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  1. " The Aether wishes everyone on the Forums a splendid day. We have been writing backstories that have been focused solely on the Aether and in a few parts, the Aether's allies will begin to bask in the lime light. However, we feel that keeping the lore to ourselves is in stark contrast to our values and principles of sharing with others. As such, we have come to a general decision that the Aether backstories be modified to reflect all organisations and activities within Dual Universe (from a role play perspective, of course.) It has been delayed but, war with the Mad men has been long in coming and it will be arriving soon. The "Mad men" are coined from the power hungry maniacs that seized the area surrounding the Ark ship in Dual Universe's original lore; the first of which you can find here. It would be nice to see how the Aether handles some war in the lore, and it will be a thousand times better to work with as many organisations as there are to create a story that is made by the Dual Universe community, for the Dual Universe community and with the Dual Universe community. This is an open invite and we greatly value your response; it's irrelevant if they are positive or negative. Should you want your organisation to be a part of this, believe that we could use your skill and ideas, or if you just want to help us a out a bit, please make your opinion and decision known below. We will get in touch with all of you. Till then, we wish you all a wonderful day. "
  2. Greetings, fellow Citizen! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Simon Volcanov and I am the CEO of the great Volcanov Corporation! What is the Volcanov Corporation, you may ask. Simply put, it is an organisation formed to become one of the largest powers in this universe! It is split into five departments: Mining, Surveying, Construction, R&D and Armed Forces. Each is lead by a Head of Department, or HoD, personally chosen by me. Let me introduce the departments to you. Mining: Gathering ressources is the foundation of our great company! Should you choose to become part of the mining department, your field of activities would include the gathering of ressources EDIT: Mining vehicles will not be a thing. While this might sound like the most boring and simple activity, it is the one which gives you the most freedom as an individual player. Surveying: Before we can gather the ressources, we have to find them! As a surveyor, this would be your job. Not only will you be able to contribute greatly to the Company, we will also provide with a free ship and guards, so that you can explore the universe to your delight. You have to report to an officer every once in a while, but this job probably offers the most freedom as part of the Company workforce. Construction: Are you skilled in the art of errecting whole civilizations over night? Then a job as builder might be for you! You would have to construct Headquarters, living spaces, mining facilities, factories, vehicles... basically the whole infrastructure. While this might be the job with the highest workload at first, after finishing the infrastructure you would be able to go about your adventures with access to alot of the companies ressources as a reward for your contribution. R&D: Designing new vehicles and constructions for the builders, putting together LUA scripts and analyzing them in the field. That could be your job if you decide to work for our R&D department. This job needs the hightest creativity and intelligence, but will be well rewarded with access to all the ressources and equipment you need to fulfill your dreams! Armed forces: Digging in the dirt for hours, piecing together a heap of trash to drive around in or thinking more than 10 minutes ahead are not your style? Then the Armed Forces might be for you! Equipped with the latest designs in vehicles and armory, your job would be to protect other members of the Corporation and its porperty, as well as securing locations with high amount of ressources. While the Volcanov Corporation is not interested in becoming a major waring party, an armed force to defend our Corporation is essential, plus we might even found a pirate hunting squad with the best pilots and soldiers as officers. After all, trading is one of the major parts of our Corporation and we can't have some lowly pirates endanger our profits. In the end, your own playstyle matters most to us and we would never force you into any activities. Whoever decides to join the Volcanov Corporation will be provided with protection, secure living quarters, equipment and vehicles. Check the Community portal for any questions and feel free to message me directly. We currently accept any application and have top positions to fill! Simon Volcanov CEO of the Volcanov Corporation
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