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Found 6 results

  1. When Panacea was dropped it brought along a long requested feature, player scrapping abandoned constructs at the marketplaces and districts. It triggered a seven day timer before players would be able to take over constructs left behind by others. The first wave of 'The Grand Haul' as I call it, has since come and gone. Players have since had time to take stock of their recycled stock, what did you get? The Darkquisition -to put my own personal twist on it- has officially surpassed 2.5kt of previously contained or otherwise dismantled goodies (#1). More still awaits on ships that I'll be taking home personally. Pictured are 2M, 4S, 3XS (#2). 2M are undergoing further repairs. No larges of course, predictably the markets were scoped out so I opted instead to make some active sweeps of the districts with a small stock of cores to claim what I could
  2. Bonjour NQ, Bonjour la communauté de DU. Oui mon poste va être en français pour être bien compris plutôt que d'éviter un Google Trad tout pourris. je laisse le soin aux Support/Dev FR de transférer aux équipes EN si besoin. Un gros sujet qui revient à répétition est le sujet des MARKETS qui font ramer surtout ceux d'Alioth et encore plus le numéro 6. Ce problème ne dérange pas 1% de la population de joueurs qui sont juste ceux qui ajoutes des cores dynamique encore et encore avec des pubs ou markets mobiles. Tout vaisseaux dynamique présent dans les tuiles APHELIA et inactif pendant un certains temps (à vous de choisir 20-48h? une semaine?) sera transformé en magique blueprint et déposé dans un "dispenser" ou "market unit" qui comme pour le retrait d'objets au market est personnel par joueurs. Cela permettrait ainsi un nettoyage propre des markets, l'arrêt de script tournants en boucle dans ses zones. Bonus: Organisation d'un concours par NQ à destination de la communauté (dernier challenge c'était la station spatiale il me semble) La construction sur un Core M ou L d'une "FOURRIERE" à vaisseaux . 1-2 mois de durée du concours. La plus belle FOURRIERE ou les plus belles seront utilisées et déposées sur chaque planètes par NQ et les dispensers seront posés dans ses batiments. Cordialement,
  3. some help NQ to develop a better way for the game to be player driven game play, so here it is. add a industry unit that does research of schematics, it does not require any resources only time like the talent tree. this idea will allow players to sell schematics and the market will flow between players rather than getting suck into NQ wallet which doesnt get used, because the ore is only getting used to sell to the bots you have and not for building anything by players which is destroying the game. it was a great idea at the time but now you are still losing players every day. back to the research unit, place the schematic for the unit itself on the market so people can buy and build it, allow the unit to see all the schematics available so players can choose to use the schematics or sell them to other players, that way the in game money circulates. allow players to have multiple of these so they can research different things they want to build or sell. obviously have different time scales for each schematic that it can make. Finally the last point and most important point is this allows for NQ to add new items to the game without having to put the new item on all planets and markets for a price, you just add it to the units list of schematics and the players will start researching it.
  4. I currently have to limit my market orders to the size I can handle as once the stack is larger then an empty nanopack, you can not retrieve the order anymore. Solution is to "park" a dynamic contract with a larger container near the market and use this as a linked container but workaround is going to turn the landing pad in a seaport container hub. So it is inconvenient, not handy to get the economy flowing please NQ, could you find a solution.
  5. Myriad is a social hub and marketplace for Dual Universe Players. At Myriad you can select quests, trade, and form new alliances before exploring the universe. We encourage our members to also join other organisations. Our focus is on creating an economic capital and this means that our owned territory will initially be limited to a single Marketplace/Social Hub Building. This Marketplace Hub will form the epicentre of a collaborative effort by many different organisations to create a hotspot of economic activity revolving around a single marketplace, Ours. When applying please include what you think you can bring to the organisation or why you want to join. Based on free market principles and Austrian economics, Myriad will function via decentralised command with members having extremely high autonomy and will seek to collaborate alongside each other for economic interests. We will not have a military presence, our strength comes from economic inclusion, if you break the non-aggression principle you may be subject to high trading fees or economic isolation. Member Benefits Zero Marketplace fees. Seamless access to marketplace; simply dock your ship, sell your goods, refuel, and leave in a matter of minutes. Non-Member Penalties None Members will be subject to a 10% Trading fee. Phase I - Our initial goal is to create a Home Base for Players, this will be a single Tower Structure forming the foundation of a city. This will be a great place for players to start their adventures in Dual Universe, having everything they need in close proximity. We envision a great tower structure with a Plaza, Ship Hanger, Marketplace, Quest Board, Courier Centre, and more. All completely player driven of course. Phase II - Start expanding outwards from our marketplace eventually creating a city. We will invite other organisations to create their own districts surrounding our marketplace which will be under the complete control of said organisations. Phase III - Franchisee Outposts on other worlds & Trading routes. Phase IV - CLASSIFIED. QUESTS Players will find missions via a Quest Boards and missions may include: Bounty Hunting Cargo Transportation Crafting Any other needs the market generates The users who generate and post missions may be concerned with who will carry out their missions. This is where our ranking system comes in. We will give an example based on cargo transportation missions below. Tier 1 - Player has not completed any cargo haul missions Tier 2 - Player has completed 3 successfully Tier 3 - Player has completed 10 successfully Tier 4 - and so on… If the cargo is particularly valuable the mission creator will have the option to require a pledge which will act as collateral to cover theft or space piracy. Pledge will be released on completion of the task. Each user will have their stats tracked eg. ( 94% mission completion rate, 94 successes, 6 failure to succeed.)
  6. Every member that joins before the public release of the game will go into the draw to win FREE DAC! CLICK HERE TO APPLY
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