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  1. Hello, I have a idea proposal for some economic interaction. I suggest a semi automated method for farming and or resource extraction. The method in mind would tie into other commodities increasing player to player economics. The nature of mining ore gathering, or mass producing items is usually fairly tedious and not much fun after you've harvested your 10,000th row of corn or zapped your 1,000,000th chunk of iron. So as a side career path to you being the biggest baddest space pirate you also want to grow asparagus, but you dont actually want to get dirt on your hands what you actually want is to market asparagus. What if you could hire workers controlled by a basic artificial intelligence to do menial labor such as this. If the resources couldnt be spared for processing hordes of 3d models then perhaps the calculations for growing and harvesting ect. could just be crunched at specific tics - with just a handful of models for representation I was thinking of a tiered system each with its own advantages to suit player's tastes, interest's, roleplay factors, maybe even correlate to missions. Thus you will acquire some types of labor below, give an interface a command and some resources and allow it to start doing its thing. Maybe you tell it to automatically pull a certain resource from a specified container or your pack - or not. The most basic of the base to the most advanced. Lowest Slave Economy - Cheap cost-effective results Forced Labor - These guys dont work too hard, but you also dont pay them. Upkeep Costs Basic Foodstuff; Output Yields 75% Slaves - People that have no chance of escaping their bonds, they work hard because the alternatives are unpleasant.Upkeep Costs Basic Foodstuff, Wooden Housing 100% Indentured Slaves - They may not like it, however, for one reason or another they have signed or waived their rights to you and therefor they WILL like it . Upkeep Basic Foodstuff, Basic Housing 125% - 50% Chance 25%Boost Labor economy - Workers of the world, a chance for something better Entry Worker - Poor and unhappy these guys have little chance of advancing in society. Upkeep Low Wages, Basic Housing 100% Educated Worker - Unions and Educated workers, these guys have earned their due. Upkeep Medium Wage Apartment/Medium Housing 150% - 50% chance to produce and additional 25% yield. Superior Worker - Any number of men and women could apply to this field be they Genetically modified, Cybernetically Enhanced, or just a plain Genius. High Pay, Deluxe Housing 200% Yield 50% Chance of 50% bonus Digital Econ - Producing according the the \program\ Robotics - Programmed Machinery to perform labor. Energy, Machine Parts, 125% Autonomous Robotics- Machinery capable of re-configuring itself for greater task efficiency. Energy, Machine Parts, Computer Components 175% Sentient Nano-robotics - Machines networked and calculating, they live to work, just a grade below artificial intelligence they are aware of their own existence though they cannot fathom independent thinking rendering them unable to revolt against society. Energy, Machine Parts, Computer Components, Bio-Processors 225% Efficiency Slaves and robotics could be items placeable on the open market. whereas Workers from the labor type economy could possibly be hired from staff agencies / receptacles / or an Employment Agent NPC. To reiterate the effectiveness of the tiers if it is confusing posted the other way. Inputs/Needs Outputs/Efficiency 1 Food 75% 2 Food, Primitive Housing 100% 3 Food, Basic Housing, Clothing 125% 50% Chance of 25% increase 1 Low Wage, Basic Housing 100% 2 Medium Wage, Medium Housing 150% 50% chance of 25% increase 3 High Pay, Expensive housing 200% 50% chance of 50% increase 1 Energy, Machine Parts 125% 2 Energy, Machine Parts, Computer Components 175% 3 Energy, Machine Parts, Computer Components, Bio-Processors 225% The point to the Economy types, is that certain player or computer organisations might impose rules or regulations over an entire group. Thanks for reading, this idea is a bit rough, I hope you can see potential of it though; please feel free to expose any flaws you see in this concept.
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