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Found 4 results

  1. Warp: -make it so you have to warp from 5-10 SU outside of the safe zone (excluding the 3 inner planets) and leave warp at a similar distance. this adds risk to warp unlike the current system where you can just reap rewards from. -make it so your warp bring you out to a random position. this adds variation to warping and still gives players a chance of not dying instantly after leaving warp. -add the ability to warp as a group. This will solve a problem if you have all of the same size core or don't want to bring a bigger ship to be able to warp multiple ships out. Core sizes: -revert the radar changes to how they behaved before .23. this is a controversial point but one I believe is necessary as it will add variation to what cores people use for PVP. -give a ship with 10 gunners on it a place in a fight along with a ship that has 1. Reasons to fight: -xs cores should be used for fun with your friends, s cores should be a cheap entry level, m's should be the main stream core size and L's should be what you pull out for a big fight that you need to win. The game needs central point to fight over that aren't near safe zones. This could be: -Asteroids (supplies the game with ore) -stations (could have resources on the station or maybe a double talent point buff for a week for the org that controls it) -more rewards other than a fun experience to take away from combat. Armour: -nerf voxels. voxel armour is insanely good for tanking damage and not too expensive. -remove build mode when in PVP (could easily be triggered along with the warp drive cooldown at the begging of firing). This causes players to keep regenerating their armour throughout a fight further more making it harder to kill an already hard to kill enemy. -give a reason to not pile on more and more and even more armour onto your PVP ships. add reason to have the fastest ship on the field and reason to be the tankiest or reason to be a hybrid variant. -fix element obstruction, I shouldn't be able to sink an element in voxels to limit the damage it takes. weapons: -close the gap between different weapon sizes a little. smalls may hit an L core 100% of the time but their damage is so negligible your basically tickling the other ship. -the new weapon types are a good step in the right direction but I want to feel as though I'm using a different weapon not a buffed/nerfed variant of one that already exists. Overall this is just a list of changes i would like to see and believe will be best for the game.
  2. Any chance you can make a video on how combat actualy works and looks like? I mean sure you vaguly described it BUT Id like to see some actualy fight action of fighter vs fighter and at least small cruiser vs a cruiser are there hitpoints on the ship? or is it like space engeneers where bits and pieces fall apart? How does it go with loot after ship explodes.... repairs? Do you repair your ship manualy or is there a shipyard.
  3. Hey, I'm PurpleAnt. I own the UDF(Universal Defensive Force). The UDF is partnered with the JSDF(Joint Syndicate Defense Force), the JSDF is the military branch of the Cinderfall Syndicate, the 4th biggest organization in the game so far. And we are working to expand our partnerships to other organizations such as SilverLight Ind. But what you might be asking is "What is the UDF?" The UDF is the SWAT of Dual Universe. Unlike branches of big organizations such as the JSDF or the TUSC(Terran Union Strike Command), the UDF ventures across the universe protecting client's ships/constructs and leaves behind claimed territory. The UDF is not an empire, and we do not have and do not take territory for ourselves, though if a client hires us to take territory, then that is what we will do. We will also fight in wars if the pay is high enough. Basically, the UDF is an army-for-hire. We also go on bounty hunts and hunt down known threats if there are no jobs open. Join, and find more info here
  4. We are a new private military organization now recruiting!!! You will start as a recruit, and work your way up. Our ranks are in order from lowest rank to highest, going from 1= lowest, 7= highest. Income levels increase per rank, to be determined. 1. Recruit 2. Lieutenant 3. Captain 4. Major 5. Colonel 6. General 7. General of the Army Apply now: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/sky-soldiers If any legion is looking for protection, contact me (username: Grafando). We will NOT provide protection to conflicting legions. We take a very small part in politics. More information can be found at the link I provided above.
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