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Found 3 results

  1. The complexity and expense of TU's will basically limit their use to large-ish organizations which will lead to political borders as in RL. But will there be some mechanicism that allows "private ownership" of land? That is, if an organization wants to rent out smaller parcels of its 1km TU to individuals or companies (e.g. a government allowing private land ownership within it's borders), what might that look like in-game? It seems like there should be some kind of mechanism that facilitates that, right?
  2. It's been confirmed in the kickstarter AMA part 2 that safe zone territory will be claimable: What are the gameplay implications? Obviously the safe zones will be super valuable, but they won't be able to be fought over; only sold, right? Which means that the prime objective of all the starting players (with half a brain or more) will be to claim territory within the starting zone to either use strategically or sell to the highest bidder down the road. If the seat of a certain government is within a safe zone, can it ever be overthrown? If two orgs are at war and both are located within safe zones (possibly even the same safe zone), I suppose it could only become a war of attrition where they try to choke out each other's exterior supply lines? I'm just trying to fathom how this mechanic will affect societal development and organizational competition...
  3. One thing I don't like in games is where your body essentially becomes a bag for everything you pick up. I'm thinking that NQ might institute a system where you can carry some things in external bags (perhaps almost bottomless ones like you see in the movie Ultraviolet) or perhaps mini-transporters where you can transmit only small, inorganic objects to a local base. I like the idea of things getting as close to "reality" as possible. I suppose if it were done in bags, then there'd be the possibility of stealing things.
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