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Found 2 results

  1. Hallo alle zusammen, aktuell sind wir ein wenig verdutzt und am verzweifeln was mit meinem System nicht stimmt Core: i7-8700K Ram: 16 GB Graka: 1050TI HDD-Festplatte Das Problem halt ist, dass mein Rechner grundsätzlich mit 96-99% Grafikkartenlast sowie 10 GB Ram läuft, die Festplatte wird auch mit fast 90% stark belastet. Der Prozessor tuckelt so bei 20% in aller seelenruhe hinterher und macht keine probleme. Nur durch diese Auslastungen ist das spiel bei mir öfters am Rucken und Puffern. Selbst der Ladescreen dauert bei mir meist 2-4 minuten (wobei sich das mit der HDD vielleicht erklären lässt) Insbesondere wenn er Constructe oder Objekte laden muss dauert das oft seine Zeit (bekannter Lieblingstext: "Pending Operation" oder "Loading Construct") Die Einstellungen im Spiel sind schon alle auf Minimum (bis auf Threads) Hat da jemand eine mögliche Erklärung woran es liegen könnte? Über hilfreiche aussagen freue ich mich natürlich Mit freundlichen Grüßen PandalasLP
  2. idea is simple. clean item looks shiny and attracts attention, and laod faster than other. if you want to show other people something fast, it must first load to others people. especially when traveling alot around world. idea is give to player points (to increase priorite loading items). first example i have 1000 points and i put 500 point on FRONT TURRET, 300 point on SIDE TURRET, and 200 points on BACK TURRET. when someone looks to base or ship turrets, first loads FRONT TURRET, second load SIDE TURRET and last load BACK TURRET and then finishing load other stuff that is not very important. other example if i want to sell ship i put all point on that ship and anyone flying near get loaded first this ship and they can look at it to decide they want it or not. ofcorse it is interesting if someone put points on himself he will have alot of points to attract other people attention. Sniper can see you first i mean it must not make 100% to control what will load first, but increase chance alot to load and show it first to other people. after some time points can decay and then you must agian come to put points on that item if you want. like in real life you come and look at items that important to you, clean them or maintain, make work properlly and look good. i want to add more in this idea. when im in forest using camouflage you cant see me in first fast look. you must look for me very intensive, it means im not loaded in your brains or your personal computer brains joke... maby system must somehow decide when you are right color to attract attention or you are almost invisible. maby in front of player where you looking loading items faster than in you back where you dont look. items load faster if you looking in them directly especially with points on it. Important to load faster where player looks + where clean points spent(item is clean not dirty JUST SHINING in your eyes). ? i know it is headache to add new things in game, but it just looks right for me. people can make tactics focusing other players attention to special things.
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