TCU with enough time and fuel to expand across the entire world. This is obviously in of itself not a viable solution and we need a new concept to balance it out. A concept called Claim Strength. The idea of claim strength is that a claim is strongest in close proximity to the claim and decreases as you get further away from the tcu. Starting at 1.0, then to 0.9, and eventually down to 0.001 at the extreme ranges. Then we restrict functions of the RDMS system to claim strength. For instance, in order to prevent PvP in your territory say you need that particular Hex to have a claim strength of 0.5 or greater, outside of that you still own the territory, but are not able to restrict pvp. Then we say that anyone can place a new TCU anywhere that has less than 0.1 claim strength. This would mean while you could, undisturbed take an entire planet with one TCU, it would be a very bad idea. Not only is there a single point of failure that would cost you the entire planet, but anyone can place new tcus down that challenge your control. Furthermore the more territory they control the more fuel they will take up, reducing in efficiency, thus each TCU has an optimal range. This also opens up the possibility of different TCU's with greats claim strengths that can push out further. Planetary Ownership Finally there is the concept of Planetary ownership which could yield its own benefits to whoever controls the most Hexs on a planet. The majority controller of the planet get's their organization's name on it on the map. and perhaps other low level RDMS benefits or resource benefits. The overall idea is that the more land that we can claim the faster territory warfare can be in the game, and thanks to Claim strength in the beginning anyone who can build a TCU can join in claiming territory. This adds to the value of attacking Tcu's that are taking up too much territory without completely forcing everyone under someone else's rules in rdms.
  21. As with all empires, they start with little more than a spark. And so the spark has been ignited, giving birth to the Gaveen Empire. We aim to be known throughout the cosmos, focusing on all aspects of life ranging from simple mining expeditions to complex territorial wars. We aim to explore, gather, create, build, fight, and conquer. There is no limitation to what we will be able to accomplish. There is no time like the present. Though the empire is in its infancy, it will be in its infancy only once. Not is the time to join and be here from the beginning. Learn with the empire and progress as one. The Gaveen Empire will hold multiple divisions specialized in different areas of expertise and interest ·Mining Division -This ragtag group of individuals spend their lives beneath the ground in the darkness. Nothing beats the feeling of finding that fresh new source of ore for the empire. But before you go thinking they are just a bunch of Neanderthals with a mining tool, just remember the wealthiest of the empire started here. · Manufacturing Division -Working with machines may frighten some, but these individuals have found value in crafting the most exquisite items. They work closely with the mining division to help provide the empire with anything it may need. · Building Division -Do you enjoy building vehicles? Building structures? A rocket? How about a multi-functional battleship to patrol the empires most precious territories? These are the builders, and though we may normally go throughout our days not thinking about it, sometimes we just have to sit back and marvel at what they have been able to build. · Exploration Division -Crafting? Fighting? Why in the world would I care about that when I can explore the universe? The question may seem odd to most, but for this group this is all that matters. -From finding new planets to settle, or finding unique locations in the cosmos, these individuals love, even obsess, over seeing everything the universe has to offer. · Officer Division -These are the empires elite. They have proven their loyalty to our cause and have devoted themselves entirely. -Only those invited can join this elite division. · Spy Division -Classified. · Crew Division (PvP) -There is no more tight-knit division than this. They live together, and they die together. This is the division for PvP, waging war out in the cosmos. They may go on scouting missions, territorial expansion missions, or go to all-out war. -If you want to look the enemy in the eyes while they have you in their crosshairs and decide to live anyways, this is the division for you. Together, there is nothing we can’t conquer. We are accepting all applications. Please find us in the organization tab, or send a friend request to Galactic_Ruin (game name). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
  22. The ability to strike a ship with lightning, temporarily shutting off it's controls.
  23. Pushing the boundaries of technology. Paving the way for tomorrows solutions. "We are committed to bringing the greatest value to our customers, by providing them with great services at affordable prices." Kronos Galactic Industries Metadata: Organizational focuses: Core Values: Languages: English (primary) - Ship building and design - We perpetually strive to increase our Timezone: All (global membership) - Research and Development efficiency throughout our Discord: https://discord.gg/MtNZMUN - Architectural design organization; by consistently - Resource discovery, mining, and management improving our performance and - Employment of all skill sets and skill levels optimizing our practices. Organizational Structure: Kronos Galactic Industries Management: Promoting Success The Chairman of Kronos Galactic Industries is the Chief Executive Officer of the organization and presides over the board of directors. The board of directors in turn is made up of the departmental heads who are in charge of the organization's departments, as well as advisors and the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Operations Officer. The combined board of directors is responsible for the efficient running and oversight the organization as a whole and the divisions found within. Organizational Divisions: Our Structural Skeleton Kronos Galactic Industries is made up of multiple departments in which our organizational operations are divided for greater efficiency. Each department is lead by a a department head who is responsible for all aspects of their respective department ensuring personnel are productive, and satisfied. Each department head is given the freedom to create subdivisions in their department whether to tackle unforeseen challenges or to further increase departmental efficiency. Major Departments: Ship Production & Design: From mighty warships, to humble transport vessels the ship production and design department does it all. Building the ships of tomorrow and creating blueprints that are constantly on the cutting edge. Architectural Design: The architectural design department draws designs for structures, whether they are mining stations found in the lonely depths of space; or offices, and HQ's found at the heart of a thriving metropolis. They construct blueprints for our clients to express our clients' natures and ideals to their public. Research & Development: Research & Development are the thinkers and the dreamers of Kronos Galactic Industries. They are tasked with developing newer methods of construction, and more efficient processes required to keep our organization at the forefront of technology. Resource & Material Management: Resource & Material Management searches for, secures, and exploits material deposits found across the galaxy. Once the materials are bought or mined, this department will refine and process the materials as needed for either sale, or use within the organization by the other departments. Logistics: Logistics is responsible for the tracking, selling, transporting, and storing, of all Kronos Galactic Industry goods, as well as predicting the resource allocation needs for the entire organization. Logistics analyzes the figures to distribute needed resources to the many construction bays and stations of our organization and to the markets where our goods and products need to be sold. The logistics department maintains competitive pricing at all open as well as private markets, and provide feedback on market trends to optimize sales. Human Resources: Human Resources safeguards our organizations life blood; It's employees. The department of human resources is responsible for the continued happiness of our workforce by making sure that they are satisfied and fairly compensated for their hard work. It is the job of human resources to make sure that any arguments between parties in the organization are resolved and that moral is maintained. Security: The security department and it's sub-divisions is tasked with the protection of all asserts within the organization against threats both internal and external. Whether they are protecting our physical assets such as organization ships, or protecting our factories and HQ's, or protecting our intellectual property and information. The security department has absolute authority to do what it takes to protect the organization and answers only to their department head and the board of directors. Public Relations: The face of Kronos Galactic industries; the Public relations department are the people whom our customers meet with generally. Whether a client is making a sale to our organization, or buying the latest blueprint from within our offices; this department ensures that business and meetings between parties run smoothly. Now Hiring! Kronos Galactic Industries is now hiring! If any of the above departments interest you, If you feel that you fill one or more roles listed above or have good ideas, please apply! (Senior Executive and Corporate level officers are selected from members demonstrating singular allegiance to Kronos Galactic Industries.) We don't exclude anyone based on nationality. If interested please join the discord link: https://discord.gg/MtNZMUN
  24. What if when AvA PvP is released there is craft-able parts like helmets, gauntlets, jet-packs and other accessories that can be crafted and customized that players can add to their avatar to make custom armor and suits? Obviously like materials the accessories would drop when the players were killed so no one would be to op with what they have on their avatar but it could give players more customization of their avatar. Another feature could be that the accessories could be colored separate from the avatars suit so not everyone's avatars looks the same if they have the same color avatar. Please comment your thoughts.
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